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GraphQL Benchmarking Toolset


This repo contains four top-level folders, and a Makefile. This is the significance of each:

  • /containers: Has the docker-compose.yaml manifest for Hasura + Postgres 12. By default, Hasura is bound to localhost:8085 not to conflict, and postgres to localhost:5430. Feel free to modify these if you like. It also contains a SQL script for creating the Chinook database, and a bash script for loading it into Postgres as-configured.

  • /queries: This folder contains the code for benchmarking GraphQL queries. Two different benchmarking tools are used to get a better estimate. Autocannon, written in Node, and K6, written in Go (with a JS scripting API).

  • /subscriptions: Contains the code for benchmarking subscriptions (this contains it's own README and set of instructions, please see it for details).

  • /reports: The output of both JSON and HTML reports when running benchmarks goes here. It contains two folders, /k6 and /autocannon which each hold their respective report data.

There is a makefile in the root of the project, with a help command available. Running make without arguments or make help will prompt it:

❯ make
00README                       RECOMMENDED PROCESS: "make setup_containers" -> "make create_chinook_database" -> "make benchmark_all_then_serve_reports"
benchmark_all_then_serve_reports Runs benchmarks with Autocannon & K6, then serves their reports on http://localhost:5000
benchmark_autocannon           Runs benchmarks using Autocannon, outputs HTML & JSON reports per-query to './reports/autocannon'
benchmark_k6                   Runs benchmarks using K6, outputs JSON reports per-query to './reports/k6'
clean_reports                  Remove previously generated bench reports
create_chinook_database        Sets up Chinook database in Hasura for testing
do_everything_for_me           Sets up containers, creates Chinook database, runs benchmarks with Autocannon & K6, then serves reports
install_node_modules           Installs nodes modules for query dependencies
serve_reports                  Starts a webserver to display the output of Autocannon and K6 reports on http://localhost:5000
setup_all                      Sets up containers and then creates Chinook database
setup_containers               Sets up Hasura and Postgres Docker containers

The easiest path, as the recommendation states, is likely to run make setup_container, make_create_chinook_database, and then make benchmark_all_then_serve to see if any issues arise at one of those points. You can also run make do_everything_for_me and cross your fingers though.


  • Node
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Unix-based OS or Dockerize the setup/run in VM



The query configuration is done in a file ./queries/config.yaml. Below is an explanation of each setting:

# URL to Hasura endpoint
url: http://localhost:8085/v1/graphql
# (Optional) Headers object
  X-Hasura-Admin-Secret: my-secret
# Array of query objects
  # Name identifies it on the output reports
  - name: SearchAlbumsWithArtist
    # Duration is a timestring
    duration: 10s
    # Requests per second
    rps: 400
    # (Optional) Assert that the number of results returned by query matches a number
      results: 7
    # Query string
    query: |
      query SearchAlbumsWithArtist {
        albums(where: {title: {_like: "%Rock%"}}) {
          artist {
  - name: AlbumByPK
    duration: 10s
    rps: 400
      results: 1
    query: |
      query AlbumByPK($id: Int!) {
        albums_by_pk(id: $id) {
    # (Optional) Variables object, easier just to send direct queries
      id: 5


You can call any of the following to run benchmarks:

  • make benchmark_k6
  • make benchmark_autocannon
  • make benchmark_all_then_serve_reports

If you want to run the entire process of benchmarking manually, you can do:

  • make benchmark_k6 benchmark_autocannon serve_reports

After running this process, during the benchmarking, you should have gotten terminal stdout output like this:

Autocannon K6

And if you chose to run make benchmark_all_then_serve_reports, then finally it should be serving the finished reports on http://localhost:5000:

Output Web index

Inside of the autocannon directory, you should see several HTML files with query names, one per query, with reports like below:

Clicking on k6 will take you to the generated plot from the aggregate query data:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
