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HumidityProject compendium

Binder DOI License: GPL v3

A compendium of code, data, and author's manuscript accompanying the preprint:

Greg Chism, . Wiley Faron, Anna Dornhaus, Temnothorax rugatulus ants do not change their nest walls in response to environmental humidity. Preprint on bioRxiv, 02 July 2022

To cite this repository use the following:

Chism, G., Faron, W., & Dornhaus, A. (2022). HumidityProject (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software].

This compendium includes data found on the Zenodo repository: DOI


This repository is organized as a reproducible research compendium. Click the Binder button above to explore in an interactive RStudio session. Binder uses Docker images to ensure a consistent and reproducible computational environment. These Docker images can also be used locally.

File Organization

    ├── paper/
    │   ├── paper.Rmd       # this is the main document to edit
    │   └── paper.html      # this is a distill R package produced .html from paper.Rmd for electronic reading
    ├── figures/            # location of the figures produced by the scripts in R
    ├── data/
    │   └── RawData/        # data obtained from elsewhere
    └── supplementary-materials/
        ├── Supplementary_Figures/     
        |                   # supplementary figures for the main manuscript
        └── Supplementary_Tables/      
                            # supplementary tables for the main manuscript 
    R/                  # Run in the following order (also see associated
    ├── Humidity_Script.R
    |                   # R script used to wrangle the raw data, produce figures, analyses, and supplementary materials
    └── HumidPwrSim.R   # R script used to conduct all power analyses 

An Rmd notebook and associated pdf for the manuscript can be found in analysis/paper. This notebook produces a .pdf document in elsevier format. files are included in all subdirectories with explanations or contents related to the paper. It should also provide a useful starting point for extending and exploring these materials for other projects.

Or to explore the code locally, clone or download this repository into RStudio or your preferred environment and install the compendium by running devtools::install(). To install additional dependencies used only in formatting the figures, use devtools::install(dep=TRUE).