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Devoxx France 2022 University: GraphQL Federation

Through this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to build a federated graph using Apollo studio, rover and router, by building upon the Devoxx France 2022 CFP API.


(optional) create an account on

The demo can be done entirely in terminal if there are connectivity issues, but will be much nicer when using Apollo Studio.

Step 1: creating our first subgraph

git tag: step1

  • copy the template/ directory to speakers/
  • rename TEMPLATE to speakers in package.json, index.js and opentelemetry.js

We are creating a subgraph to expose data about the Devoxx speakers. It is available as JSON data in speakers.json. index.js contains the boilerplate code to create a subgraph. First, we load the JSON file in memory:

let data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../TEMPLATE.json'));

typeDefs will contain the GraphQL schema.

resolvers is the concrete implementation for the GraphQL operation we expose.

server is the actual server, that combines the schema, resolver and the JSON data as a data source.

For this demo, we use in memory data, while for an actual production implementation, we would use a datasource connecting to a database or another API, that can leverage a local cache.

To launch the subgraph, we need to create a valid schema. Looking at speakers.json, we will create a Speaker type with a few fields:

type Speaker {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String

Put this definition in typeDefs:

const typeDefs = gql`
type Speaker {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String

Start the subgraph (we use nodemon to get hot reload):

$ nodemon index.js 
[nodemon] 2.0.15
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
Enabling inline tracing for this federated service. To disable, use ApolloServerPluginInlineTraceDisabled.
🚀 Subgraph speakers running at http://localhost:4001/

If you open http://localhost:4001/, you will get redirected to Apollo Explorer, through which you can explore your schema and send queries:

As it is, the subgraph cannot do anything, so we will add an operation to get all the speakers:

type Speaker {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String

type Query {
  speakers: [Speaker]

And we can write the resolver for this operation:

const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        speakers: (parent, args, context, info) => {
            return data;

We can verify that it works with the following query:

query ExampleQuery {
  speakers {

You can perform the same operation with curl as follows:

curl --request POST \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --url http://localhost:4001/ \
    --data '{"query":"query ExampleQuery {\n  speakers {\n    firstName\n  }\n}"}'

Step 2: connect to the router

git tag: step2

We will now start using the router with our subgraph. Even with only one subgraph, it can be useful as a high performance frontend to validte queries, balance the load between subgraph instances, validate tokens, etc.

We need to create a supergraph schema from our subgraph schema. For this, we will use the rover cli:

rover will extract the subgraph schema through introspection with the command rover subgraph introspect http://localhost:4001/ > speakers.graphql:

directive @key(fields: _FieldSet!, resolvable: Boolean = true) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @requires(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @provides(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @extends on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @external(reason: String) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION


type Speaker {
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

type Query {
  speakers: [Speaker]
  _service: _Service!

scalar _FieldSet

scalar _Any

type _Service {
  sdl: String

To automate it, we create the supergraph.yml configuration file:

    routing_url: http://localhost:4001/
      subgraph_url: http://localhost:4001/
federation_version: 2

We can now run rover supergraph compose --config ../supergraph.yml and get the supergraph schema:

  @link(url: "")
  @link(url: "", for: EXECUTION)
  query: Query

directive @join__field(graph: join__Graph!, requires: join__FieldSet, provides: join__FieldSet, type: String, external: Boolean, override: String, usedOverridden: Boolean) repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE

directive @join__implements(graph: join__Graph!, interface: String!) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @join__type(graph: join__Graph!, key: join__FieldSet, extension: Boolean! = false, resolvable: Boolean! = true) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE | UNION | ENUM | INPUT_OBJECT | SCALAR

directive @link(url: String, as: String, for: link__Purpose, import: [link__Import]) repeatable on SCHEMA

scalar join__FieldSet

enum join__Graph {
  SPEAKERS @join__graph(name: "speakers", url: "http://localhost:4001/")

scalar link__Import

enum link__Purpose {
  `SECURITY` features provide metadata necessary to securely resolve fields.

  `EXECUTION` features provide metadata necessary for operation execution.

type Query
  @join__type(graph: SPEAKERS)
  speakers: [Speaker]

type Speaker
  @join__type(graph: SPEAKERS)
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

That supergraph schema can be loaded into the router as follows:

$ ~/dev/router/target/release/router -s supergraph.graphql 
2022-04-15T14:48:09.400042Z  INFO apollo_router::executable: apollo-router@0.1.0-preview.4
2022-04-15T14:48:09.439652Z  INFO apollo_router: starting Apollo Router
2022-04-15T14:48:09.533577Z  INFO apollo_router: listening on 🚀

Note: if we encounter connectivity issues and cannot use Studio, the supergraph schema can be generated at each step just like we did, and the router can reload it automatically if started with $ ~/dev/router/target/release/router -s supergraph.graphql --hot-reload

If we go to we will be redirected again to Apollo Explorer, and we can query the subgraph through our router.

Step 3 (optional): Opentelemetry

git tag: step3

If you downloaded Jaeger, the router and subgraphs can send traces there:


We need to tell the router to connect to Jaeger with this configuration file:

      service_name: router
        endpoint: default
~/dev/router/target/release/router -s supergraph.graphql -c jaeger.router.yml

We can see the traces at http://localhost:16686/

Step 4: connecting the router to Apollo Studio

git tag: step4

Apollo Studio is an online tool that receives subgraph schema updates, checks them for compatibility issues with existing clients, creates the supergraph schema, sends it to the router or gateway for live updates, and gathers telemetry from existing routers.

First, go to and create a key. Then go to and click "New Graph". We will name it "DevoxxFr 2022".

We can now publish our graph using the key and rover:

$ export APOLLO_KEY=<your key>

$ rover subgraph introspect http://localhost:4001 | rover subgraph publish DevoxxFr-2022@current --name speakers --routing-url http://localhost:4001 --schema -
Publishing SDL to DevoxxFr-2022@current (subgraph: speakers) using credentials from the default profile.
A new subgraph called 'speakers' for the 'DevoxxFr-2022@current' graph was created
The gateway for the 'DevoxxFr-2022@current' graph was updated with a new schema, composed from the updated 'speakers' subgraph
Monitor your schema delivery progresson on studio:

We then go to and create an API key for the router, at the Contributor level (we cannot use personal tokens in the router).

We can now launch the router and download the supergraph schema automatically. The router only needs the APOLLO_KEY=<router key> and APOLLO_GRAPH_REF=DevoxxFr-2022@current environment variables, and everything will be set up:

APOLLO_KEY=<your key> APOLLO_GRAPH_REF=DevoxxFr-2022@current router
2022-04-15T15:50:35.329515Z  INFO apollo_router::executable: apollo-router@0.1.0-preview.4
2022-04-15T15:50:35.337320Z  INFO apollo_router: starting Apollo Router
2022-04-15T15:50:35.755832Z  INFO apollo_router: listening on 🚀

Now, let's change our schema. The speaker entity can have a twitter field, so we will add it to the schema:

type Speaker {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String
    twitter: String

The subgraph will reload automatically, we can now run the publish script, the router will automatically receive the new schema (if we are not using studio, we can using the rover supergraph compose command), and we can get the new field from Explorer, or with curl:

curl --request POST \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --url '' \
    --data '{"query":"query ExampleQuery {\n  speakers {\n    firstName\n    lastName\n    twitter\n  }\n}"}'

Studio provides a changelog for our schema:

Step 5: adding a subgraph

git tag: step5

As we did in step 2, we create a new schedule subgraph from the template. For this one, we will extract the room slots from the wednesday.json, that indicate which session happens in which room, and when:

let slots = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../wednesday.json')).slots;

We define a schema for this subgraph:

type Slot {
    roomId: ID!
    slotId: ID!
    roomSetup: String

type Query {
    slots: [Slot]

This subgraph will run on the port 4002.

We update the publish script to combine our new subgraph (or add entries to supergraph.yml), and now the router can query both subgraphs.

The generated supergraph contains types and operations from all subgraphs:

type Query {
  slots: [Slot]
  speakers: [Speaker]

type Slot {
  roomId: ID!
  slotId: ID!
  roomSetup: String

type Speaker {
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  twitter: String

This room type is not very useful, and we see that the JSOn contains the talk data, so let's add it:

type Slot {
    roomId: ID!
    slotId: ID!
    talk: Talk
    roomSetup: String

type Talk {
    trackId: String
    talkType: String
    talkId: ID!
    title: String

Again, we publish and can immediately query the new field.

Step 6: federated queries

We notice something in the data format. The talk has this shape:

    "track":"Java, JVM",
              "title":"Daniel Garnier-Moiroux"
            "name":"Daniel Garnier-Moiroux"
    "title":"Spring Security - décodage et démystification 🕵️",

And in the speakers list:

        "title":"PHILIPPE ANTOINE"}

Maybe we can use that link field to join between the subgraphs, and go from a talk to its speaker?

We will define the schema in schedule as follows:

``graphql type Slot { roomId: ID! slotId: ID! talk: Talk roomSetup: String }

type Talk { trackId: String talkType: String talkId: ID! title: String speakers: [Speaker] }

extend type Speaker @key(fields: "link { href }") { link: Link @external }

type Link { href: String }

type Query { slots: [Slot] }

We use in our schema a `Speaker` type, we indicate that we extend a type managed by another subgraph,
the `@key` directive tells the router how to join.

We also need to define another resolver, for the `speakers` field in `Talk`:

const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        slots(_, __, ___) {
            return slots;

    Talk: {
        speakers(talk) {
            return => {
                if (speaker !== undefined && !== undefined) {
                    return {link:  { href: } };
                } else {
                    return {};

The speakers resolver will return a list of objects containing a Link, that the router can used to then query the speakers subgraph.

On the speakers subgraph side, we need to define the Link type and indicate the key:

type Speaker @key(fields: "link { href }") {
    firstName: String
    lastName: String
    twitter: String
    link: Link

type Query {
    speakers: [Speaker]
    speaker(id: ID!): Speaker

type Link {
    href: String

And the resolver:

const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        speakers: (parent, args, context, info) => {
            return data;

    Speaker: {
        __resolveReference({link}, _) {
            return data.find(speaker => speaker.links[0].href == link.href);

curl --request POST
--header 'content-type: application/json'
--url ''
--data '{"query":"query ExampleQuery {\n slots {\n roomSetup\n roomId\n talk {\n trackId\n title\n speakers {\n firstName\n lastName\n link {\n href\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n}"}' We can now request data spanning multiple subgraphs:

query ExampleQuery {
    slots {
      talk {
        speakers {

As curl:

curl --request POST \
    --header 'content-type: application/json' \
    --url '' \
    --data '{"query":"query ExampleQuery {\n    slots {\n    roomSetup\n    roomId\n      talk {\n        trackId\n        title\n        speakers {\n          firstName\n          lastName\n          link {\n            href\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n\n}"}'

Jaeger will show the queries chaining together:


No description, website, or topics provided.






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