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Gearbox testnet playground

This project contains bunch of scripts to deploy gearbox playground, which is collection of peer contracts (tokens, DeFi protocols) that emulate mainnet environment and are automatically synced with mainnet by a robot.


Playground can be deployed on testnet or on a local fork. Testnets (e.g. kovan and goerli) are configured in hardhat.config.ts. Environemt variables are required to make it work. Local fork is configured in hardhat network settings.

To deploy on fork run npx hardhat node to run hardhard local fork. Switch to another terminal window to run scripts against this network. Do not forget that your progress is not saved when you stop and restart the fork, so .progress.<testnet>.local.json should be deleted.


Set following environment variables your .env file (git-ignored).

Name Example Description
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY <api key> Etherscan API key, required to verify contracts
ETH_GOERLI_PROVIDER<api key> Node url for goerli network
GOERLI_PRIVATE_KEY <private key> Deployer private key for goerli network
ETH_KOVAN_PROVIDER<api key> Node url for kovan network
KOVAN_PRIVATE_KEY <private key> Deployer private key for kovan network
ETH_MAINNET_PROVIDER<api key> Node url for main network
ETH_TESTNET_PROVIDER https://<testnet><api key> Node to fork local hardhat network from
ETH_TESTNET_BLOCK 7373000 Optionally set fork block number, this helps with getting same addresses every time you restart the fork.
TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY <private key> Deployer private key for local hardhat fork
TESNET_SYNCERS <address>,<address> Comma-separated addresses that will be allowed to use Syncer



  • Well-known address of WETH on target testnet should be set in @gearbox-protocol/sdk
  • Addresses of UNISWAP_V2_ROUTER and SUSHISWAP_ROUTER must be set for target testnet in @gearbox-protocol/sdk

Use --network localhost flag to connect to running hardhat fork. Use --network goerli to deploy on goerli. Use --no-compile to skip contract compilation on every script.

  1. npx hardhat run scripts/syncerDeploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Deploys syncer. This is a contract that is accessed by robots that sync mainnet data with testnet.
  2. npx hardhat run scripts/tokensDeploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Deploys mock of normal ERC20 tokens
  3. npx hardhat run scripts/mocksDeploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Deploys DeFi protocol mocks: Lido, Curve, Convex, Yearn
  4. npx hardhat run scripts/curveAddLiquidity.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Adds liquidity to Curve pools deployed on step 3. Can be run multiple times.
  5. npx hardhat run scripts/priceFeedDeploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Deploys chainlink price feeds that will be synced with mainnets by robot
  6. npx hardhat run scripts/pairV2Deploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile
    Adds uniswap pairs for deployed tokens with deployed USDC, and adds liquidity to these pairs on well-known Uniswap and Sushiswap routers on target testnet.

It's also possible to run npx hardhat run scripts/playgroundDeploy.ts --network localhost --no-compile to deploy everything in one go

The deploy progress will be saved in json files (e.g. .progress.goerli.json). This file is required to pass data from one script to the next. For example, script to deploy yearn vaults will look for deployed DAI and USDC addresses to use as underlying tokens.


During deployment, deployed contract addresses and their constructor params are saved in .verifier.goerli.json file or similar. To verify contracts run npx hardhat run scripts/verify.ts --network goerli. This script might fail, so it is possible that you'll need to run it multiple times. It will delete verified contracts from json file as it progresses.

After verification is done, it's possible to copy deployed contracts addresses from progress.goerli.json to @gearbox-protocol/sdk to fill missing addresses there.

Further steps

In order to make syncer work, CURVE_STETH_GATEWAY is needed to be deployed. This can be done using deployStethGateway script from main contracts.


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