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Munky is jekyll theme for portfolio websites. It features a blog, project, photography and about page.


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Munky is a jekyll theme for portfolio websites. It features a blog, project, photography and about page.

Theme preview

munky theme preview

Table of contents


Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-theme-munky"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-theme-munky

And then execute:

$ bundle

Getting started

Wether you're using munky as a theme gem or as a fork, the easiest way to get started is to copy the content from the demo folder to your jekyll website's root folder. It adds all the required files and settings to get the most of out of the theme and adds some example data to get started.

As a bare minimum for the theme to work properly you will need to add the following configuration data to the _config.yml file:

    output: true
    permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/
    type: post
    output: true
    permalink: /projects/:title/
    type: project

      path: ""
      type: "posts"
      type: "post"
      path: ""
      type: "projects"
      type: "project"

jekyll-seo-tag plugin

Although not a requirement to run the theme, Munky is build with jekyll-seo-tag integration in mind. What this means is that many of the FrontMatter variables used by the theme are the same ones jekyll-seo-tag uses to build it's metadata tags.

To install the plugin add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

  - jekyll-seo-tag

And then execute:

$ bundle

Munky theme will detect the plugin and place the requird {% seo %} tag in your website's <head></head> section.

For a more general overview of the plugin, please refer to the jekyll-seo-tag documentation.




To change the header logo replace the /assets/images/logo-transparent.png image:


For maximum compatibility use an image with a height of 236 pixels and a transparent background.


A link to your email address is provided in the footer, sidebar and about page. For this to work your email address needs to be configured in your _config.yml file:


The link to your email is set using javascript to mislead basic web crawlers. It is still advised to use an email service with a strong spam filter.

Social media links

Your social media links are displayed in the footer, sidebar and about page. They need to be configured in your _config.yml file:

  username: accountname
  username: accountname
  username: accountname
  username: accountname

Don't forget to set up your github username if you're gonna link to repositories in your projects.


Change the following data in your _config.yml file to change the information in the sidebar:

  name: Virtual Munky
  bio: Jekyll theme for portfolio websites
  location: Antwerp, BE

To change the rounded profile picture replace the /assets/images/profile-small.jpg image:



In markdown files you can use the following syntax to render images with (or without) captions:

{% include image.html
caption="Est orci, gravida pede vestibulum sodales pellentesque neque condimentum, occaecat luctus fermentum."

This feature is currently only supported if you use munky as a fork. If you're using munky as a theme gem you need to copy the _includes/image.html file to your local includes folder <yoursite>/_includes/ if you want to use this feature.


On top of the default FrontMatter variables, munky theme also uses the following variables:

  order: 2        # Used for ordering page links in navigation menu's.
  sidebar: true   # Enable or disable the author info sidebar.
  text: true      # Set true to change the main content width to a more readable format.
  custom_css:     # Add custom css to a page.
  - simplelightbox
  custom_js:      # Add custom javascript to a page.
  - simple-lightbox.min
  - gallery

The following markdown files make up the 4 main sections of the theme. Only is required:

  • — Layout: home
  • — Layout: projects
  • — Layout: photography
  • — Layout: about


Blogposts follow the default jekyll standard. Exclusive to posts is the last_modified_at FrontMatter variable. This variable, that is also used by the jekyll-seo-tag plugin, shows the date the post was last changed below the title.

  last_modified_at: 2017-04-07

Images that are used in blogposts should be placed inside a separate directory, with the same name as the post's filename, inside the /assets/images/posts/ directory:

             │   image01.jpg
             │   ...


Projects use the post layout but add some extra features through the following FrontMatter variables:

  # The description shown on the project overview page.
  description: Ultrices dapibus felis dolor sed, augue scelerisque, ante ligula
               aenean aliquam feugiat eget.
  # Link to the github repository of the project. To use this feature you need
  # to set the name of your github account in _config.yml .
  repo: example
  # Only in case the repo is not set, you can use the download variable to link
  # to a file in the /assets/download directory.
  # Link to the image shown on the project overview page.
  image: /assets/images/projects/example.jpg

Images that are used in projects should be placed inside a separate directory, with the same name as the project's filename, inside the /assets/images/projects/ directory:

             │   image01.jpg
             │   ...

Photography gallery

To add images to the photography page, simply add the images to the /assets/images/photography/ directory along with a thumbnail version named <filename>_thumb.<extension>:

         │   01_thumb.jpg
         │   01.jpg
         │   02_thumb.jpg
         │   02.jpg
         │   ...

About me page

A caption below the title can be set using FrontMatter:

  caption: Super awesome caption.

To change the profile picture replace the /assets/images/profile.jpg image:




To override the default structure and style of munky, simply create the concerned directory at the root of your site, copy the file you wish to customize to that directory, and then edit the file. e.g., to override the _includes/head.html file to specify a custom style path, create an _includes directory, copy _includes/head.html from munky gem folder to <yoursite>/_includes and start editing that file.


To configure the munky SCSS variables, the munky.scss file has to exist at your site source:

  • Create a new file munky.scss at <your-site>/_sass/
  • Copy the contents at _sass/munky.scss onto the munky.scss you just created, and edit away!

To override the default CSS, the main.scss file has to exist at your site source:

  • Create a new file main.scss at <your-site>/assets/css/
  • Copy the contents at assets/css/main.scss onto the main.scss you just created, and edit away!

Enabling comments (via Disqus)

Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can tell Jekyll to use it to show a comments section below each post.

To enable it, add the following lines to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

    shortname: my_disqus_shortname

You can find out more about Disqus' shortnames here.

Comments are enabled by default and will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production

Enabling Google Analytics

To enable Google Anaytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

  google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N

Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production

Contents At-A-Glance


Refers to files within the _layouts directory, that define the markup for your theme.

  • default.html — The base layout that lays the foundation for subsequent layouts. The derived layouts inject their contents into this file at the line that says {{ content }} and are linked to this file via FrontMatter declaration layout: default.
  • home.html — The layout for your landing-page / home-page / index-page.
  • page.html — The layout for your documents that contain FrontMatter, but are not posts.
  • post.html — The layout for your posts and projects.
  • about.html — The layout for your about-page.
  • photography.html — The layout for your photography-page.
  • projects.html — The layout for your projects-page.


Refers to snippets of code within the _includes directory that can be inserted in multiple layouts (and another include-file as well) within the same theme-gem.

  • disqus_comments.html — Code to markup disqus comment box.
  • footer.html — Defines the site's footer section.
  • google-analytics.html — Inserts Google Analytics module (active only in production environment).
  • head.html — Code-block that defines the <head></head> in default layout.
  • header.html — Defines the site's main header section.
  • sidebar.html — Defines the site's sidebar section.
  • github-buttons.html — Inserts github repository buttons for projects.
  • share-buttons.html — Inserts social media share buttons for projects and posts.
  • image.html — Defines how images defined in markdown are generated.


Refers to .scss files within the _sass directory that define the theme's styles.

  • munky.scss — The core file imported by preprocessed main.scss, it defines the variable defaults for the theme and also further imports sass partials to supplement itself.
  • munky/*.scss — Sass partials that are imported by munky.scss.
  • font-awesome/font-awesome.scss — Imports sass partials for font-awesome icons.


Refers to various asset files within the assets directory. Contains the main.scss that imports sass files from within the _sass directory. This main.scss is what gets processed into the theme's main stylesheet main.css called by _layouts/default.html via _includes/head.html.

This directory can include sub-directories to manage assets of similar type, and will be copied over as is, to the final transformed site directory.

The following sub-directories are required:

  • css — Contains the main .scss file as well as the simplelightbox.scss file for the configuration of the photo gallery.
  • downloads — Place downloadable content for projects in this directory.
  • fonts — Contains font-awesome font files for icons.
  • javascripts — Directory with jquery, simple-lightbox and custom javascript files.
  • images — The root directory contains side wide images such as logos and profile pictures.
    • photography — Place photographs with their thumbnails in this directory.
    • posts — Images for posts, each post has his own sub-directory corresponding with its filename.
    • projects — Images for projects, each project has his own sub-directory corresponding with its filename.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Munky is jekyll theme for portfolio websites. It features a blog, project, photography and about page.







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