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Bilal Uali edited this page May 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Sprint Planning (08-05-2020)

Assistant Role
Raul Developer
Pol Developer
Bilal Developer, Scrum Master
Arnau Developer

Sprint Planing Overview

... ...

Considering the proposed distribution in the model Kanban, the overall activities to be performed by the team are:

Team Member Overall Task Desription
Arnau Elaborar gràfic d'ús #84
Bilal Trigger reserva #85
Raul Elaborar un horari per l'usuari #81
- Elaborar gràfic rendiment #83
- Elaborar un mapa de les instal·lacions #82
- Generació/Comunicat de la factura #14
- Llistat de reserves #86
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