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Physics Checking agenda July 20, 2017

Jeremy Lloyd Conlin edited this page Jul 20, 2017 · 4 revisions


Review of Assignments

  1. Wiki updated with initial list of physics checking rules

    Kenichi and his Japanese colleagues don't use any locally developed checking codes; CHECKR, FIZCON, PSYCHE from ENDF-6 Checking & Utility Codes. Sammy does internal checking. PUFF does some additional checking. The errors that these check for need to be added to the list.

  2. Severity levels have been expanded.

    1. fatal — something really bad happened; can't continue.
    2. error — the data is clearly wrong and there is no unambiguous way to fix it.
    3. warning — the data is not perfect, but we can work around it.
    4. notice — not an error condition, but may require additional investigation or special handling
    5. info — informational messages; typically given after earlier problem.

    Levels i--iii should be followed by an informational message to provide additional information. These levels and definitions adequately span the phase space for our error checking.

Review of Physics Rules

Please read through the rules before the meeting. We don't want to have to explicitly mention every rule during the meeting; that wouldn't be a good use of our time. Be prepared to talk about:

  1. Any issues with current list of rules.

    There were no issues brought up, but few have had the chance to look through the errors before the meeting. Even fewer have added their own set of errors that their institution looks for.

  2. What severity should be issued for each failed check.

    A lot of the errors can stem from limited precision of ENDF data. This kind of error can probably be adjusted--bumped.

  3. Prioritization of current rules.

    Need to balance the importance of the error with the simplicity of checking May need to separate the checking into different regions:

    1. Resolved
    2. Unresolved
    3. Fast
    4. etc. The physics checking may be different for each region. Could have one command that will issue separate sub-commands.

Dave Brown report on JUnit


Standard unit testing framework for Java and many other languages. Python's unittest module is implementation used in FUDGE. It is very simple to setup a unit test:

import org.junit.*;

public class FoobarTest {
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // Code executed before each test

  public void testOneThing() {
    // Code that tests one thing

  public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    // Code executed after each test

JUnit XML Output

Simple format for storing/reporting test results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <testsuites id="20140612_170519" name="New_configuration (14/06/12 17:05:19)" 
              tests="225" failures="1262" time="0.001">
    <testsuite id="codereview.cobol.analysisProvider" 
               name="COBOL Code Review" tests=“45" failures="17" time="0.001">
      <testcase id="codereview.cobol.rules.ProgramIdRule" 
                name="Use a program name that matches the source file name" time="0.001">
        <failure message="PROGRAM.cbl:2 Use a program name that matches the source file name" 
          WARNING: Use a program name that matches the source file name
          Category: COBOL Code Review – Naming Conventions
          File: /project/PROGRAM.cbl
          Line: 2

The "WARNING" value for the type attribute on the failure node is where our severity levels would go. The body of the failure node is where the error message will be written.

See JUnit XML Format for specifications.

Need to come up with a standard message for each failed check. That way---if the checking code is compliant---the failure message is known. Leave the body of the nodes for arbitrary messages that can be code dependent; each code/institution can decide what goes in the body. This goes for all the nodes; i.e., the <testsuites>, <testsuite>, <testcase>, and <failure> nodes.

JUnit Tools

There are many tools built to make JUnit XML more useful

  • Python:
    • junit-xml 1.7
    • xmlrunner
  • Jenkins and Hudson CI systems automatically display
  • junit-viewer


  1. Jeremy Conlin
  2. Doro Wiarda
  3. Kenichi Tada


  • Still need contributions to the list of errors. (Only LANL has contributed at this point.)
  • Jeremy will create a simple example of what a JUnit output may be for our kind of tests
  • Each institution is responsible for providing to Jeremy their prioritized list of rules.

Next Meeting

August 29, 2017 at 9:00 AM MDT.