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npm i @generalizers/react-context

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How to use

Context creation helper

The context generator create the context for you and wraps the Provider of that context to automatically retreive a state that is then disposed to the user.

export const {
  useHook: useUser, // Get the state & setState
  Provider: UserProvider, // Provide a new, unique state
  Consumer: UserConsumer, // Consume the state & setState
} = contextGenerator<UserInterface>(
    name: 'Jeremy',
    age: 38,
  'User', // Context label (optional)

Use in components

This portion of code will increment the age of Jeremy as the seconds pass. Please note that you can use the useEffect hook inside the consumer function. The function is actually an Anonymous component.

export const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
  return (
      {/* The default value is default context value */}
      {/* The state relies in the Provider and is mutable */}
        {([user, setUser]) => {
          useEffect(() => {
            setTimeout(() => {
              setUser({ ...user, age: user.age + 1 });
            }, 1000);
          }, [user.age]);

          return (
              {} - {user.age} years old