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Merge pull request #1435 from GenericMappingTools/improve-polygonize
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Change type of global POSTMAN. Improve polygonize to restrict size and order of output.
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joa-quim committed May 9, 2024
2 parents 959f277 + 1aaec98 commit 0d0d774
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Showing 7 changed files with 55 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/GMT.jl
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Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ const global noGrdCopy = Vector{Bool}(undef, 1);noGrdCopy[1] = false # If tru
const global GMTCONF = Vector{Bool}(undef, 1);GMTCONF[1] = false # Flag if gmtset was used and must be 'unused'
const global FMT = ["png"] # The default plot format
const global BOX_STR = [""] # Used in plotyy to know -R of first call
const global POSTMAN = Dict{String,String}() # To pass messages to functions (start with get_dataset)
const global POSTMAN = [Dict{String,String}()] # To pass messages to functions (start with get_dataset)
const DEF_FIG_SIZE = "15c/10c" # Default fig size for plot like programs. Approx 16/11
const DEF_FIG_AXES_BAK = " -Baf -BWSen" # Default fig axes for plot like programs
const DEF_FIG_AXES3_BAK = " -Baf -Bza" # "" but for 3D views
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24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions src/gdal_tools.jl
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Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ end
Fill selected raster regions by interpolation from the edges.
### Parameters
- `indata`: Input data. It can be a file name, a GMTgrid or GMTimage object.
- `data`: Input data. It can be a file name, a GMTgrid or GMTimage object.
- `nodata`: The nodata value that will be used to fill the regions. Otherwise use the `nodata` attribute of `indata`
if it exists, or NaN if none of the above were set.
- `kwargs`:
Expand All @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ end
Fill selected raster regions by interpolation from the edges.
### Parameters
- `indata`: Input data. The file name of a grid or image that can be read with `gmtread`.
- `data`: Input data. The file name of a grid or image that can be read with `gmtread`.
- `nodata`: The nodata value that will be used to fill the regions. Otherwise use the `nodata` attribute of `indata`
if it exists, or NaN if none of the above were set.
- `kwargs`:
Expand All @@ -103,17 +103,33 @@ end
This method, which uses the GDAL GDALPolygonize function, creates vector polygons for all connected regions
of pixels in the raster sharing a common pixel/cell value. The input may be a grid or an image. This function can
be rather slow as it picks lots of polygons in pixels with slightly different values at transitions between colors.
Its natural use is to digitize masks images.
### Parameters
- `data`: Input data. It can be a GMTgrid or GMTimage object.
- `kwargs`:
- `min, nmin, npixels or ncells`: The minimum number of cells/pixels for a polygon to be retained.
Default is 1. This can be set to filter out small polygons.
- `sort`: If true, will sort polygons by pixel count. Default is the order that GDAL decides internally.
function polygonize(data::GItype; gdataset=nothing, kwargs...)
d = GMT.KW(kwargs)
(gdataset === nothing) && (d[:gdataset] = true)
#(eltype(data) <: AbstractFloat)) && (d[:float] = true) # To know which GDAL function to use.
if ((val = find_in_dict(d, [:min :nmin :npixels :ncells])[1]) !== nothing)
# Compute the cell area but ignoring eventual projection of if data is in geogs.
cell_area = Float64(val)::Float64 *[1] *[2]; s_area = string(cell_area)
isempty(GMT.POSTMAN[1]) ? (GMT.POSTMAN[1] = Dict("min_polygon_area" => s_area)) : GMT.POSTMAN[1]["min_polygon_area"] = s_area
o = helper_run_GDAL_fun(gdalpolygonize, data, "", String[], "", d...)
if (gdataset === nothing) # Should be doing this for GDAL objects too but need to learn how to.
if (gdataset === nothing) # Should be doing this for GDAL objects too but need to learn how to.
GMT.POSTMAN[1]["polygonize"] = "y" # To inform gd2gmt() that it should check if last Di is the whole area.
(find_in_dict(d, [:sort])[1] !== nothing) && (GMT.POSTMAN[1]["sort_polygons"] = "y")
prj = getproj(data)
D = gd2gmt(o); isa(D, Vector) ? (D[1].proj4 = prj) : (D.proj4 = prj)
delete!(GMT.POSTMAN[1], "min_polygon_area") # In case it was set above
return D
delete!(GMT.POSTMAN[1], "min_polygon_area")
function polygonize(data::String; kwargs...)
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17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/gdal_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -254,7 +254,9 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
# This method is for OGR formats only
(Gdal.OGRGetDriverByName(Gdal.shortname(getdriver(dataset))) == C_NULL) && return gd2gmt(dataset; pad=0)

D, ds = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, Gdal.ngeom(dataset)), 1
min_area = (get(POSTMAN[1], "min_polygon_area", "") != "") ? parse(Float64, POSTMAN[1]["min_polygon_area"]) : 0.0
D, ds, get_area = Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, Gdal.ngeom(dataset)), 1, false
(get(POSTMAN[1], "sort_polygons", "") != "") && (polyg_area = zeros(length(D)); get_area = true)
proj = "" # Fk local vars inside for
for k = 1:Gdal.nlayer(dataset)
layer = getlayer(dataset, k-1)
Expand All @@ -267,8 +269,10 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)

for j = 0:Gdal.ngeom(feature)-1
geom = Gdal.getgeom(feature, j)
(min_area > 0.0 && geomarea(geom) < min_area) && continue
_D::GDtype = gd2gmt(geom, proj)
gt = Gdal.getgeomtype(geom)
get_area && (polyg_area[ds] = geomarea(geom)) # This area will NOT be what is expected if geom is known to be geog
# Maybe when there nlayers > 1 or other cases, starting allocated size is not enough
len_D = isa(_D, GMTdataset) ? 1 : length(_D)
(len_D + ds >= length(D)) && append!(D, Vector{GMTdataset}(undef, round(Int, 0.5 * length(D))))
Expand All @@ -293,6 +297,17 @@ function gd2gmt(dataset::Gdal.AbstractDataset)
D[1].colnames = startswith(proj, "+proj=longlat") ? ["lon","lat", ["z$i" for i=1:size(D[1].data,2)-2]...] :
["x","y", ["z$i" for i=1:size(D[1].data,2)-2]...]
set_dsBB!(D) # Compute and set the global BoundingBox for this dataset
if (get(POSTMAN[1], "polygonize", "") != "") && isapprox(D[1].ds_bbox, D[end].bbox) # Last one is often an error (the whole area)
delete!(GMT.POSTMAN[1], "polygonize")
ds -= 1
if (get(POSTMAN[1], "sort_polygons", "") != "") # polygonize requested that the polygons go out in growing order
(polyg_area = deleteat!(polyg_area, ds:length(polyg_area)))
ind = sortperm(polyg_area, rev=true)
D = D[ind]
delete!(GMT.POSTMAN[1], "sort_polygons")
return (length(D) == 1) ? D[1] : D

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/gmt_main.jl
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Expand Up @@ -609,10 +609,10 @@ function get_dataset(API::Ptr{Nothing}, object::Ptr{Nothing})::GDtype
D::GMT_DATASET = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{GMT_DATASET}, object))

# This is for the particular case of the DCW countries that have a myriad of small segments and no Attributes
min_pts = (get(POSTMAN, "minpts", "") != "") ? parse(Int, POSTMAN["minpts"]) - 1 : 0
(min_pts > 0) && delete!(POSTMAN, "minpts")
DCWnames = (get(POSTMAN, "DCWnames", "") != "") ? true : false # If DCW country names will turn into attribs
(DCWnames) && delete!(POSTMAN, "DCWnames")
min_pts = (get(POSTMAN[1], "minpts", "") != "") ? parse(Int, POSTMAN[1]["minpts"]) - 1 : 0
(min_pts > 0) && delete!(POSTMAN[1], "minpts")
DCWnames = (get(POSTMAN[1], "DCWnames", "") != "") ? true : false # If DCW country names will turn into attribs
(DCWnames) && delete!(POSTMAN[1], "DCWnames")

seg_out = 0;
T::Vector{Ptr{GMT_DATATABLE}} = unsafe_wrap(Array, D.table, D.n_tables)
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13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/gmtreadwrite.jl
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Expand Up @@ -363,14 +363,14 @@ function file_has_time!(fname::String, D::GDtype, corder::Vector{Int}=Int[])

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function guess_T_from_ext(fname::String, write::Bool=false)::String
function guess_T_from_ext(fname::String; write::Bool=false, text_only::Bool=false)::String
# Guess the -T option from a couple of known extensions
fn, ext = splitext(fname)
if (ext == ".zip") # Accept ogr zipped files, e.g., *
((out = guess_T_from_ext(fn)) == " -To") && return " -Toz"

_kml = (!write) ? "kml" : "*" # This because on write we dont want to check for kml (let it be written as text)
_kml = (!write || !text_only) ? "kml" : "*" # When it's text_only, we are writting an output gmt2kml

(length(ext) > 8 || occursin("?", ext)) && return (occursin("?", ext)) ? " -Tg" : "" # A SUBDATASET encoded fname?
ext = lowercase(ext[2:end])
Expand All @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ function guess_T_from_ext(fname::String, write::Bool=false)::String
if (findfirst(isequal(ext), ["grd", "nc", "nc=gd"]) !== nothing) out = " -Tg";
elseif (findfirst(isequal(ext), ["dat", "txt", "csv"]) !== nothing) out = " -Td";
elseif (findfirst(isequal(ext), ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "webp"]) !== nothing) out = " -Ti";
elseif (findfirst(isequal(ext), ["arrow", "shp", _kml, "json", "feather", "geojson", "gmt", "gpkg", "gpx", "gml", "parquet"]) !== nothing) out = " -To";
elseif (findfirst(isequal(ext), ["arrow", "shp", _kml, "kmz", "json", "feather", "geojson", "gmt", "gpkg", "gpx", "gml", "parquet"]) !== nothing) out = " -To";
elseif (ext == "jp2") ressurectGDAL(); out = (findfirst("Type=UInt", gdalinfo(fname)) !== nothing) ? " -Ti" : " -Tg"
elseif (ext == "cpt") out = " -Tc";
elseif (ext == "ps" || ext == "eps") out = " -Tp";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,8 +524,11 @@ function gmtwrite(fname::AbstractString, data; kwargs...)
(dbg_print_cmd(d, cmd) !== nothing) && return "gmtwrite " * fname * cmd

(opt_T == " -Tg" && isa(data, GMTgrid) && (data.scale != 1 || data.offset != 0)) && (fname *= "+s$(data.scale)+o$(data.offset)")
if (guess_T_from_ext(fname, true) == " -To") gdalwrite(fname, data) # Write OGR data
else gmt("write " * fname * cmd, data)
text_only = isa(data, GMTdataset) && isempty(
if (guess_T_from_ext(fname, write=true, text_only=text_only) == " -To")
gdalwrite(fname, data) # Write OGR data
gmt("write " * fname * cmd, data)
(opt_T == " -Ti") && transpcmap!(data, false) # Reset original cmap (in case it was changed)
return nothing
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/pscoast.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,10 +94,12 @@ function coast(cmd0::String=""; clip=nothing, first=true, kwargs...)

cmd = parse_E_coast(d, [:E, :DCW], "") # Process first to avoid warning about "guess"
if (cmd != "") # Check for a minimum of points that segments must have
((val = find_in_dict(d, [:minpts])[1]) !== nothing) && (POSTMAN["minpts"] = string(val)::String)
if ((val = find_in_dict(d, [:minpts])[1]) !== nothing) POSTMAN[1]["minpts"] = string(val)::String
elseif (get(POSTMAN[1], "minpts", "") != "") delete!(POSTMAN[1], "minpts")
cmd = add_opt(d, cmd, "M", [:M :dump])
contains(cmd, " -M") && (POSTMAN["DCWnames"] = "s") # When dumping, we want to add the country name as attribute
contains(cmd, " -M") && (POSTMAN[1]["DCWnames"] = "s") # When dumping, we want to add the country name as attribute
if (!occursin("-E+l", cmd) && !occursin("-E+L", cmd))
cmd, = parse_R(d, cmd, O)
if (!contains(cmd, " -M")) # If Dump no -R & -B
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_gdal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ Gdal.GDALDestroyDriverManager()
@test GMT.isgeog(4326) == true

gmtwrite("9px.tif", mat2img(rand(UInt8, 3,3)))
gmtwrite("9px.tif", mat2img(round.(UInt8,round.(rand(6,6))*255)))
polygonize("9px.tif", nmin=2, sort=true);

gdaldrivers(:vec, out=true);

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