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Merge pull request #1378 from GenericMappingTools/img-funs
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Add the img_funs.jl file
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joa-quim committed Feb 23, 2024
2 parents cbf090d + ef38c8d commit 4536db5
Showing 1 changed file with 94 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions src/img_funs.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
level = isodata(I::GMTimage; band=1) -> Int
`isodata` Computes global image threshold using iterative isodata method that can be used to convert
an intensity image to a binary image with ``binarize`. `level` is a normalized intensity value that lies
in the range [0 255]. This iterative technique for choosing a threshold was developed by Ridler and Calvard.
The histogram is initially segmented into two parts using a starting threshold value such as 0 = 2B-1,
half the maximum dynamic range. The sample mean (mf,0) of the gray values associated with the foreground
pixels and the sample mean (mb,0) of the gray values associated with the background pixels are computed.
A new threshold value 1 is now computed as the average of these two sample means. The process is repeated,
based upon the new threshold, until the threshold value does not change any more.
Originaly from MATLAB (BSD, Licenced)
function isodata(I::GMTimage; band=1)

counts, edges = histogray(I, band=band)# returns a histogram of the image
i = 1
mu = cumsum(counts)
T = zeros(Int, length(counts))
T[i] = round(Int, sum(edges .* counts) / mu[end])

# STEP 2: compute Mean above T (MAT) and Mean below T (MBT) using T from step 1
mu2 = cumsum(counts[1:T[i]])
MBT = sum(edges[1:T[i]] .* counts[1:T[i]]) / mu2[end]

mu3 = cumsum(counts[T[i]:end])
MAT = sum(edges[T[i]:end] .* counts[T[i]:end]) / mu3[end]
i += 1
T[i] = round(Int, (MAT + MBT) / 2)

# STEP 3 to n: repeat step 2 if T(i) != T(i-1)
while abs(T[i] - T[i-1]) >= 1
mu2 = cumsum(counts[1:T[i]])
MBT = sum(edges[1:T[i]] .* counts[1:T[i]]) / mu2[end]

mu3 = cumsum(counts[T[i]:end])
MAT = sum(edges[T[i]:end] .* counts[T[i]:end]) / mu3[end]

T[i+=1] = round(Int, (MAT + MBT) / 2)

round(Int, (T[i] - 1) / (edges[end] - 1) * 255)# Normalize the threshold to the range [0 255].

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ibw = binarize(I::GMTimage, threshold; band=1, revert=false) -> GMTimage
Converts an image to a binary image (black-and-white) using a threshold. If `revert=true`, values below the
threshold are set to 255, and values above the threshold are set to 0. If the `I` image has more than one band,
use `band` to specify which one to binarize.
function binarize(I::GMTimage, threshold; band=1, revert=false)
img = zeros(UInt8, size(I, 1), size(I, 2))
if revert
t = view(I.image, :, :, band) .< threshold
t = view(I.image, :, :, band) .> threshold
img[t] .= 255
return mat2img(img, I)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Igray = rgb2gray(I) -> GMTimage
Converts an RGB image to a grayscale image applying the television YMQ transformation.
function rgb2gray(I::GMTimage)
nxy = size(I, 1) * size(I, 2)
img = zeros(UInt8, size(I, 1), size(I, 2))
if (I.layout[3] != 'P')
@inbounds for ij = 1:nxy
img[ij] = round(UInt8, 0.299 * I.image[ij] + 0.587 * I.image[ij+nxy] + 0.114 * I.image[ij+2nxy])
else # Pixel interleaved case
i = 0
@inbounds for ij = 1:3:3nxy
img[i+=1] = round(UInt8, 0.299 * I.image[ij] + 0.587 * I.image[ij+1] + 0.114 * I.image[ij+2])
mat2img(img, I)

#= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function padarray(a, p)
h, w = size(a)
y = clamp.((1-p[1]):(h+p[1]), 1, h)
x = clamp.((1-p[2]):(w+p[2]), 1, w)
return a[y, x]

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