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KARIDENDERYA - Share the secrets of the street foods!


Karinderya is a concept website where users can share their favorite Karinderya shop for other people to see! Since most karinderyas shops are not showcased in the internet I have tried to come up with a solution by creating a website where users can easily post and share the location of these hidden gems in this website. This website have a login, registration and gathers GPS coordinates (if the browser supports it!) for accuracy of the locations.

I believe that sharing is caring. And this website shows that Filipino trait where we love to share, love for cheap and affordable food and also point other people direction!. Hence this website is born, this website runs with the honor system that the users would play by the rules even though there are constraints (which I am not confident about) to force the users to play by the rules. Users are able to share their favorite karinderya spot to a wider audience to support local business karinderya owners in the Philippines.

The main idea is reliability of posting, I genuinely feel that karinderya owners are not able to post their karinderya shops in the internet due to it appearing to be difficult in some way. hence this website is created with the idea of simplicity in mind where UI and UX comes hand and hand.


The idea came from my family. My family is a business owner and an owner of a Karinderya ourselves, hence the idea came into me, I initially wanted to create a website here it only showcases us until it came through me that I can make the scope of this project a little bit wider by possibly including everyone.

Technologies used:

  • Python Flask
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • SQLite3 for Database

Design choices:

I have always adored the idea of anonymous posting and I feel like it reflected in this website. I have deliberatedly made the users of the posts anonymous because I genuinely felt that the focus should be on these food spots not the users who posts them! but the ids of the users can still be viewed within the database and if other developers tries to modify the Homepage they can easily do so and input the names of the users who uploads.

I have also only used HTML, CSS and JavaScript to further refine my knowledge and understanding in creating barebones websites, even though I have witnessed and used the abilities of frameworks such as bootstraps I just had an urge to do it with vanilla as to challenge myself with knowledge that I have gained outside CS50, I have also made use of the templates in my GitHub repository as to guide myself on creating responsive webpage as they are pretty challenging for an amateur such as myself.

And lastly, I have tried to reference learnings from the Course and I believe I have reflected it well with this website. And lastly lastly, I have wanted to use Google Maps API to view the actual locations within the website but I am unable to as they require card information as to which I unfortunately don't possess but the idea is still in there with the Get Location button that is implemented with the for loop in Jinja

How to use

  • Clone the files with GitHub and Make sure to have Python installed.
  • Open with your favorite IDE (this tutorial uses Visual Studio Code) and download the extensions.
  • Open the terminal execute python -m venv .venv and you are gonna see a file that have a name of '.venv' in your folder. That is the virtual environment that we are going to use to run this program.
  • Execute the command .\.venv\Scripts\activate and you are gonna see in your terminal that you are in the virtual environment.
  • In your terminal create code .gitignore then type .venv and save.
  • Execute pip install flask and wait. pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy
  • Go to 'server' directory and type in your terminal flask run

Folder notes

Server/assets: images Server/ The main application Server/templates: Contains the basic HTML files Server/static: javascripts and CSS


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