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Geodan's model interfaces using GeoExt

Things to be done by hand:

  1. Put the geoserver_wps scripts on the right geoserver data directory
  2. Adapt the geoserver_wps scripts with the correct references and credentials
  3. Create a settings file:

You need to add a file to the folder ./gmi/cgi-bin/ Here's an example:

settings for VM
conn_params = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=research user=secret password=secret"
pgserver_host = 'localhost'
pgserver_port = '5432'
pgserver_user = 'secret'
gs_host = 'localhost'
gs_port = '8080'

gdal_translate_path = '/usr/bin/gdal_translate'
gdalwarp_path = '/usr/bin/gdalwarp'
lcpmake_path = '/var/www/gmi/bin/lcpmake'
farsite_path = '/var/www/gmi/bin/farsite'
output_basepath  = '/var/data/wildfire/'
settings for geodan research cluser
conn_params = "host= port=3389 dbname=research user=secret password=secret"
pgserver_host = ''
pgserver_port = '3389'
pgserver_user = 'secret'
gs_host = ''
gs_port = '3389'

gdal_translate_path = '/usr/local/bin/gdal_translate'
gdalwarp_path = '/usr/local/bin/gdalwarp'
lcpmake_path = '/var/www/main/gmi/bin/lcpmake'
farsite_path = '/var/www/main/gmi/bin/farsite'
output_basepath  = '/var/data/wildfire/'
defaults_path = '/var/www/main/gmi/defaults/'