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CSI Changelog

FunkybotsEvilTwin edited this page Sep 24, 2023 · 36 revisions

3.2.2 -- September 20, 2023

CSI no longer presents Auto-Map/Learn dialog if FX slot is empty

When using an FXMenu and using the GoFXSlot action, CSI will no longer present the Auto-Map/Learn dialog box if the FXSlot is empty.

3.2.1 -- September 16, 2023

Added Support for Faderport Classic

CSI now supports the fader on the original Presonus Faderport (aka "Faderport Classic").

ToggleRestrictTextLength for OSC

The ToggleRestrictTextLength now applies to OSC displays (previously MIDI only).

Updates to CSI Support Files

There have been recent updates to the CSI Support Files:

  • Add the Faderport Classic
  • Update the BCR2000 files, added Touch OSC setup to add iPad Displays
  • Brought MCU zone files up to latest version of CSI
  • Updated SCE-24 support files
  • Updated Faderport2.mst with release messages

3.2.0 -- September 3, 2023

A major update when it comes to simplifying FX mapping and grouping multiple surfaces in different ways.

Added Learn Functionality with Improvements to Automap and Remap

A new 'Learn Mode' was added for FX mapping. Major improvements to Remap including the ability to see all Widgets for a particular cell, as well as much improved internals for Automap and Remap.

See the FX Mapping page for more details.

Added Advanced Options for Grouping surfaces (Broadcast/Listen)

You can now group surfaces with regard to Sends, Receives, FXMenu, Modifiers, etc. Surfaces can be designated as "Broadcasters" and/or "Listeners".

Details can be found in the Advanced screen under Control Surface Settings.

Just a few example use-cases for Broadcast/Listen:

  • Set up an MCU and Extender to share modifier state without affecting, say, an OSC device.
  • Set up two or more surfaces to act as a mirrored group (e.g. using an OSC surface on an iPad to add displays to a MIDI device).
  • You could use an FX Menu on one surface to activate an FX Mapping on another.
  • Activate two different FX on two different surfaces sharing the same Zone folder (e.g. 2 MIDI Fighter Twisters acting independently)

Added new "Custom" Associated Zone

You can use this Zone for whatever you would like. It has a Selected Track Navigator.

New Actions

A number of new actions have been added to CSI in version 3.2.

ShowFXSlot - when paired with GoFXSlot, this will float the FX slot on screen
HideFXSlot - used for closing the the FX GUI (works well with OnZoneDeactivation HideFXSlot)
ToggleUseLocalModifiers - used for making modifiers local to a surface
AutoMapFX - used to automap the focused fx
CSINameDisplay - will show 'CSI' on a display 
CSIVersionDisplay - will show the CSI version number on a display

Deprecated Actions

A number of actions have been removed...

ToggleAutoFocusedFXMapping - replaced with new Auto-map/Learn dialog box
ToggleAutoFXMapping - replaced with the AutoMapFX action
GoLearnFXParams - now accessed via GoAssociatedZone LearnFXParams -- Note: this was only ever in Exp builds
GoSelectedTrackFX - now accessed via GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrackFX

3.1.0 -- June 26, 2023

RemapAutoZone Dialog Now Implements Proper Drag n Drop

In addition, you can open the edit dialog with either the Edit button or by double clicking on an item. In the edit dialog, you can now specify step sizes and you can choose whether you want a Rotary or Rotary Push. We will add more features to the edit dialog in the future.

3.0.6 -- June 14, 2023

New Action -- RemapAutoZone

A new action was added that allows you to re-order AutoGenerated FX Zone parameters from within Reaper. No need to edit text files just to move the parameters around! This also allows you to change the plugin alias, along with parameter aliases.

First, map a widget to the new RemapAutoZone action. Example:

Zone "Buttons"
     F4      RemapAutoZone

Next, You need to activate an auto generated Zone with either a Focused FX Zone or an FXSlot Zone via FXMenu.

With the FX active on your surface, trigger the RemapAutoZone action -- e.g. press F4

A new window will appear.

You can directly edit the FX alias at the top.

The auto generated Zone lines appear in a list box.

Click to select an item.

Press the Edit button to edit the display text.

To reorder the item you can press the U and D buttons. You can also drag outside the list box to reorder -- you cannot drag inside the list box due to some list box limitations. If you are on a Mac, you can also use the keyboard left/right arrow keys.

Press Save to apply the changes.

3.0.5 -- June 7, 2023

Redesigned X-Touch Color Handling

This should eliminate those little low Track count gotchas. The default is white, as per the X-Touch native default. When a fixed colour or colours are set for the Track Zone, RestoreXTouchDisplayColors now works properly.

3.0.4 -- May 26, 2023

Fix for Hardware Sends Breaking SelectedTrackSend and TrackSend Zones

Adding a hardware output on a track in Reaper no longer breaks sends on that track.

3.0.3 -- June 1, 2023

New Action -- ClearSelectedTrackFX

ClearSelectedTrackFX deactivates the Selected Track FX Zones and zeros all Widgets.

New Action -- ClearFocusedFXParam

ClearFocusedFXParam deactivates the Focused FX Param Zone and zeros all Widgets.

New Action -- ClearFocusedFX

ClearFocusedFX deactivates the Focused FX Zone and zeros all Widgets. For a good discussion of usage, please see this post from MT4U

3.0.1 and 3.0.2 - May 26-29th, 2023

Fix for slamming faders

Faders no longer zero when switching Zones. This means there should be no more Fader "slamming".

New Action -- ClearFXSlot

ClearFXSlot deactivates the currently mapped FX slot. Very handy if you have an 8-channel surface like an MCU, X-Touch etc., that you use to map FX using FXMenu and want to return to the menu.

Typical usage:

Zone "VST: UAD Harrison 32C (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Har32C"

	Plugin      		ClearFXSlot

When you press Plugin you will be returned to the FXMenu.

CSI 3.0 Changes - As of April 12, 2023

CSI version 3 is still in an experimental state, but I'm documenting the current-state of features and changes here.

The biggest changes with CSI version 3 have to do with FX mapping including: automatic FX mapping and zone creation, TCP FX mapping, MasterFX mapping, JS FX mapping improvements, and shared FX Zone Folders.

Additionally, CSI now treats all surfaces on a page as a single surface. This allows things like sends, receives, and FX menu zones to span multiple surfaces.

There has also been a clean-up of some actions to cut down on the bloat and smaller other changes/additions. See the details below.

Automatic FX Mapping (SurfaceFXlayout, FXLayouts, FXepilogue, FXPrologue)

CSI utilizes some new zone types to facilitate the automatic creation of FX maps. These will be placed into an AutoGeneratedFXZones sub-folder. The auto mapped FX require some pre-requisite .zon files to tell CSI how to create the AutoGeneratedFXZones. They are described below:


First, the SurfaceFXLayout zone file is where users can define what widgets (controls and/or displays) they want used with automatic FX mapping. Below is an example from an MCU or X-Touch which will map the Rotary encoders and the displays. Next to Zone name, SurfaceFXLayout, you see the layout name: MCUFXLayout. Note that "FXLayout" is required in the layout name.

Zone SurfaceFXLayout MCUFXLayout
	Rotary FXParam
	DisplayUpper FixedTextDisplay
	DisplayLower FXParamValueDisplay


Next, the FXLayout dictates how the SurfaceFXLayout gets mapped to FX Paramaters. In an MCU/X-Touch device, that might look like this where the number 8 in each row represents the number of channels. The modifiers in the below example will dictate which modifiers get assigned to FX Params once the initial set of 8 params is used (example: if your FX has 22 params, the first 8 will be assigned to Rotary1-8 and displays, the next 8 to Shift+Rotary1-8 and shift+displays, the next 6 will be assigned to Option+Rotary1-8 and option+displays).

Zone FXLayouts
	MCUFXLayout 8
	MCUFXLayout+Shift 8
	MCUFXLayout+Option 8
	MCUFXLayout+Control 8
	MCUFXLayout+Alt 8

If you're using a MCU C4, MIDI Fighter Twister, SCE-24 or any other multi-row surface, the syntax would look like this where the A, B, C, D represents the row and the number represents the channel count (e.g. RotaryA1-A8, RotaryB1-B8, etc.)

Zone FXLayouts
     MCUC4FXLayout                   A 8
     MCUC4FXLayout                   B 8
     MCUC4FXLayout                   C 8
     MCUC4FXLayout                   D 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Shift             A 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Shift             B 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Shift             C 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Shift             D 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Option            A 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Option            B 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Option            C 8
     MCUC4FXLayout+Option            D 8


The FXPrologue file gets used for any syntax you want to appear at the top of your AutoGeneratedFXZones. Example: if you want to set the X-Touch colors to Cyan whenever you enter an AutoGeneratedFXZone, you would add those instructions to the FXPrologue zone.

Zone FXPrologue
	OnZoneActivation	SetXTouchDisplayColors Cyan
	OnZoneDeactivation	RestoreXTouchDisplayColors


The FXEpilogue zone gets used for any syntax you want to appear at the end of your AutoGeneratedFXZones. Example: lets say you want Faders1-8 to be disabled whenever you enter an AutoGeneratedFXzone so you don't accidentally change the volume of a track...

Zone FXEpilogue
     Fader1     NoAction
     Fader2     NoAction
     Fader3     NoAction
     Fader4     NoAction
     Fader5     NoAction
     Fader6     NoAction
     Fader7     NoAction
     Fader8     NoAction


Once this is all setup, whenever you activate an FX for which CSI cannot find an FX.zon file, CSI will auto-generate an fx.zon file by assigning the FX parameters in order to the available widgets. Any widgets with no action will get a FXParam value of -1. The zone structure will follow what we setup above including the contents of the prologue and epilogue files. At the end of the zone, you will see the FXParams commented out for easy reference and future copy/posting in case you want to edit these files. CSI will also even try to auto-generate an alias for the fx by stripping out the plugin type and manufacturer name!

Did we mention these files can be very easily edited by copying and pasting the FXParams around to reassign them?

Zone "VST: UAD AMS RMX16 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "AMS RMX16"
     OnZoneActivation    SetXTouchDisplayColors Cyan
     OnZoneDeactivation  RestoreXTouchDisplayColors

     MCUFXLayout  1 FXParam 0 "Input Gain"
     MCUFXLayout  2 FXParam 1 "Output Gain"
     MCUFXLayout  3 FXParam 2 "Program"
     MCUFXLayout  4 FXParam 3 "Pre-delay-A"
     MCUFXLayout  5 FXParam 4 "Decay-A"
     MCUFXLayout  6 FXParam 5 "DecayLO-A"
     MCUFXLayout  7 FXParam 6 "DecayHI-A"
     MCUFXLayout  8 FXParam 7 "Pre-delay-B"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 1 FXParam 8 "Decay-B"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 2 FXParam 9 "DecayLO-B"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 3 FXParam 10 "DecayHI-B"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 4 FXParam 11 "Wet/Dry"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 5 FXParam 12 "Wet Solo"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 6 FXParam 13 "Power"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 7 FXParam 14 "Bypass"
     MCUFXLayout+Shift 8 FXParam 15 "Wet"
     MCUFXLayout+Option 1 FXParam 16 "Delta"
     MCUFXLayout+Option 2 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 3 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 4 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 5 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 6 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 7 FXParam -1 ""
     MCUFXLayout+Option 8 FXParam -1 ""

     Fader1     NoAction
     Fader2     NoAction
     Fader3     NoAction
     Fader4     NoAction
     Fader5     NoAction
     Fader6     NoAction
     Fader7     NoAction
     Fader8     NoAction

/ 0 "Input Gain"
/ 1 "Output Gain"
/ 2 "Program"
/ 3 "Pre-delay-A"
/ 4 "Decay-A"
/ 5 "DecayLO-A"
/ 6 "DecayHI-A"
/ 7 "Pre-delay-B"
/ 8 "Decay-B"
/ 9 "DecayLO-B"
/ 10 "DecayHI-B"
/ 11 "Wet/Dry"
/ 12 "Wet Solo"
/ 13 "Power"
/ 14 "Bypass"
/ 15 "Wet"
/ 16 "Delta"

New Actions: ToggleAutoFXMapping, and ToggleAutoFocusedFXMapping

ToggleAutoFXMapping will toggle auto-FX mapping. AutoFXMapping is on by default. You can assign this to a button or run this OnInitialization in your home zone to disable AutoFXMapping.

ToggleAutoFocusedFXMapping will toggle automatic FX mapping for Focused FX. ToggleAutoFocusedFXMapping is on by default. You can assign this to a button or run this OnInitialization in your home zone to disable Automatic FX Mapping on focus.

Zone "Home"
OnInitialization ToggleAutoFXMapping             // Turns off auto fx mapping
OnIntializiation ToggleAutoFocusedFXMapping      // Turns off auto FX mapping on focused FX

New Zone Type: SelectedTrackTCPFX

CSI now has a new zone type that allows it to automatically map widgets to the TCP fx on the selected track. This has the benefit of allowing a single zone to control multiple FX on the same channel and automatically update as you navigate from track to track. If you've ever used Cubase's Quick Controls, this is a very similar workflow.

See the SelectedTrackTCPFX.zon below for an example of the new zone type and new actions. Note: the first two lines pertain specifically to an X-Touch universal.

Zone "SelectedTrackTCPFX"
     OnZoneActivation    SetXTouchDisplayColors Cyan
     OnZoneDeactivation  RestoreXTouchDisplayColors

     DisplayUpper1       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 0
     DisplayLower1       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 0
     Rotary1             TCPFXParam 0

     DisplayUpper2       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 1
     DisplayLower2       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 1
     Rotary2             TCPFXParam 1

     DisplayUpper3       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 2
     DisplayLower3       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 2
     Rotary3             TCPFXParam 2

     DisplayUpper4       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 3
     DisplayLower4       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 3
     Rotary4             TCPFXParam 3

     DisplayUpper5       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 4
     DisplayLower5       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 4
     Rotary5             TCPFXParam 4

     DisplayUpper6       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 5
     DisplayLower6       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 5
     Rotary6             TCPFXParam 5

     DisplayUpper7       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 6
     DisplayLower7       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 6
     Rotary7             TCPFXParam 6

     DisplayUpper8       TCPFXParamNameDisplay 7
     DisplayLower8       TCPFXParamValueDisplay 7
     Rotary8             TCPFXParam 7


Sends, Receives, FXMenus Now Can Span Multiple Surfaces

Now, Sends, Receive, FXMenu zones can span multiple surfaces. Example: if you have two 8-channel surfaces and activate the SelectedTrackSend zone, you will see Sends1-8 on surface 1, and sends 9-16 on surface 2 and they will bank together.

New Zone Activation Method (GoAssociatedZone), No More Go[ZoneName]

To activate an associated zone, CSI now uses a single GoAssociatedZone action, followed by the name of the zone rather than distinct actions for each zone type.

Removed these...


Replaced with (just an example)...

    GoAssociatedZone MasterTrack
    GoAssociatedZone TrackSend
    GoAssociatedZone TrackReceive
    GoAssociatedZone TrackFXMenu
    GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrack
    GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrackSend
    GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrackReceive
    GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrackFXMenu
    GoAssociatedZone MasterTrackFXMenu
    GoAssociatedZone SelectedTrackTCPFX

Banking Action Syntax Changes

Similar to the above GoAssociatedZone action, there is now a single "Bank" action, and you enter the zone name afterwards followed by the number of channels you want to bank.

Here's the new syntax in a typical Track zone...

     BankLeft                   Bank Track -8
     BankRight                  Bank Track 8
     ChannelLeft                Bank Track -1
     ChannelRight               Bank Track 1 

And here's the full list of supported Bank zones/types...

    Bank Track
    Bank VCA
    Bank Folder
    Bank TrackSend
    Bank TrackReceive
    Bank TrackFXMenu
    Bank SelectedTrack
    Bank SelectedTrackSend
    Bank SelectedTrackReceive
    Bank SelectedTrackFXMenu
    Bank MasterTrackFXMenu

New SelectedTracks Associated Zone Type

A SelectedTracks zone type was added to have surface visibility follow the track selection in Reaper. As the track selection changes in Reaper, the surface visibility will follow. This is particularly handy when combined with scripts to select tracks by name for example.

Zone "SelectedTracks"
    DisplayUpper|               TrackNameDisplay { Track }
    Touch+DisplayLower|         TrackVolumeDisplay
    DisplayLower|               TrackPanAutoLeftDisplay
    Shift+DisplayLower|         TrackAutoModeDisplay
    Toggle+DisplayLower|        TrackPanAutoRightDisplay
    Alt+DisplayLower|           TrackInputMonitorDisplay
    Control+DisplayLower|       TrackRecordInputDisplay
    VUMeter|                    TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
    Fader|                      TrackVolume 
    Flip+Fader|                 TrackPan 
    Rotary|                     TrackPanAutoLeft RingStyle=Dot
    Toggle+Rotary|              TrackPanAutoRight RingStyle=Dot
    RotaryPush|                 ToggleChannel
    Shift+RotaryPush|           TrackPan [ 0.5 ]
    Option+RotaryPush|          TrackPanWidth [ 1.0 ]
    Alt+RotaryPush|             CycleTrackInputMonitor
    RecordArm|                  TrackRecordArm
    Shift+RecordArm|            CycleTrackAutoMode
    Solo|                       TrackSolo
    Mute|                       TrackMute
    Option+Select|              TrackInvertPolarity    

    BankLeft                    Bank SelectedTracks -8
    BankRight                   Bank SelectedTracks 8
    ChannelLeft                 Bank SelectedTracks -1
    ChannelRight                Bank SelectedTracks 1

Here's the Buttons.zon showing how to activate the SelectedTracks.zon:

Zone "Buttons"
    EQ                          GoAssociatedZone SelectedTracks 
    Global+EQ                   GoAssociatedZone Folder

And the Home.zon showing the SelectedTracks as an AssociatedZone:

Zone Home
    OnInitialization ToggleEnableFocusedFX
    OnInitialization ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping

MasterFXTrackMenu and FocusedFX for MasterTrackFX

CSI now has a MasterTrackFXMenu zone and FocusedFX mapping for Master Track fx. Note: monitor fx are still not supported at this time.

Shared FX Zone Folders

CSI now asks for a specific FX Zone folder location. This is particularly useful if you have more than one surface sharing the same FX Zone folder.

JXFXParam for Mapping of JS FX

There is a new JSFXParam type that's meant to help improve the mapping of JS FX. Note: some JS FX parameters still give CSI trouble, but most work just out of the box.

FXParamAliasesCache.txt File for FX Parameter Aliases

If you have a SelectedTrackTCPFXTemplate zone and create a parameter alias for a particular FX, it will be written to the FXParamAliasesCache.txt file and saved for future use in any zones.

FXParamStepValuesCache.txt File for Stepped FX Params

To help facilitate easier use of stepped parameters with encoders, CSI includes a FXParamStepValuesCache.txt file which includes the parameter step values for approximately 1,000 common fx. You can manually add to this file if you run into trouble with stepped parameters mapped to endless rotary encoders.

New CSI Page Option: Ensure Selected Track Visible in Both CSI and Reaper

Checking this option will always insure that the selected track is visible on your CSI surface when selected from within Reaper and vice-versa.

New CSI Page Option: Surface and Reaper Mixer Scroll Together

This option will ensure that the surface and Reaper's MCP are in sync when one is being scrolled/banked.

New Action: TrackRecordInputDisplay

This display action will show the current input assigned in a track.zon.

SomeDisplay TrackRecordInputDisplay

New Action: AllSurfacesGoHome

The new AllSurfacesGoHome option is meant to tell all surfaces in the page to return to the Home zone.

   SomeButton                         AllSurfacesGoHome

CSI Now Speaks When Modifiers are Latched and Unlatched

CSI now OSARA speaks modifier latching and unlatching -- e.g., it will speak "Shift locked" and "Shift unlocked".

December 13th, 2022

Changes to Feedback behavior and Widget Mode

CSI will automatically attempt to display feedback for a single action, or display the feedback for the first action in a CSI macro action (i.e. one button assigned to trigger more than action). There may be use-cases where you want to disable feedback (example: you have a button that's constantly lit because the action does not report a toggle state), or where you want CSI to report the feedback state of anything other than the first action in a macro list.

Example 1. I've got a single action assigned to a widget, but want to disable feedback on an action...

    SomeButton SomeAction Feedback=No

Example 2. I only want feedback on the first action (default behaviour - no additional syntax required)....

    SomeButton SomeAction
    SomeButton AnotherAction
    SomeButton YetAnotherAction

Example 3. I want feedback on the middle action only; so I use the new Feedback widget mode to specify which action gets it....

    SomeButton SomeAction
    SomeButton AnotherAction Feedback=Yes 
    SomeButton YetAnotherAction

Example 4. I want feedback on the last action only....

    SomeButton SomeAction
    SomeButton AnotherAction
    SomeButton YetAnotherAction Feedback=Yes

Example 5. Erroneous definition. In this case only the 3rd Action gets feedback.

    SomeButton SomeAction
    SomeButton AnotherAction Feedback=Yes
    SomeButton YetAnotherAction Feedback=Yes

Fixes for Extraneous Messages Being Sent / Flickering

The above referenced change to the feedback behavior should also resolve any problems with extraneous messages being sent or button flickering.

New CSI Support Files Posted

The CSI support files were updated to reflect some of the latest changes.

December 10th, 2022

Crash Fix When Using GoFolder in Project With "Orphaned Folders"

If you had a Reaper project where tracks that have been left as "last track in folder" when the original folder no longer exists (i.e. "orphaned folder tracks"), Reaper would crash when using CSI's GoFolder action. This crash condition has been resolved.


The code for EZFXZones has been removed in order to keep just a single way of creating FX.zon's. While the EZFXZones used less syntax in some instances, the benefit of the alternate syntax doesn't seem great enough to warrant maintaining.

"Only the First Action in a Series Provides Feedback to the Widget" Constraint Has Been Removed

Prior builds have CSI have had a workaround in the code to prevent runaway feedback when multiple actions were assigned to the same widget. The workaround was to impose a limitation that only the first action would provide feedback to the widget. Example:

    SomeButton SomeAction     // only this action would provide feedback to the widget
    SomeButton AnotherAction  // this action would not provide feedback

While this worked reasonably well, you were out of luck if you wanted SomeAction to occur before AnotherAction, but wanted the feedback from AnotherAction.

Now, with feedback available on a per Action basis you can do this:

    SomeButton SomeAction Feedback=No
    SomeButton AnotherAction

...or even something like this:

    SomeButton SomeAction Feedback=No
    SomeButton AnotherAction 
    SomeButton YetAnotherAction Feedback=No

As a result, that "only the first action provides feedback" constraint is no longer necessary.

"CSI Toggle Show Input from Surfaces" Action Now Shows Zone File Path

To help facilitate troubleshooting of .zon files, particularly when you may have multiple zone folders or aren't sure which zone is currently active, the "CSI Toggle Show Input from Surfaces" action in Reaper will now show the full zone file path in addition to the action.


IN <- XTouchOne Play 1.000000
Zone -- C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\REAPER/CSI/Zones/X-Touch_One_FB/Buttons.zon

...looking at this, I can see the full path to the zone file that was active when I pressed the Play button.

BREAKING CHANGES: WidgetMode and Property+NoFeedback Replaced With New Syntax

Previously, WidgetMode was used to set the encoder ring style and FaderPort display types. In addition, Property+NoFeedback was used for disabling feedback. This old implementation required multiple lines for these additional commands.

New functionality has been implemented to replace WidgetMode and Property+NoFeedback, keeping everything on a single line. Because of this new syntax, existing .zon files will need to be updated to function properly.

For example, this [old syntax] has been replaced...

    Rotary|          	  	TrackPanAutoLeft
    Rotary|			WidgetMode Dot

...with just this [new syntax]:

Rotary|  TrackPanAutoLeft RingStyle=Dot

This [old syntax]...

    Up              Reaper _XENAKIOS_TVPAGEUP                  // Xenakios/SWS: Scroll track view up (page)
    Property+Up     NoFeedback

Has been replaced with this [new syntax]:

    Up              Reaper _XENAKIOS_TVPAGEUP Feedback=No     // Xenakios/SWS: Scroll track view up (page)

The new functionality is similarly dependent on the type of feedback processor used in your .mst for a given widget.

If using FB_Encoder, then the available options are:


If using FB_FaderportValueBar, then the available options are"


If using FB_FP8ScribbleStripMode, then the available options are:


If using FB_FP8ScribbleLine1, etc., then the available options are:



November 1st, 2022 Build

Added special case logic for X32 Select button

Code changes deployed to get the Select buttons working correctly on the X32/MIDAS series consoles. Thanks to forum user jacksoonbrowne for the code.

EZFXZones now support Fixed Text for -1 param number [EZFXZones Have Been Deprecated]

Using the new EZFXZones, you can now have fixed text appear in a display with no parameter assigned to it (FX Param -1). See the example below...

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fairchild 660"
     FXParams                 1            2         3               7             4           6           9        8
     FXParamNames             "Input Gain" Threshold "Time Constant" "Output Gain" "SC Filter" "DC Thresh" Headroom Mix
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryA|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperA|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerA|

     FXParams                 5     0       -1      -1     -1         -1      -1     12 
     FXParamNames             Bal   Meter   "Fixed" "Text" "Example"  "Here"  ""     Wet
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryB|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperB|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerB|

Removed string feedback for GoVCA and GoFolder, FXBypassDisplay and FXOfflineDisplay provide string feedback

Changes to feedback on OSC to prevent issues with two messages of different types being sent simultaneousy.

Fixed bug in negative measures display

Small change to further improve negative measure display on TimeDisplay widgets in Measure mode.

New Navigation Action: GoMasterTrack

GoMasterTrack was added to activate the MasterTrack zone for fader surfaces that do not have a dedicated master track fader. Be sure to include this as an AssociatedZone in your Home.zon.

Zone "Buttons"
    SomeButton    GoMasterTrack

Fix for TrackBank Not Updating Channel Count to Account for Hidden Tracks

After hiding a track in Reaper, CSI was not updating it's internal track count to adjust for hidden tracks. This has been resolved.

Fix for Zoom Modifier

The Zoom modifier was broken in a recent build. This has been fixed.

Fix for Touch Modifier Not Working Outside of Track Zones

The Touch modifier recently stopped working outside of Track Zones. So for example, Touch would do nothing when used as a modifier in an FX.zon. This has ben resolved.

Fix for Negative Measure Displays

Fix for the MCUTimeDisplay action incorrectly displaying negative measures when in Bars/Beats/Ticks mode. Thanks to Reaper forum user StereoDidi for the code contribution for this fix!

Added Track Number to SpeakTrackSendDestination and SpeakTrackReceiveSource Actions

For visually impaired users, SpeakTrackSendDestination and SpeakTrackReceiveSource actions will now also speak the Track #.

Possible Fix for CSI Speaking Twice with Some Screen Readers

There is a possible fix for an issue with CSI speaking twice when using certain screen readers.

New Actions: SpeakFXMenuName, SpeakTrackSendDestination, SpeakTrackReceiveSource

The following new actions were added for OSARA users in order to allow CSI to speak the FX Menu Name of a plugin (SpeakFXMenuName) in the menu, or the track send destination (SpeakTrackSendDestination), or the receive source (SpeakTrackReceiveSource). These can be assigned to widgets to trigger when these actions take place.

Zone "SelectedTrackFXMenu"
    RecArm     SpeakFXMenuName
Zone "SelectedTrackSend"
    RecArm     SpeakTrackSendDestination
Zone "SelectedTrackReceive"
    RecArm     SpeakTrackReceiveSource

Hex Colors for OSC

Users can now transmit colors to OSC surfaces using the standard Hex color format. These messages are transmitted to OSCAddress + "/Color" and formatted as #rrggbbaa. You will need to have your OSC widget setup to receive and respond to colors at that address. Note: as of the time of this writing, TouchOSC support for Hex colors with the hash characters is currently in beta (build 149).

Turn Off MIDI Fighter Twister Button LEDs by Sending 0 0 0 Color Message

Thanks to Reaper forum user Diesel, users of the MIDI Fighter Twister can turn off LED button lights on the device by sending RGB messages of 0 0 0 to the device. Thanks Diesel!

RotaryPushB5 FXParam 999 { 0 0 0 }

New Action: SendOSCMessage

SendOSCMessage is designed to send arbitrary OSC messages to the address specified in the action. The syntax is [Widget/Virtual Widget] SendOSCMessage "[OSC address] [Value]" as shown in the examples below...

    OnInitialization SendOSCMessage "/Displays/UpperDisplay1 aString".   // String 
    OnInitialization SendOSCMessage "/Displays/LowerDisplay1 -123"       // 32-bit integer
    OnInitialization SendOSCMessage "/Displays/ValueDisplay1 24.98".     // Float

Default Step Size and Default Encoder Acceleration Can Be Used in All Zones

If you're using a MIDI surface with encoders, you can now define the default StepSize (resolution) and Acceleration in your .mst file and these settings will be carried into all Zone types. This allows you to define these values once, and avoid having to repeatedly define them in zone files.

A refresher on what this might look like in an .mst...

    RotaryWidgetClass 0.003

    RotaryWidgetClass Dec 41     42    43    44    45    46    47     48
    RotaryWidgetClass Inc 01     02    03    04    05    06    07     08
    RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.005  0.01  0.02  0.04  0.05  0.06  0.08   0.1


Widget Rotary1 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 10 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f

Widget Rotary2 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 11 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 11 7f

Widget Rotary3 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 12 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 12 7f

Widget Rotary4 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 13 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 13 7f

Widget Rotary5 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 14 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 14 7f

Widget Rotary6 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 15 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 15 7f

Widget Rotary7 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 16 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 16 7f

Widget Rotary8 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 17 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 17 7f

New Feature: Auto-Tick-Count Generation for Encoders+Stepped Parameters

If you're utilizing the new ZoneStepSizes feature, CSI will automatically create a tick-count list for comfortably cycling through stepped parameters so they're not going by too quickly to be useful or too slowly to be enjoyable. First, you need to define your encoders using the RotaryWidgetClass, StepSize, and DefaultAcceleration features in the .mst. Once you have that, you just need a .stp file (ZoneStepFile) for any fx you map. CSI does the rest!

Fixes for FXZone Crash and DisplayMode Spread [EZFXZones Have Been Deprecated]

Bug fixes for an EZFXZone crash when parsing an incorrect syntax and a fix for the DisplayMode "Spread" setting not working as expected.

New Feature: Local Modifiers

Previously, modifiers such as Shift, Alt, Control, and Option were strictly "Global Modifiers": engaging the modifier on one surface, would enable that modifier on all devices. Now, a new CSI.ini preference has been added that will allow surfaces to set their modifiers locally (i.e. modifiers will not impact any other surface than the one where they were engaged). To make the change, add the word LocalModifiers prior to the surface name under each Page where you'd like to enable local modifiers.

Version 2.0

MidiSurface "XTouchOne" 7 9 
MidiSurface "MFTwister" 6 8 
OSCSurface "iPad Pro" 8003 9003
OSCSurface "TouchOSCLocal" 8002 9002
MidiSurface "CMC-QC" 23 24 

Page "HomePage"
LocalModifiers "XTouchOne" 1 0 "X-Touch_One.mst" "X-Touch_One_FB" 
"MFTwister" 8 0 "MIDIFighterTwisterEncoder.mst" "FXTwisterFocusedFX" 
"iPad Pro" 8 0 "MCU-Pad.ost" "MCU" 
"TouchOSCLocal" 8 0 "FXTwister.ost" "FXTwisterFocusedFX" 
"CMC-QC" 0 0 "Stienberg_CMC-QC-2.mst" "Steinberg_CMC-QC-2" 

September 23, 2022

Support for the X32/M32/XAir Series of Behringer/MIDAS Consoles via OSC

Thanks to absolutely huge contributions from Reaper forum user jacksoonbrowne, the Behringer X32 is now supported in CSI via OSC. These devices have a very unique OSC implementation that required substantial code contributions.

The X32 implementation is an on-going work in progress and many more features will be added to the support files.

For these to work:

  1. Add a new OSC device as per the Installation and Setup instructions.
  2. In the CSI Device setup, the "CSI sends to port" and "CSI recieves on port" must both be set to port 10023 for the X32/M32 or port 10024 for the XAir series.
  3. If you're creating your own .ost, the .ost must contain either "X32" or "x32" somewhere in filename. Note: a set of files for the Behringer X32 has been added to the CSI Support Files.



An additional special thanks goes out to Patrick-Gilles Maillot for having documented the X32 OSC protocol here.

// Reaper CSI X32/Xair/Midas32 support files installation notes.

Go to the below URL to download and retrieve the most recent versions of support files and place them in the CSI file structure appropriately:

Having done that, load the X32 scene file from "CSI\Behringer X32 Scene\CSI-X32-Config.scn", and place it on a USB thumb drive that is 32Gbytes or less, and formatted as "FAT32".
Follow the instructions from Behringer web site for the X32 on how to download a scene from a USB stick and install the scene.
And then load that scene on the X32.
This scene will configure the "Assignable sections: rotaries and buttons" to control the "Transport" as per the current X32 .ost and .zon files.

Fix for Reaper Tracks Not Scrolling Into View When Selected on Surface

If the number of channels in Reaper was fewer than the number of tracks on your surface, selecting a track on the surface would not scroll that track into view in Reaper. This should fix that problem.

September 19, 2022

MIDI Surface Template (.mst) File Updates

Several enhancements in this build pertain to work happening around EZFXZones and helping build up to auto-mapping of FX. As a result, there are some changes that can be made to MIDI Surface Template (mst) files to streamline how encoders are used in EZFXZones, creating some default behaviors, and eventually help allow for auto-mapping FX. Note: these tweaks are optional and fully backwards compatible with prior .mst files so no changes are required.

RotaryWidgetClass and JogWheelWidgetClass

RotaryWidgetClass is designed to help streamline how encoders are defined in .mst files and tell CSI which widgets are encoders. There are multiple elements to how this is used in an .mst file.

First, by putting the word RotaryWidgetClass after the widget name in the .mst file, you are telling CSI, "this widget belongs in the rotary widget class" (as shown below). In a moment, we'll show you what that allows for.

Widget RotaryA1 RotaryWidgetClass
    Encoder b0 00 7f
    FB_Fader7Bit b0 00 00

The same can be done with your JogWheel using the new JogWheelWidgetClass.

Widget JogWheel JogWheelWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 3c 7f

Defining "StepSize" for All Encoders in the RotaryWidgetClass

Now that the RotaryWidgetClass and/or JogWheelWidgetClass is defined for our encdoers, we can set the encoder StepSize globally by adding this to the top of the .mst file. This represents how fine the resolution will be for each encoder "tick". A value of 0.001 will be very fine and move parameters one-tenth of one-percent, which is very fine. If you find that resolution a little too fine, resulting in slow encoders, you may have better luck with a value of 0.003 or some other higher value. It will really depend on your hardware surfaces and preferences.

Here is an example from the X-Touch.mst showing both class types, each using a StepSize of 0.003.

    RotaryWidgetClass   0.003
    JogWheelWidgetClass 0.003

The encoders on MIDI Fighter Twister are very sensitive, so I might use a StepSize of 0.001 for that surface.

    RotaryWidgetClass 0.001


Next, we can then remove the Encoder Acceleration step values from each individual widget and just create a global set of acceleration values at the top of the .mst file. The benefit of this approach is that rather than being required to define the Encoder Acceleration in each EZFXZone, CSI can now use a default for all encoders in the RotaryWidgetClass.

Here we are defining the Decrease values ("Dec") from slowest encoder turns to fastest, and the same for the Increase ("Inc") values. Below that, you will find one encoder acceleration value ("Val") for each encoder acceleration step. The actual values used will depend on what your encoder transmits. The values below are from a MIDI Fighter Twister and my own personal acceleration curve.

    RotaryWidgetClass Dec 3f     3e    3d    3c    3b    3a    39     38    36    33    2f     
    RotaryWidgetClass Inc 41     42    43    44    45    46    47     48    4a    4d    51
    RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.001  0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.0075 0.01  0.02  0.03  0.04

So in the past, each of my MFTEncoder widgets looked like the this...

Widget RotaryA1
	MFTEncoder b0 00 7f [ < 3f 3e 3d 3c 3b 3a 39 38 36 33 2f > 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 4a 4d 51 ]
	FB_Fader7Bit b0 00 00

Now we've got this text at the top of the .mst

    RotaryWidgetClass 0.001

    RotaryWidgetClass Dec 3f     3e    3d    3c    3b    3a    39     38    36    33    2f      
    RotaryWidgetClass Inc 41     42    43    44    45    46    47     48    4a    4d    51
    RotaryWidgetClass Val 0.001  0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.0075 0.01  0.02  0.03  0.04

And the encoder widgets look like this (Note: MFTEncoder has been replaced with the standard Encoder widget since all the instructions are now up top).

Widget RotaryA1 RotaryWidgetClass
    Encoder b0 00 7f
    FB_Fader7Bit b0 00 00

Here is an example from the X-Touch.mst where the step size is 0.003 and the AccelerationValues line up with MCU-style devices.

    RotaryWidgetClass   0.003
    JogWheelWidgetClass 0.003

    RotaryWidgetClass   Dec 41     42    43    44    45    46    47  
    RotaryWidgetClass   Inc 01     02    03    04    05    06    07  
    RotaryWidgetClass   Val 0.0006 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.04  0.08 

    JogWheelWidgetClass Dec 41     42    43    44    45    46    47  
    JogWheelWidgetClass Inc 01     02    03    04    05    06    07  
    JogWheelWidgetClass Val 0.0006 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.04  0.08 

EWidget (or "Eligible Widgets")

Another feature instituted now as part of the roadmap to auto-mapping FX is the addition of the "Ewidget" option in .mst files. This will eventually be used to tell CSI which widgets you'd like automatically included for automatic FX.zon mapping and which widgets you'd like excluded from that. Anything defined as an EWidget will be eligible for mapping. Here are some examples from an X-Touch.mst where we are using Displays, Rotarypush, Rotary, and Faders for FX mapping.

EWidget DisplayUpper1
	FB_XTouchDisplayUpper 0
EWidget Fader1
	Fader14Bit e0 7f 7f
	FB_Fader14Bit e0 7f 7f
	Touch 90 68 7f 90 68 00
EWidget RotaryPush1
	Press 90 20 7f 90 20 00
EWidget Rotary1 RotaryWidgetClass
	Encoder b0 10 7f
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f

ZoneStepSizes and .stp Files

The CSI Support Files now include a "ZoneStepSizes" sub-folder within the Zones folder. These files will be used by CSI in EZFXZones to determine which FX Parameters are stepped, how many steps each parameter has, and what the exact step values are. Again, this is another feature meant to simplify EZFXZone creation. Once a ZoneStepFile exists for a plugin, it shouldn't need to change (unless the developer adds new automation parameters) and can be shared. The CSI Support Files currently include ZoneFXFiles for almost 500 FX to get users started.

If you'd like to create some .stp files for your own use, you can add the below "AutoScan" line to your CSI.ini. The AutoScan process only attempts to create the .stp files for fx you already have a .zon for. It will not create .stp files for all FX. Note: this is an experimental feature and works better on Mac right now. If you run into issues, I'd encourage you to turn the AutoScan off by commenting out that line. When the AutoScan is complete and ZoneStepSize files created, you should also comment out (with a forward slash) or delete that line in your CSI.

Version 2.0


MidiSurface "XTouchOne" 7 9 
MidiSurface "MFTwister" 6 8 
OSCSurface "iPad Pro" 8003 9003
OSCSurface "TouchOSCLocal" 8002 9002
MidiSurface "CMC-QC" 23 24 

Page "HomePage"
"XTouchOne" 1 0 "X-Touch_One.mst" "X-Touch_One_FB" 
"MFTwister" 8 0 "MIDIFighterTwisterEncoder.mst" "FXTwisterMenu" 
"iPad Pro" 8 0 "FXTwister.ost" "FXTwisterMenu" 
"TouchOSCLocal" 8 0 "FXTwister.ost" "FXTwisterMenu" 
"CMC-QC" 0 0 "Stienberg_CMC-QC-2.mst" "Steinberg_CMC-QC-2" 

When a .stp file exists for a plugin, things like the below example are no longer required in EZFXZones. CSI will already know the step values and will automatically create a curve for your surface to move through each step if that parameter is assigned to an encoder.

     FXParamStepValues   1    0.0 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.68 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.89 0.95 1.0

EZFXZone Changes [EZFXZones Have Been Deprecated]

If you've got Step Files for your FX, and made the changes outlined above, EZFXZones get much easier. The block of text at the bottom dictating the default acceleration and FX Step sizes are no longer required.


Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 1            2         3               7             4           6           9        8
     FXParamNames             "Input Gain" Threshold "Time Constant" "Output Gain" "SC Filter" "DC Thresh" Headroom Mix
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryA|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperA|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerA|

     FXParams                 5     0       -1     -1     -1      -1     -1     12 
     FXParamNames             Bal   Meter   ""     ""     ""      ""     ""     Wet
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryB|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperB|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerB|

     FXParams                 -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1     -1
     FXParamNames             ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""     "" 
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPushA|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayRotaryPushA|

     FXParams                 -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   13     11
     FXParamNames             ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   Delta  Bypass
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPushB|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayRotaryPushB|

     DefaultAcceleration      0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.0075 0.01 0.02 0.035 0.04     
     FXParamStepValues   0    0.0 0.50 1.0
     FXParamStepValues   1    0.0 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.68 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.89 0.95 1.0
     FXParamStepValues   3    0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 
     FXParamStepValues   9    0.0 0.17 0.33 0.50 0.67 0.83 1.0


Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 1            2         3               7             4           6           9        8
     FXParamNames             "Input Gain" Threshold "Time Constant" "Output Gain" "SC Filter" "DC Thresh" Headroom Mix
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryA|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperA|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerA|

     FXParams                 5     0       -1     -1     -1      -1     -1     12 
     FXParamNames             Bal   Meter   ""     ""     ""      ""     ""     Wet
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryB|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpperB|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLowerB|

     FXParams                 -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1     -1
     FXParamNames             ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""     "" 
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPushA|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayRotaryPushA|

     FXParams                 -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   -1   13     11
     FXParamNames             ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   ""   Delta  Bypass
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPushB|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayRotaryPushB|

New Modifiers: Marker, Nudge, Scrub, and Zoom

CSI has added new "radio-button style" modifiers designed to allow for expanded functionality with MCU-style surfaces. By radio-button style, that means you cannot combine these modifiers like you can Global Modifiers (e.g. you can't combine Zoom+Scrub, but you can combine Zoom+Shift).

In the below example, Marker, Nudge and Zoom modifiers are being used with the arrow buttons to expand how they function in a logical way, without the need for separate sub-zones for these tasks. If you prefer to use SubZones in lieu of these modifiers, you may still continue to do so - the new modifiers are entirely optional. The new modifiers are also not limited to the arrow keys and could of course be used elsewhere.

Zone "Buttons"
    Marker                      Marker
    Nudge                       Nudge
    Zoom                        Zoom
    Up                          Reaper _XENAKIOS_TVPAGEUP              // Xenakios/SWS: Scroll track view up (page)
    Down                        Reaper _XENAKIOS_TVPAGEDOWN            // Xenakios-SWS: Scroll track view down 
    Left                        Reaper _SWS_SCROLL_L10                 // SWS: Scroll left 10%
    Right                       Reaper _SWS_SCROLL_R10                 // SWS: Scroll right 10%                                                                 
    Zoom+Up                     Reaper 40111                           // Zoom in vertical                                            
    Zoom+Down                   Reaper 40112                           // Zoom out vertical                                                       
    Zoom+Right                  Reaper 1012                            // Zoom in horizontal                                      
    Zoom+Left                   Reaper 1011                            // Zoom out horizontal                                     

    Marker+Up                   Reaper 40613                           // Delete marker near cursor                         
    Marker+Down                 Reaper 40157                           // Insert marker at current or edit position                           
    Marker+Right                Reaper 40173                           // Go to next marker or project end                           
    Marker+Left                 Reaper 40172                           // Go to previous marker or project start

    Nudge+Up                    Reaper 41925                           // Item: Nudge items volume +1dB
    Nudge+Down                  Reaper 41924                           // Item: Nudge items volume -1dB
    Nudge+Left                  Reaper 41279                           // Item edit: Nudge left by saved nudge dialog settings 1
    Nudge+Right                 Reaper 41275                           // Item edit: Nudge right by saved nudge dialog settings 1

New "GlobalModeDisplay" Action and "Global" Modifier

GlobalModeDisplay will display the current state of the new Global modifier. When the modifier is off, it will show "SE" for "Selected Track" and when the modifier is enabled, it will show "GL" for "Global". It is designed with MCU-style surfaces in mind so that when you see the Plugin button lit, indicating you are in an FXMenu zone, the SE/GL text will let you know if you're using the SelectedTrack or Track (aka "Global") variant.

In the example below we see the GlobalModeDisplay on the MCU AssignmentDisplay widget, and we also see how the new Global modifier can be used to load the "Track/Global" variants of the various zone types.

Zone "Buttons"

//  Encoder Assign Buttons

    Track                       GoHome
    Pan                         GoVCA
    EQ                          GoFolder
    Send                        GoSelectedTrackSend
    Global+Send                 GoTrackSend
    Plugin                      GoSelectedTrackFXMenu
    Global+Plugin               GoTrackFXMenu
    Instrument                  GoSelectedTrackReceive
    Global+Instrument           GoTrackReceive

    GlobalView                  Global
    AssignmentDisplay           GlobalModeDisplay 

Note: the new Global modifier is a "Global Modifier" like Shift, Control, and Alt, and not a "radio-button style" modifier like Marker and Zoom.

Below, we also see the Global modifier being used on the automation buttons to indicate whether you're changing the SelectedTrack (SE) variant of those actions or the Global Automation Modes.

    Read                        TrackAutoMode 1
    Write                       TrackAutoMode 3
    Trim                        TrackAutoMode 0
    Touch                       TrackAutoMode 2
    Latch                       TrackAutoMode 4
    Group                       TrackAutoMode 5
    Global+Read                 GlobalAutoMode 1
    Global+Write                GlobalAutoMode 3
    Global+Trim                 GlobalAutoMode 0
    Global+Touch                GlobalAutoMode 2
    Global+Latch                GlobalAutoMode 4  
    Global+Group                GlobalAutoMode 5   

New Action: ClearModifiers

This action was designed to allow a way to easily clear all CSI global modifiers (e.g. Shift, Alt, Option, Control) with a single button press or automatically based on a certain trigger using Virtual Widgets. This action will not clear the Toggle modifier (or Touch - which makes sense if you're currently touching something). One example use-case for this new action: a user may want to clear all modifiers whenever the Home Zone is activated as shown below...

Zone "Home"
    OnZoneActivation     ClearModifiers

September 12, 2022

Two-Way Encoder Behavior (Requires Updates to Your JogWheel in the .mst File)

Now you can assign two different Reaper actions to a single encoder based on which way the encoder is being turned, Counter-Clockwise (CCW) or Clockwise (CW). We do this via the Decrease and Increase modifiers. Note: these modifiers only work with Encoders. The examples below all show the JogWheel but this functionality will work with any encoder.

Zone "Zoom"
    Decrease+JogWheel      Reaper 41326   // Decrease track height
    Increase+JogWheel      Reaper 41325   // Increase track height

Important Note: for this to work on your JogWheel, you will need to update your .mst file. If you're coming from a prior version of CSI, you probably have two or more separate JogWheel widgets, and those widgets probably are defined using Press instead of Encoder. So replace your JogWheel widgets to look like this (assuming MCU-style surface):

Widget JogWheel 
	Encoder b0 3c 7f

The following native CSI actions support this same syntax:



Zone "Buttons"
    Decrease+JogWheel      TrackBank -1
    Increase+JogWheel      TrackBank  1

EZFXZones: New FX Zone Syntax Option [EZFXZones Have Been Deprecated]

Note: consider this feature extra-experimental. This is not ready for production projects yet. Also, some actions described below are currently still being coded.

EZFXZones are a new way of writing FX Zones that uses far fewer lines, and saves a lot of the tedious repetition of the legacy fx.zon format (which is not going away). These new FX zones follow a spreadhseet-like format where you read both across and down.

Diving right into a real-world example, the first and last lines of any fx.zon remain unchanged. After that, the first block of text starting with "FXParams" is saying FXParam 9, which, reading down, we are giving the alias "HeadRoom", gets assigned to Rotary1. You will see the FXParamName on DisplayUpper1, and you will see the FXParamValue on DisplayLower1. Reading across on line 2 again, FXParam 1, "Input", will get assigned to Rotary2 (we're reading down again), with the FXParamName name showing up on DisplayUpper2 and FXParamValueName on DisplayLower2. And on and on.

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 9      1     2      3     6    7      0     8
     FXParamNames             HdRoom Input Thresh Ratio Knee Output Meter WetDry
     FXValueWidgets           Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|

Note: using the legacy FX.zon syntax, this simple mapping would've required something like 40 lines of code. The new EZFXZone syntax accomplishes all the same functionality in only 5 lines! If you wanted, you could stop right there; that could be an entire fx.zon!

Now, if we want to add a modifier, we add the next block of text shown below. Very similar layout, except there is one more row, with the addition of the FXWidgetModifiers Shift line. This says, show FXParam 5, "DC Bal", on Shift+Rotary1 and the corresponding Shift-Displays. Also note that "DC Bal" is in quotes - these are only required because there is a space in what we want to appear on the display. Next, if you continue reading across, you see a series of -1 entries in the FXParams row and double quotes in the corresponding FXParamNames rows. This tells CSI, "No Action here and clear out the displays".

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 9      1     2      3     6    7      0     8
     FXParamNames             HdRoom Input Thresh Ratio Knee Output Meter WetDry
     FXValueWidgets           Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|

     FXParams		      5	 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4
     FXParamNames	      "DC Bal" "" "" "" "" "" "" SidChn
     FXValueWidgets  	      Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|
     FXWidgetModifiers	      Shift

Now, let's say I want RotaryPush8 to toggle the FX Bypass state, but it's the only toggle-style action I need and I don't necessarily need to see that on a display. You can simply add another block with that specific instruction on the one widget:

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 9      1     2      3     6    7      0     8
     FXParamNames             HdRoom Input Thresh Ratio Knee Output Meter WetDry
     FXValueWidgets           Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|

     FXParams		      5	 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4
     FXParamNames	      "DC Bal" "" "" "" "" "" "" SidChn
     FXValueWidgets  	      Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|
     FXWidgetModifiers	      Shift

     FXParams                 11
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPush8

Now, how do we deal with stepped params, encoder acceleration, step sizes, colors, etc.? We simply add those to a new block of text at the bottom and define them on a per-parameter basis (except DefaultAcceleration, which is not at a per-parameter level).

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
     FXParams                 9      1     2      3     6    7      0     8
     FXParamNames             HdRoom Input Thresh Ratio Knee Output Meter WetDry
     FXValueWidgets           Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|

     FXParams		      5	 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 4
     FXParamNames	      "DC Bal" "" "" "" "" "" "" SidChn
     FXValueWidgets  	      Rotary|
     FXParamNameDisplays      DisplayUpper|
     FXParamValueDisplays     DisplayLower|
     FXWidgetModifiers	      Shift

     FXParams                 11
     FXValueWidgets           RotaryPush8

     Left                     FXParamsBank -1
     Right                    FXParamsBank 1

     DefaultAcceleration      0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.0075 0.01 0.02 0.035 0.05   
     FXParamAcceleration 7    0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.0075 0.01 0.02 0.025 0.03 
     FXParamStepSize     0    0.5
     FXParamStepValues   1    0.0 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.32 0.37 0.42 0.47 0.53 0.58 0.63 0.68 0.74 0.79 0.84 0.89 0.95 1.0
     FXParamStepValues   3    0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0 
     FXParamStepValues   9    0.0 0.17 0.33 0.50 0.67 0.83 1.0
     FXParamTickCounts   3    3
     FXWidgetModes       1    BoostCut
     FXWidgetModes       7    BoostCut  
     FXParamColors       11   #ff0000 #00ff007f

So let's look at the new additions: what happens if you have more than 8 FXParams you want to assign to your 8-channel unit? You can continue adding additional FXParams in lines 2 and 3, then CSI will allow you to bank to the next FXParam via the FXParamsBank actions. Banking will also allow for mapping fx on 1-fader surfaces.

DefaultAcceleration is optional but allows you to set a custom acceleration curve to all encoders (there are per-parameter curves as well).

The next set of actions are all on per-parameter basis. Notice how the syntax is the action type, the FXParam #, then the instructions with no need for brackets as used in traditional fx.zon files. So you can further still create parameter-level custom acceleration curves using the FXParamAcceleration action. FXParamStepSize is used to set the step size for an encoder tick on a FX Param. FXParamStepValues is used for stepped params. FXParamTickCounts sets the number of encoder ticks CSI must receive before advancing the FXParamValue. FXWidgetModes allow you to set display WidgetModes on a per-parameter baseis. Lastly, FXParamColors can be used by supported surfaces to send RGBA colors (in hex format) to a supported widget. Note: CSI will be moving away from RGB to Hex everywhere.

At the time of this writing, the following actions have been implemented


FXParamColors (now uses Hex colors)

The following actions are coming soon.


New Implementation for Track, Folder, VCA Modes With New Actions

There is a new implementation and set of corresponding zones (see the X-Touch folder in the CSI Support Files for examples), of Folder and VCA modes. Track is your basic Track.zon, there's no change there. When you use a GoFolder action to activate Folder mode, only Reaper's Folder tracks become visible, and you can press the Select [or any user-defined] button to drill down into the folder. After drilling down, the parent folder track is the first track on the left, and child tracks are on the right. There's an identical implementation for VCA leaders and followers via the GoVCA navigation action.

The new actions for these modes are:


And here is an example of the new Folder.zon:

Zone "Folder"
    DisplayUpper|                  TrackNameDisplay
    Fader|Touch+DisplayLower|      TrackVolumeDisplay
    DisplayLower|                  TrackFolderParentDisplay
    Shift+DisplayLower|            TrackAutoModeDisplay
    Toggle+DisplayLower|           TrackPanAutoRightDisplay
    Alt+DisplayLower|              TrackInputMonitorDisplay
    VUMeter|                       TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
    Fader|                         TrackVolume 
    Flip+Fader|                    TrackPan 
    Rotary|                        TrackPanAutoLeft
    Rotary|                        WidgetMode Dot
    Toggle+Rotary|                 TrackPanAutoRight
    Toggle+Rotary|                 WidgetMode Dot
    RotaryPush|                    ToggleChannel
    Shift+RotaryPush|              TrackPan [ 0.5 ]
    Option+RotaryPush|             TrackPanWidth [ 1.0 ]
    Alt+RotaryPush|                CycleTrackInputMonitor
    RecordArm|                     TrackRecordArm
    Shift+RecordArm|               CycleTrackAutoMode
    Solo|                          TrackSolo
    Mute|                          TrackMute
    Select|                        TrackToggleFolderSpill
    Shift+Select|                  TrackRangeSelect
    Control+Select|                TrackSelect
    BankLeft                       FolderBank -8
    BankRight                      FolderBank 8
    ChannelLeft                    FolderBank -1
    ChannelRight                   FolderBank 1


And here's a sample VCA.zon:

Zone "VCA"
    DisplayUpper|               TrackNameDisplay
    Fader|Touch+DisplayLower|   TrackVolumeDisplay
    DisplayLower|               TrackVCALeaderDisplay
    Shift+DisplayLower|         TrackAutoModeDisplay
    Toggle+DisplayLower|        TrackPanAutoRightDisplay
    Alt+DisplayLower|           TrackInputMonitorDisplay
    VUMeter|                    TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
    Fader|                      TrackVolume 
    Flip+Fader|                 TrackPan 
    Rotary|                     TrackPanAutoLeft
    Rotary|                     WidgetMode Dot
    Toggle+Rotary|              TrackPanAutoRight
    Toggle+Rotary|              WidgetMode Dot
    RotaryPush|                 ToggleChannel
    Shift+RotaryPush|           TrackPan [ 0.5 ]
    Option+RotaryPush|          TrackPanWidth [ 1.0 ]
    Alt+RotaryPush|             CycleTrackInputMonitor
    RecordArm|                  TrackRecordArm
    Shift+RecordArm|            CycleTrackAutoMode
    Solo|                       TrackSolo
    Mute|                       TrackMute
    Select|                     TrackToggleVCASpill
    Shift+Select|               TrackRangeSelect
    Control+Select|             TrackSelect

    BankLeft                    VCABank -8
    BankRight                   VCABank 8
    ChannelLeft                 VCABank -1
    ChannelRight                VCABank 1


Depreciated CycleTrackVCAFolderModes Action

With the addition of the GoTrack, GoVCA, GoFolder actions, the CycleTrackVCAFolderModes was removed. Please transition to using the new zones and zone activation actions.

Hex Color Support

CSI has been expanded to support Hex colors on actions. One can currently use RGB (legacy) or Hex (do not mix and match). For instance, if you wanted a particular button on your OSC surface to change colors based on whether or not the new VCA zone was active, you could do that as shown below.

     ButtonM31     GoVCA      { #6437017f #FA95017f }

AnyPress Widget Now Available for OSC Surfaces

The AnyPress Message Generator is now available to be used in .ost files for OSC surfaces such as the Behringer X32/Midas series.

August 31, 2022

Bug Fixes for Zone On/Off Colors on OSC, Track Selection, ScrollLink

There were some recent fixes to Zone on/off colors on OSC surfaces, as well as fixes to track selection and ScrollLink introduced due to recent changes to Track Visibility.

Preliminary Test Implentation for OSARA Integration

OSARA is described as "a Reaper extension that aims to make Reaper accessible to screen reader users." CSI has added preliminary support for OSARA with the goal of improving CSI with these screen readers. A new "Speak" action was added that can be triggered in various scenarios. See the example below which would speak the phrase "UAD Fairchild 660 Compressor" when the FX.zon was activated.

Zone "VST: UAD Fairchild 660 (Universal Audio, Inc.)" "Fair660"
	OnZoneActivation	Speak "UAD Fairchild 660 Compressor"

	DisplayUpper1		FixedTextDisplay "HdRoom"
 	DisplayLower1		FXParamValueDisplay 9
	Rotary1			FXParam 9 [ 0.0 0.17 0.33 0.50 0.67 0.83 1.0 ]

New Virtual Widgets: OnPlayStart, OnPlayStop, OnRecordStart, OnRecordStop, OnZoneActivation, OnZoneDeactivation

A slew of new virtual widgets have been added to allow you to automatically fire off actions based on Play or Record state, or when Zones are activated or deactivated. This adds a LOT of flexibility to Zones and can create a "smarter" experience.

Here are some example use-cases:

Zone "Home"
OnRecordStart SendMIDIMessage "B5 0F 04"     // Makes button B8 strobe on record start
OnRecordStop  SendMIDIMessage "B5 0F 00"     // Makes button B8 stop strobing on record stop
OnPlayStart   SendMIDIMessage "B5 0E 04"     // Makes button B8 strobe on play start
OnPlayStop    SendMIDIMessage "B5 0E 00"     // Makes button B8 stop strobing on play start
Zone "SelectedTrackSend"
	OnZoneActivation	    SetXTouchDisplayColors Cyan
	OnZoneDeactivation	    RestoreXTouchDisplayColors
Zone "SelectedTrackFXMenu"
	OnZoneActivation	SetXTouchDisplayColors Yellow
	OnZoneDeactivation	RestoreXTouchDisplayColors

New X-Touch Exclusive Actions: SetXTouchDisplayColors, RestoreXTouchDisplayColors

SetXTouchDisplayColors and RestoreXTouchDisplayColors are highly specialized actions for the X-Touch Universal and X-Touch Extenders to set the colors of all displays at once. When combined with the new OnZoneActivation, OnZoneDeactivation virtual widgets, these allow you to set all of the surface displays to the same color when you enter a SelectedTrackFXMenu zone, and restore the prior colors when you exit that Zone...

Zone "SelectedTrackFXMenu"
	OnZoneActivation	SetXTouchDisplayColors Yellow
	OnZoneDeactivation	RestoreXTouchDisplayColors

On the X-Touch, you can also set all 8 colors to any arbitrary value you'd like, but it MUST be all 8 colors. You include the color name for each of the 8 channels in a string with quotes. The syntax for that is shown below:

      OnZoneActivation     SetXTouchDisplayColors "Red Red Magenta Blue Yellow Green Cyan Red"

See FB_XTouchDisplayUpper for a list of available X-Touch colors.

New Action: SendMIDIMessage

SendMIDIMessage allows you to send arbitrary MIDI message to any CSI device based on whatever conditions you'd like to setup. This is great for devices like the MIDIFighterTwister, the Launch Pads, and other MIDI surfaces that will change colors or functionality based on MIDI messages they receive. For example, I'm doing this in my Home.zon to turn on strobing and change colors of buttons on my MIDI Fighter Twister based on the playback and record states in Reaper.

Zone "Home"
OnRecordStart SendMIDIMessage "B1 0F 50"     // Makes button B8 red on record start
OnRecordStart SendMIDIMessage "B5 0F 04"     // Makes button B8 strobe on record start
OnRecordStop  SendMIDIMessage "B1 0F 5F"     // Makes button B8 pink on record stop
OnRecordStop  SendMIDIMessage "B5 0F 00"     // Makes button B8 stop strobing on record stop
OnPlayStart   SendMIDIMessage "B1 0E 2D"     // Makes button B8 green on play start
OnPlayStart   SendMIDIMessage "B5 0E 04"     // Makes button B8 strobe on play start
OnPlayStop    SendMIDIMessage "B1 0E 5F"     // Makes button B8 pink on play stop
OnPlayStop    SendMIDIMessage "B5 0E 00"     // Makes button B8 stop strobing on play start

You can, of course, assign this to a button.

Zone "Buttons"
    SommeButton     SendMIDIMessage "B5 0E 04"     // Makes button B8 strobe on play start

CSI No Longer Saves the Bank Location in Your Reaper Project

Due to changes in track visibility, Reaper state, etc., saving the banking information in the Reaper .rpp could lead to issues and was eliminated.

Improvements to Track Visibility

To improve Track Visibility and update behavior, CSI now recalculates the Track list on every Run, about 33 times a second -- don't worry, the recalculation takes microseconds.

Follow TCP Functionality

By default CSI will follow Reaper's MCP view. ou can override this behavior if you add FollowTCP to the line in the csi.ini with the page name as shown below.

Version 2.0

MidiSurface "XTouchOne" 7 9
MidiSurface "MFTwister" 6 8 
OSCSurface "iPad Pro" 8003 9003 

Page "HomePage" FollowTCP
"XTouchOne" 1 0 "X-Touch_One.mst" "X-Touch_One_SelectedTrack"
"MFTwister" 8 0 "MIDIFighterTwisterEncoder.mst" "FXTwisterMenu"
"iPad Pro" 8 0 "FXTwister.ost" "FXTwisterMenu"

Page "MixPage" 
"XTouchOne" 1 0 "X-Touch_One.mst" "X-Touch_One_SelectedTrack"
"MFTwister" 8 0 "MIDIFighterTwisterEncoder.mst" "FXTwisterFocusedFX"
"iPad Pro" 8 0 "FXTwister.ost" "FXTwisterFocusedFX"

New Action: GlobalAutoModeDisplay

If you wanted to dedicate a display to showing the global auomation mode within Reaper (example: on an OSC device), there is now a CSI action that will display that.

Zone "Buttons"
     AutoModeDisplay     GlobalAutoModeDisplay

TrackVCAFolderModeDisplay, ToggleFXOffline, and ToggleFXBypass Now Display String and Integer (Based on Feedback Processor Type)

Depending on what type of Feedback Processor these actions are assigned to, CSI will either return the surface an integer (e.g. 0 for off, 1 for on) or return a string value (e.g. 'Offline'). Example: on an OSC surface, you may want ToggleFXBypass to return "Bypased/Active" if using the FB_Processor, or 0/1 if using the FB_IntProcessor.

Bug-Fix: ToggleFXBypass Now Respects FX Chain Bypass Status

ToggleFXBypass would return the incorrect status if the plugin was enabled by the entire FX Chain was bypassed. This has been corrected.

New Action: OSCTimeDisplay

Use OSCTimeDisplay for displaying Reaper's time, including the various modes, on an OSC surface. This is basically the OSC equivalent of MCUTimeDisplay. Use the same, pre-existing, CycleTimeDisplayModes action to change modes.

Zone "Buttons"
    TimeDisplay                 OSCTimeDisplay
    SomeButton                  CycleTimeDisplayModes    

New Actions: ToggleFXOffline, FXOfflineDisplay

Use ToggleFXOffline to change the FX status to "offline" in Reaper. Offline FX is similar to Bypass, but it removes the plugin from memory and additional processing. In the below example, it's assigned to Shift+Mute. The corresponding display action is FXOfflineDisplay.

Zone "SelectedTrackFXMenu"
        DisplayUpper|         FXMenuNameDisplay
        DisplayLower|         FXBypassDisplay
        Shift+DisplayLower|   FXOfflineDisplay
        Rotary|               NoAction
        RotaryPush|           GoFXSlot
        Mute|                 ToggleFXBypass
        Shift+Mute|           ToggleFXOffline
        Left                  SelectedTrackFXMenuBank -1
        Right                 SelectedTrackFXMenuBank 1

        RecordArm|            NoAction
        Solo|                 NoAction
        Select|               NoAction
     Fader|                   NoAction    

Additions to Broadcast/Receive Functionality

Broadcast and Receive has been expanded with some additional functioanlity:

  • ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping is automatically included if ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping is in Broadcast/Receive list
  • SelectedTrackSendBank is automatically included if SelectedTrackSend is in Broadcast/Receive list
  • SelectedTrackReceiveBank is automatically included if SelectedTrackReceive is in Broadcast/Receive list
  • SelectedTrackFXMenuBank is automatically included if SelectedTrackFX is in Broadcast/Receive list

New Actions: CycleTrackInputMonitor, TrackInputMonitorDisplay

Use CyleTrackInputMonitor to cycle through the input monitoring modes in a Track or SelectedTrack zone. The corresponding display action in TrackInputMonitorDisplay.

Zone "Track"
    Alt+RotaryPush|        	CycleTrackInputMonitor
    Alt+DisplayLower|   	TrackInputMonitorDisplay

Subzones Can Now Contain | Character

In prior CSI builds, a SubZone called from a Track context with a | character could not inherit the full track context with all the channels (example: channels 1-8). Now they can. For instance, here's a basic use-case using a DualPan SubZone that wasn't possible prior to this build.

Zone "Track"
     RotaryPush|                        ToggleChannel

     DisplayLower|                      TrackPanDisplay
     Rotary|                            TrackPan
     Rotary|                            WidgetMode Dot
     Toggle+Rotary|                     TrackPanWidth
     Toggle+Rotary|                     WidgetMode BoostCut
     Toggle+DisplayLower|               TrackPanWidthDisplay
     Shift+RotaryPush|                  GoSubZone "DualPan"

And the DualPan zone itself...

Zone "DualPan"
     RotaryPush|                        ToggleChannel
     DisplayLower|                      TrackPanLDisplay
     Rotary|                            TrackPanL
     Rotary|                            WidgetMode Dot
     Toggle+DisplayLower|               TrackPanRDisplay
     Toggle+Rotary|                     TrackPanR
     Toggle+Rotary|                     WidgetMode Dot

     Shift+RotaryPush|                  LeaveSubZone

New Action: ToggleChannel

ToggleChannel allows you to define a widget, such as RotaryPush, to toggle functionality assigned to that action. Example: this allows you to toggle between TrackPan + TrackPanDisplay and TrackPanWidth + TrackPanWidth display on the same channel. To do this, first you would define "RotaryPush|" to the ToggleChannel action. Next, you would use Toggle+as a modifier.

    RotaryPush|                 ToggleChannel

    Rotary|                     TrackPan
    Rotary|			WidgetMode Dot
    DisplayLower|      		TrackPanDisplay

    Toggle+Rotary|              TrackPanWidth
    Toggle+Rotary|		WidgetMode BoostCut
    Toggle+DisplayLower| 	TrackPanWidthDisplay

You can now also modify your .mst files and remove the Toggle part of a rotary definition. So this...

Widget Rotary1
	Encoder b0 10 7f [ > 01-0f < 41-4f ]
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f
        Toggle 90 20 7f


Widget Rotary1
	Encoder b0 10 7f [ > 01-0f < 41-4f ]
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f

New Actions: TrackPanAutoLeft, TrackPanAutoRight, TrackPanAutoLeftDisplay, TrackPanAutoRightDisplay

TrackPanAutoLeft will control TrackPan or TrackPanL (if using Dual Pans). TrackPanAutoRight will control TrackPanWidth or TrackPanR (if using Dual Pans). This adds considerable convenience in that you can use Stereo Balance Pans or Dual Pans even in the same Reaper project and control them in CSI without having to change zones. The one difference is that the WidgetMode for TrackPanAutoRight must be fixed (i.e. you can't use the Spread mode for PanWidth and Dot mode for PanR - you have to pick one).

Zone "Track"
    RotaryPush|                 ToggleChannel

    Rotary|                     TrackPanAutoLeft
    Rotary|			WidgetMode Dot
    Toggle+Rotary|              TrackPanAutoRight
    Toggle+Rotary|		WidgetMode Dot

    DisplayLower|      		TrackPanAutoLeftDisplay
    Toggle+DisplayLower|   	TrackPanAutoRightDisplay

Note: When using Dual Pans, TrackL and TrackR automation does not get written from a control surface. This appears to require a change to the Reaper API's.

New Action: WidgetMode

WidgetMode is designed to send additional, specific, instructions to a given widget. For instance, on a typical MCU-style device, you can set the Rotary encoder feedback to vary between Dot, BoostCut, Fill, and Spread modes.

    Rotary|                     TrackPan
    Rotary|			WidgetMode Dot
    DisplayLower|      		TrackPanDisplay

    Toggle+Rotary|              TrackPanWidth
    Toggle+Rotary|		WidgetMode BoostCut
    Toggle+DisplayLower| 	TrackPanWidthDisplay

New Action: SetWidgetMode

SetWidgetMode exists because you may want to set a Faderport display ScribbleStripMode, therefore, you will need SetWidgetMode since there is no other Action that updates the Widget, as there would be with, say, Rotary values and LED ring style.

    FPDisplay   SetWidgetMode
    FPDisplay   WidgetMode SomeWidgetMode

Depreciated Actions: MCUTrackPan, ToggleMCUTrackPanWidth, MCUTrackPanDisplay

The MCUTrackPan actions have been removed in favor of the new, more flexible, "ToggleChannel" functionality.

New Message Generator: Encoder7Bit

Encoder7Bit was created to address 7-Bit absolute encoders that continue to transmit 00 values when turned counter-clockwise after the minimum has been reached, and send 7f values when turned clockwise even after the maximum value has been reached. The X-Touch Compact and X-Touch Mini encoders can be configured to behave this way.

New FaderPortDisplay functionality (FB_FP8ScribbleStripMode Feedback Processors, new widget modes)

CSI supports all the display functionality of the Presonus FaderPort8 and FaderPort16. The FaderPorts have multiple (9) display types to choose from, contains a ValueBar and can, depending on the display type, show the VU Meter.

Display Type

Display type is a per display setting and consists of a widget and an action to set the actual display type. In your .mst file this will look like:

// ===========================================
// ===========================================
Widget ScribbleStripMode1
	FB_FP8ScribbleStripMode 0

Widget ScribbleStripMode2
	FB_FP8ScribbleStripMode 1

The image below shows all the display types and the Id


The default scribble strip mode is id 2 This is a version with 4 lines and in most cases the most versatile one.

For implementing the scribble strip mode you need to add 2 lines of code. The first one is adding the scribblescript widget to the file. It's value should be SetWidgetMode. This tells CSI the only value to use will be the WidgetMode. The second line sets the WidgetMode value. In this case that is the Scribble strip mode. The value is the ID of one of the layouts shown above.

In your zone file this will look like this:

Zone "Track"
  ScribbleStripMode|        SetWidgetMode
  ScribbleStripMode|        WidgetMode 8

Scribble lines

Each of the 4 scribble lines requires it’s own widget in the .mst file. For your .mst, here are the names for the FB generators that correspond to each line on the surface.

FaderPort 8 FaderPort 16
Line 1 FB_FP8ScribbleLine1 FB_FP16ScribbleLine1
Line 2 FB_FP8ScribbleLine2 FB_FP16ScribbleLine2
Line 3 FB_FP8ScribbleLine3 FB_FP16ScribbleLine3
Line 4 FB_FP8ScribbleLine4 FB_FP16ScribbleLine4

And here is an example of how the .mst would be mapped out for Display 1 on the Faderport8.

// ===========================================
// ===========================================
Widget ScribbleLine1_1
	FB_FP8ScribbleLine1 0

Widget ScribbleLine2_1
	FB_FP8ScribbleLine2 0

Widget ScribbleLine3_1
	FB_FP8ScribbleLine3 0

Widget ScribbleLine4_1
	FB_FP8ScribbleLine4 0

Per scribble line you're able to set ythe text align and you can set a line to inverted (changing back and foreground colour). These values are set with a WidgetMode.

  • TextAlign: Possible values are Center, Left and Right. The default when not set is Center
  • Invert: Pass the value Invert to invert. It will be normal when not passed.

Using this in a zone file will look like this:

Zone "Track"
  ScribbleLine1_|      TrackNameDisplay
  ScribbleLine1_|      WidgetMode "Left"

  ScribbleLine2_|      TrackNameDisplay
  ScribbleLine2_|      WidgetMode "Center Invert"

In this example line 1 in the scribble text will be left aligned. Line 2 will be right aligned and inverted.


The FaderPort 8 and FaderPort 16 have a Valuebar available in the scribble display. The ValueBar can be used for a visual representation of pan value, volume, pan width, etc. The valuebar has 5 different modes.


In the mst file it looks like:

// ===========================================
// ===========================================
Widget ValueBar1
	FB_FPValueBar 0

Widget ValueBar2
	FB_FPValueBar 1

Setting the mode is the zone file is handled by a property. For this reason it is not possible changing this with a modifier key. In the zone file it looks like:

Zone "Track"
  ValueBar|     TrackPan
  ValueBar|     WidgetMode BiPolar

August 15, 2022 Update

Reaper forum user Navelpluisje has made some contributions to improve FaderPort8/16 functionality in this build, including developing a TrackNumberDisplay action. Thanks to Navelpluisje for the additions!

BREAKING CHANGE: FB_FaderportRGB7bit is now FB_FaderportRGB

Anyone using an existing set of files for the Presonus Faderport8 or Faderport16 will need to update their .mst files to rename FB_FaderportRGB7bit to FB_FaderportRGB.

New Action: TrackNumberDisplay

This new display action will show the Reaper track number on a display. This can be useful for multi-line displays like the Faderport8/16 or SCE24 where you may want to spare a line for the track number as well as OSC surfaces.

New Feedback Processors: FB_FaderportTwoStateRGB, FB_FPVUMeter

FB_FaderportTwoStateRGB is used to allow two different colors for the Select buttons on the Faderport8/16 (track selected, track not selected), and FB_FPVUMeter allows one of the lines on the Faderport8/16 to function as a VU meter.

August 14, 2022 Update

Bug Fix: Custom Deltas

The 'Custom Delta' functionality for Encoders was not working previously working and fixed in this build.

August 5, 2022 Update

New Feature: X-Touch Color Support (FB_XTouchDisplayUpper)

Color support for the X-Touch Universal and X-Touch Extender has been added. See FB_XTouchDisplayUpper for details.

Removed ForceScrollLink Action

The ForceScrollLink action has been removed.

ToggleScrollLink now defaults to Off

The ToggleScrollLink action now defaults to Off. Previously defaulted to on.

Renamed FixedRGBColourDisplay to FixedRGBColorDisplay to standardize spelling

Standardizing CSI to consistently utilize US spelling. The FixedRGBColourDisplay action is now FixedRGBColorDisplay.

Renamed FB_GainReductionMeter to FB_ConsoleOneGainReductionMeter for clarity

Name changed to clarify this widget is specific to the Softube Console One.

Renamed FB_VUMeter to FB_ConsoleOneVUMeter for clarity

Name changed to clarify this widget is specific to the Softube Console One.

CSI Version 2.0 - July 10, 2022

CSI version 2.0 made a number of under-the-hood changes to zone loading to improve results and simplify some processes, while also expanding capabilities and improving features in various areas. This page is designed towards users with familiarity with CSI v1/1.1 authoring and is meant to assist in migration to version 2.0 by summarizing and consolidating the changes.

No more Navigators and fixed Zone names

In order to simplify .zon creation, the concept of Navigators have been removed (at least from the .zon files), and CSI inherits the Zone type based on a fixed set of Zone names. The fixed Zone names are:


Changes to the Home.zon syntax (AssociatedZones)

CSI version 2 introduced the concept of AssociatedZones. These are zones like Sends, Receives, and FX Menus that are not activated as part of the home.zon, but will be called from this zone.

Below is an example of a typical MCU-style home.zon. The "Track" zone will use the displays and widgets when the Home zone is active, but if you want to call up an FX menu, Sends, or Receives to then takeover over some of the widgets, they need to be listed as AssociatedZones as shown below. When configured like this, the AssociatedZones function as "radio-button" style zones, where only one can be active at a given time (example: SelectedTrackSends or SelectedTrackReceives - not both simultaneously).

Zone Home

No more “GoZone”

Fixed zone names mean we no longer need the GoZone action. Instead, users can activate fixed zones directly from the following list of actions:

Zone feedback

Now, active zones will send feedback to surfaces that support this like the Behringer X-Touch, X-Touch One, etc. Example: if the Home zone is active, the button dedicated to this zone on these types of surfaces will light up. Same for the Send/Receive/FXMenu type zones.

Broadcast and Receive syntax improved

In CSI, you can instruct one surface to "broadcast" zone changes to another surface to keep them in sync, as long as that other surface is set to "receive" and listen to those broadcast changes. This is not new functionality, however, rather than having a bunch of separate actions for this behavior, you can now list all your broadcast message types on a single row in the Home.zon, and same for Receive messages.

Broadcast/Receive only works for "Home" and "Associated Zones". If you have SelectedTrackFXMenu or FXMenu set to broadcast/receive, that includes the GoFXSlot messages that activates those zones.

The below example shows what Broadcast/Receive would look like with all currently supported options:

Zone Home
OnInitialization Broadcast Home SelectedTrackSend SelectedTrackReceive SelectedTrackFXMenu TrackSend TrackReceive TrackFXMenu
OnInitialization Receive Home SelectedTrackSend SelectedTrackReceive SelectedTrackFXMenu TrackSend TrackReceive TrackFXMenu

FocusedFX changes

The elimination of navigators mentioned above applies to FX.zon files too! By default, CSI version 2 will have FocusedFX mapping enabled. This means if you have a fx.zon file for a particular FX/instrument plugin, and open the GUI in Reaper, that mapping will become activated by default. You can toggle this behavior off and on by assigning a button to the ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping action as shown below:

   SomeButton     ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping

But what if you don't want FocusedFXMapping on by default? Since the default toggle state is "on", you can add "OnInitialization ToggleFocusedFXMapping" to flip it to off when CSI starts up as shown below:

Zone Home
OnInitialization ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping
OnInitialization Broadcast Home SelectedTrackSend SelectedTrackReceive SelectedTrackFXMenu TrackSend TrackReceive TrackFXMenu
OnInitialization Receive Home SelectedTrackSend SelectedTrackReceive SelectedTrackFXMenu TrackSend TrackReceive TrackFXMenu

Rewind and FastForward improvements

Big improvements have been made to the Rewind and FastForward actions. They will now latch and seek the play/edit cursor. The first press of either button will result in a slower rewind/forward speed. If you press the button again, you get a second, faster speed. In addition, feedback has been added to these actions for use in OSC surfaces or any MIDI surfaces that can provide rewind/fastforward feedback.

New "Flip" Modifier

A new modifier called "Flip" has been introduced with the intention of being assigned to the Flip button on MCU-style control surfaces. A common use-case for this would be to temporarily put track pans onto the faders for quick panning adjustments. And because it's a modifier, a quick press of the button this is assigned to will allow for latching.

Here's how you'd define the modifier in a Buttons zone.

Zone "Buttons"
    Flip      Flip

And an example of the intended use-case can be seen here where Flip gets used as a modifier to put TrackPan on the faders....

Zone "Track"
    DisplayUpper|               TrackNameDisplay
    Fader|Touch+DisplayLower|   TrackVolumeDisplay
    DisplayLower|               MCUTrackPanDisplay
    VUMeter|                    TrackOutputMeterMaxPeakLR
    Fader|                      TrackVolume 
    Flip+Fader|                 TrackPan 
    Rotary|                     MCUTrackPan
    RotaryPush|                 ToggleMCUTrackPanWidth
    RecordArm|                  TrackRecordArm
    Solo|                       TrackSolo
    Mute|                       TrackMute
    Select|                     TrackUniqueSelect
    Shift+Select|               TrackRangeSelect
    Control+Select|             TrackSelect

SubZones are for more than just FX now

SubZones are custom zones (i.e. they don’t have a fixed, pre-defined name) that can be called up from other zones. Common use-cases for SubZones would be create a custom Zoom zone, or a custom Marker zone that can re-purpose some widget assignments and change the functionality of the surface. They are also commonly used FX SubZones, which existed in CSI version 1.1. Think of an example of a Mastering Suite that may have more parameters than you have controls for on your surface. With FX SubZones, you could create one zone for the compressor section, another for the limiter section, then activate those different surfaces via button presses.

FX SubZone crashes on Mac have been resolved

In CSI v1.1, using a SubZone on Mac would cause CSI to crash Reaper [there was a workaround]. These now work as intended without crashing.

Banking actions can exist in the buttons zone

In CSI v1.1, Send, Receive and FX Menu banking actions needed to exist in those zones. In CSI v2, there are unique banking actions for each type. Those banking actions are no longer constrained to the Send, Receive, FX Menu zone files…you can use those in the buttons.zon

Track Pin features have been removed

Track pinning has been removed [as of now] from CSI v2 in order to clean up and simplify the code behind the scenes.

New CSI Preferences screen

To accommodate some under the hood changes how to surfaces get assigned to Pages, the CSI preferences screen has been redesigned. It now has a left to right flow where first you configure Surfaces on the left, then create one or more Pages in the middle, then use the Assignments section to assign surfaces to each page. See Setting up CSI for the first time for more details.

CSI Preferences Screen Print

CSI Preferences: removed the FX Menu and Send/Receive channel count fields

In the CSI Device Preferences, you'll no longer see the Send/Receive channel count fields. They inherit the count from the channel count.

New CSI.ini format, new file error handling

Version 2.0 introduces changes to the file CSI.ini file format. Additionally, now CSI will check for an incorrectly formatted CSI.ini and warn users when Reaper starts, notifying users of the version mismatch (rather than crashing Reaper). In general, CSI will warn users if there's a missing folder or incorrectly formated CSI.ini and should not crash Reaper.

MCUTrackPan action no longer requires toggle row in .mst file

If the Rotary encoders in your .mst file contained the toggle line that was required for the MCUTrackPan action, that line can now be removed.

So if you previously had this in your .mst file...

Widget Rotary1
	Encoder b0 10 7f [ < 41-48 > 01-08 ]
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f
	Toggle 90 20 7f

You can delete the toggle row so it looks like this...

Widget Rotary1
	Encoder b0 10 7f [ < 41-48 > 01-08 ]
	FB_Encoder b0 10 7f

RGB Color Fixes

Reaper handles RGB colors differently between Mac and PC. A bug in CSI has been fixed to correct the RGB behavior on both platforms.

TouchOSC can now run locally

You can now use the TouchOSC [mk II] application running on your local machine as a control surface in CSI.

Native Apple Silicon (ARM) support, universal binary

Mac users with M1 [or more recent] can now use CSI natively in the Reaper ARM version. The .dylib is now a universal binary that includes ARM and Intel versions. You will need to allow the CSI .dylib to have access within Security and Privacy settings in Mac OS, then restart Reaper.

Catalina or greater required for MacOS

The minimum version of MacOS supported is 10.15. This was changed in order to support new processors.

No more 32-bit CSI builds

CSI no longer includes 32-bit builds on Windows and Mac. This was dropped in order to support new processors.

New actions

Here’s a list of new actions introduced in CSI v2:

  • SaveProject
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • MCUTimeDisplay (previously existed and named TimeDisplay)
  • CycleTrackVCAFolderModes
  • TrackVCAFolderModeDisplay
  • Broadcast
  • Receive
  • GoHome
  • GoSubZone
  • LeaveSubZone
  • ToggleEnableFocusedFXMapping
  • ToggleEnableFocusedFXParamMapping
  • GoSelectedTrackFX
  • GoTrackSend
  • GoTrackReceive
  • GoTrackFXMenu
  • GoSelectedTrackSend
  • GoSelectedTrackReceive
  • GoSelectedTrackFXMenu
  • TrackSendBank
  • TrackReceiveBank
  • TrackFXMenuBank
  • SelectedTrackSendBank
  • SelectedTrackReceiveBank
  • SelectedTrackFXMenuBank
  • Flip
  • ToggleFXBypass
  • FXBypassDisplay

Deprecated actions

Here’s a list of legacy actions that have been removed. Many of these actions had to do with how zones were activated.

  • TimeDisplay (still exists - was renamed to MCUTimeDisplay)
  • MapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
  • UnmapSelectedTrackSendsFromWidgets
  • MapTrackSendsSlotToWidgets
  • UnmapTrackSendsSlotFromWidgets
  • MapSelectedTrackSendsSlotToWidgets
  • UnmapSelectedTrackSendsSlotFromWidgets
  • MapSelectedTrackReceivesToWidgets
  • UnmapSelectedTrackReceivesFromWidgets
  • MapTrackReceivesSlotToWidgets
  • UnmapTrackReceivesSlotFromWidgets
  • MapSelectedTrackReceivesSlotToWidgets
  • UnmapSelectedTrackReceivesSlotFromWidgets
  • FXParamRelative
  • MapSelectedTrackFXToWidgets
  • UnmapSelectedTrackFXFromMenu
  • MapSelectedTrackFXToMenu
  • UnmapSelectedTrackFXFromMenu
  • MapTrackFXMenusSlotToWidgets
  • UnmapTrackFXMenusSlotFromWidgets
  • GoCurrentFXSlot
  • SendSlotBank
  • ReceiveSlotBank
  • FXMenuSlotBank
  • TogglePin
  • GoZone
  • SetBroadcastGoZone
  • SetReceiveGoZone
  • SetBroadcastGoFXSlot
  • SetReceiveGoFXSlot
  • SetBroadcastMapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapSelectedTrackSendsToWidgets
  • SetBroadcastMapSelectedTrackReceivesToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapSelectedTrackReceivesToWidgets
  • SetBroadcastMapSelectedTrackFXToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapSelectedTrackFXToWidgets
  • SetBroadcastMapSelectedTrackFXToMenu
  • SetReceiveMapSelectedTrackFXToMenu
  • SetBroadcastMapTrackSendsSlotToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapTrackSendsSlotToWidgets
  • SetBroadcastMapTrackReceivesSlotToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapTrackReceivesSlotToWidgets
  • SetBroadcastMapTrackFXMenusSlotToWidgets
  • SetReceiveMapTrackFXMenusSlotToWidgets
  • ToggleVCAMode
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