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BERT Embedding Math

This repository contains a number of experiments for investigating properties of the embeddings layer in BERT.


Later versions of Python will require you to run export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd):$PYTHONPATH before python examples/folder/
To install requirements, pip install -r requirements.txt


Location Modification

Sentence: Rome is the capital of [MASK].
Modification: Rome = Rome - Italy + France
Predicted label: France
Confidence: 92.9%

City Embedding Clustering

City Embedding Clustering

Colour Embedding Clustering

Colour Embedding Clustering


Have a look in examples/ for examples. The code is commented to explain what each file does how.


The embedding maths has a very simple parser that does not obey traditional operator precedence.
An equation is a set of words/numbers interleaved with operators (so the leading + is necessary). Operators are done left to right and then added to the rightmost embedding:

He := + She - He / 2

translates to He <- (((She) - He) / 2) + He