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Game Title: Asteroid Junkies

Team Members

George Jose (20BCG10019)

Praveen.K V (20BCG10073)

Nandakishor. V (20BCG10057)


Asteroid Junkies is a 2D space shooter game where the player takes on the role of a pilot defending the earth from the Asteroids which have an extinction level threat on earth. The game is set in the distant future where humanity witnessed the cosmic makeover it could cause if the asteroid hits the earth to say it in simpleton words if the asteroid hit the earth you are toasted. The player will pilot a spacecraft and engage in intense space battles against waves of asteroids, while collecting power-ups.


Asteroid Junkies is an action-packed game that challenges the player's reflexes and strategic thinking. The gameplay involves navigating through space, blasting away the asteroid, and collecting power-ups.

The game is an endless runner where it progressively gets more difficult in time. The player's objective is to destroy the asteroids before it destroys the earth.

The game will feature swipe controls that allow the player to navigate their spacecraft left or right. The player can use the Fire button to shoot the lasers at the asteroids.

Game Mechanics:

  1. Player controls: The player usually controls a spaceship that can move in x direction ( left, right), and can shoot laser beams or other weapons to destroy asteroids.

  2. Asteroids: The game usually has different types of asteroids, each with their unique characteristics, such as how difficult to destroy the asteroids. Some may take one shot and other may take multiple shot.

  3. Power-ups: Power-ups are items that the player can collect during gameplay to enhance their abilities or weapons. There are 3 types of powerup in this game. Multi shot: It increase the firepower by 2x times. Spread shot: It increase the firepower by 4x times.
    Shield: A Force field to protect our ship for a limited amount of time

  4. Scoring system: The game usually has a scoring system to keep track of the player's progress and performance. Points are awarded for destroying and evading asteroids.

  5. Storyline Asteroid Junkies have a storyline which takes place in the distinct future. The storyline may involve the player's mission to save our planet from an extinction level threat.

Art Style:

Asteroid Junkies will feature a retro 2D pixel art style The game's art style will be vibrant and colourful 2D graphics that bring the game's space environments to life. The game's art style will be inspired by classic arcade games, with a modern twist. The Art style used in this game is a combined an effort of us (Developers) and we have also used some free art from other creators from the internet. Assets Used:


We have extensively used 2D sprites in the making of this game. The game controls collisions, movement and physics through C# scripts. The spaceship moves along with the player's touch count across the screen, while the shoot button will spawn in the projectile which will collide with the asteroid and destroy it.

Asteroids and Powerup are endlessly generated using generators who spawn them in during certain time period. When the ship collides with powerups, their status is activated. If the ship collides with the asteroid then the ship's health is reduced. If health reaches zero, then the scene changes.

There are a total of 4 scenes in the game which can either be changed through buttons or a certain event (like player death).

Sound and Music:

The game features an energetic and exciting soundtrack that matches the game's fast-paced action. The sound effects are realistic and immersive, enhancing the player's experience.

Target Audience:

Asteroid Junkies is designed for fans of 2D space shooter games who enjoy fast-paced action, challenging gameplay. The game is suitable for players of all ages who enjoy retro pixel art and science fiction themes.


Asteroid Junkies will be available on mobile devices only.

Conclusion and Future:

Asteroid Junkies is an exciting and action-packed 2D pixel space shooter game that will challenge players to defend the earth from asteroids. With its challenging levels, sound effects cut scene and retro pixel art style, it promises to be a thrilling experience for fans of the genre.

As for the future scope of Asteroid Junkies, it's possible that the game could be developed into a multiplayer game. One potential way to do this would be to introduce cooperative or competitive modes, allowing players to work together or against each other to defeat the inocimng asteroids. Another possibility would be to incorporate online multiplayer functionality, allowing players from all over the world to compete against each other in real-time.

Additionally, Asteroid Junkies could be further developed using modern technology, such as virtual or augmented reality, to create a more immersive and interactive experience. This could include features such as gesture-based controls, head-tracking, and other advanced features that could make the game even more engaging and enjoyable to play.

Overall, while Asteroid Junkies is based on classic games that has been around for decades, there is still plenty of room for innovation and development.

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