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Starting Up

Setting up Environmental Variables

$: cp .env.example

Assign the proper key values to the file

To start The Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Install Node.js dependencies with cd /apps/mock_forum_web/assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Project Prerequisite's

  • Postgres v9.6
  • Imagemagick v6+

Heroku Prerequisite's

Build packs

heroku buildpacks:set
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1

Additional Windows Specific Setup

Due to the nature of some required mix packages. Some packages were only configured to be compiled under the Linux/Mac environment.

We can temporary resolve this issue by doing a semi-hackey fix by compiling it with the GNU make packages for windows.

Packages Currently effected as of 6-11-2017

  • unicode_util_compat (0.2.0) - Dependency of UeberAuth
  • certifi (1.2.1) - Dependency of UeberAuth


  • Download and install the Complete GNU make package in the default install directory.

  • Set your system environmental variables to point to the make application. - Will require a restart on all command consoles once done

    • Warning: setx can be potentially destructive if not assigning PATH correctly.

      $: setx PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin

    • If you don't feel comfortable using setx, follow the java guide for accessing a GUI interface.

      Add the C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin to your System's Path list

  • Modifying dependencies - Replace the following files

    1. deps/certifi/rebar.config

      {erl_opts, []}.
      {pre_hooks, [{"(linux|darwin|solaris)", compile, "make -C certs_spec all"},
           {"(freebsd|openbsd)", compile, "gmake -C certs_spec all"},
           {"(win32|win64)", compile, "make -C certs_spec all"}]}.
    2. deps/unicode_util_compat/rebar.config.script

      _ = code:ensure_loaded(unicode_util),
      case erlang:function_exported(unicode_util, gc, 1) of
      true -> CONFIG;
      false ->
          [{pre_hooks, [{"(linux|darwin|solaris)", compile, "make -C uc_spec all"},
                      {"(freebsd|openbsd)", compile, "gmake -C uc_spec all"},
                      {"(win32|win64)", compile, "make -C uc_spec all"}]} | CONFIG]
  • Force recompile - $: mix deps.compile --force


A Forum in the Elixir-Phoenix 1.3 Framework






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