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@GeorgianStan GeorgianStan released this 30 Jan 11:48
· 1 commit to master since this release
0.x (#8)

* chore: project structure and toolchain setup

* chore: fix build command label in integrate.yml workflow

* chore: fix alias export for npm in package.json

* chore: removed files property from package.json to see if in this way generate-export-alias will work and the files will be added on npm

* chore: remove generate-export-alias and write a custom unwrap to move files from dist to root when publishing to npm

* chore: update in npmignore and unwrap.js

* chore,doc: update in toolchain remove umdNamedDefine and library name, bcs it will be a default export

* feature: util service with queryBuilder function to map object to url params

* chore: add types for node-fetch as dev dependency and update tsconfig to exluce .spec files

* feature,test: create general static method that will be used to get weather data

* chore,feat: add ms as dependency and add a function to retrieve data for each available timestep

* feature: timeline validator to check correct format

* chore,feat,test,udpate: static method named was changed to requestData, dotenv was added to save the private key, availability value is now validated before use

* chore: add umdNamedDefine and library in webpack for browserConfig, bcs it need to bind to global window object with a known value

* update,doc: add return type on static method + write documentation

* chore,update,doc: lint the code and update jest to read cov from src folder; remove dotenv and get the API_KEY for tests directly from process.env; add badges in doc

* chore: update integrate action to get token from secrets

* release: v1.0.0

* typo(integrate.yml)

* chore: update expose command, because now there are folders as well