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File metadata and controls

2538 lines (1917 loc) · 66.5 KB


Custom setting file

Geotrek-admin advanced configuration is done in /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/ file. The list of all overridable setting and default values can be found there.

After any change in, run:

sudo service geotrek restart

Sometimes you must also run :

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -u geotrek-admin

Spatial extents

In order to check your configuration of spatial extents, a small tool is available at http://server/tools/extents/.

Email settings

Geotrek-admin will send emails:

  • to administrators when internal errors occur
  • to managers when a feedback report is created

Email configuration takes place in /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/, where you control recipients emails (ADMINS, MAIL_MANAGERS) and email server configuration.

Set configuration settings in geotrek/settings/ template file.

You can test your configuration with the following command. A fake email will be sent to the managers:

sudo geotrek sendtestemail --managers

Disable modules and components

In order to disable a full set of modules, in the custom settings file, add the following code:

In order to remove notion of trails:

In order to remove zoning combo-boxes on list map:

Feedback reports settings

Send acknowledge email


If false, no email will be sent to the sender of any feedback on Geotrek-rando website

Suricate support

Geotrek reports can work together with Suricate API, using one of 3 modes:

1 - No Suricate (default)

This mode sends no report data to Suricate.

2 - Suricate Reports

This mode simply forwards all reports to Suricate, using the Standard API to post reports.

Set your account settings in

Then load lists for categories, activities, statuses and problem magnitude:

To make these lists available for your Geotrek-rando, run sync_rando (see synchronization <synchronization-section>)

3. Suricate Management

This mode allows to retrieve reports and related data directly from Suricate, using the Management API to get data. It requires enabling the Suricate Report mode as well.

Set your account settings in

You can use the following command to test your connection settings:

Load lists for activities and/or report statuses:

Load alerts from Suricate (located in your bounding box) :

To make these lists available for your Geotrek-rando, run sync_rando (see synchronization <synchronization-section>)

Be aware that, when enabling Suricate Management mode, Suricate becomes the master database for reports. This means reports created in Geotrek-admin will not be saved to the database, they will only be sent to Suricate. Reports are only saved when synchronized back from Suricate. Therefore, in this mode, you should run the synchronization command directly after creating a report and before and after updating a report.

Anonymize feedback reports

To be compliant to GDPR, you cannot keep personnal data infinitely, and should notice your users on how many time you keep their email.

A Django command is available to anonymize reports, by default older than 365 days.

Or if you want to erase emails for reports older than 90 days

Sensitive areas

In order to enable sensitivity module, in the custom settings file, add the following code:

The following settings are related to sensitive areas:

To take these changes into account, you need to run :

sudo dpkg-reconfigure -u geotrek-admin


In order to enable diving module, in the custom settings file, add the following code:

Then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical geotrek-admin.

You can also insert diving minimal data (default practices, difficulties, levels and group permissions values):

sudo geotrek loaddata /opt/geotrek-admin/lib/python*/site-packages/geotrek/diving/fixtures/basic.json
cp /opt/geotrek-admin/lib/python*/site-packages/geotrek/diving/fixtures/upload/* /opt/geotrek-admin/var/media/upload/


In order to enable outdoor module, in the custom settings file, add the following code:

Then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical geotrek-admin.

You can also insert outdoor minimal data:

sudo geotrek loaddata /opt/geotrek-admin/lib/python*/site-packages/geotrek/outdoor/fixtures/basic.json

Note: outdoor module is not compatible with PostGIS <= 2.4 that is included in Ubuntu 18.04. You should either upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 or upgrade postGIS to 2.5 with


In order to enable swagger module to auto-document API /api/v2/, in the custom settings file, add the following code:

Then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -u geotrek-admin.

WYSIWYG editor configuration

Text form fields are enhanced using TinyMCE.

Its configuration can be customized using advanced settings (see above paragraph).

For example, in order to control which buttons are to be shown, and which tags are to be kept when cleaning-up, add this bloc :

This will apply to all text fields.

For more information on configuration entries available, please refer to the official documentation of TinyMCE version 3.

View attachments in the browser

Attached files are downloaded by default by browser, with the following line, files will be opened in the browser :

Change or add WMTS tiles layers (IGN, OSM, Mapbox...)

By default, you have 2 basemaps layers in your Geotrek-admin (OSM and OSM black and white).

You can change or add more basemaps layers.

Specify the tiles URLs this way in your custom Django setting file:

Example with IGN and OSM basemaps :

To use IGN Geoportail WMTS tiles API, you need an API key with subscribing on Choose WebMercator WMTS tiles.

External authent

You can authenticate user against a remote database table or view.

To enable this feature, fill these fields in /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/

DATABASES['authent'] = {
    'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
    'NAME': '<database name>',
    'USER': '<user name>',
    'PASSWORD': '<password>',
    'HOST': '<host>',
    'PORT': '<port>',
AUTHENT_TABLENAME = '<table name>'
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['geotrek.authent.backend.DatabaseBackend']

Expected columns in table/view are :

  • username : string (unique)
  • first_name : string
  • last_name : string
  • password : string (simple md5 encoded, or full hashed and salted password)
  • email : string
  • level : integer (1: readonly, 2: redactor, 3: path manager, 4: trekking manager, 5: management and trekking editor, 6: administrator)
  • structure : string
  • lang : string (language code)

Map layers colors and style

All layers colors can be customized from the settings. See Leaflet reference for vectorial layer style.

  • To apply these style changes, re-run sudo systemctl restart geotrek.

Or change just one parameter (the opacity for example) :

Regarding colors that depend from database content, such as land layers (physical types, work management...) or restricted areas. We use a specific setting that receives a list of colors :

See the default values in geotrek/settings/ for the complete list of available styles.

Restart the application for changes to take effect.

External raster layers

It is possible to add overlay tiles layer on maps. For example, it can be useful to:

  • Get the cadastral parcels on top of satellite images
  • Home made layers (with Tilemill or QGisMapserver for example). Like the park center borders, traffic maps, IGN BDTopo® or even the Geotrek paths that are marked as invisible in the database!

In, just add the following lines:

Expected properties

For GeoJSON files, you can provide the following properties :

  • title: string
  • description: string
  • website: string
  • phone: string
  • pictures: list of objects with url and copyright attributes
  • category: object with id and label attributes

Disable darker map backgrounds

Since IGN map backgrounds are very dense and colourful, a dark opacity is applied. In order to disable, change this MapEntity setting :

Configure Social network

Facebook configuration

When a content is shared to Facebook in Geotrek-rando, it needs static html files built by synchronization (thanks to option --rando-url).

In Facebook developper dashboard, create a Facebook app dedicated to Geotrek-rando and activate it.

In set Facebook App ID:

FACEBOOK_APP_ID = '<your Facebook AppID>'

you can also override these settings:

FACEBOOK_IMAGE = '/images/logo-geotrek.png'

Override translations

Translations are managed by where you can contribute. But you can also override default translation files available in each module (for example those from trekking module available in /opt/geotrek-admin/lib/python3.6/site-packages/geotrek/trekking/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po).

Don't edit these default files, use them to find which words you want to override.

Create the custom translations destination folder:

Create a django.po file in /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_locale directory. You can do one folder and one django.po file for each language (example /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po for French translation overriding)

Override the translations that you want in these files.

Example of content for the French translation overriding:

# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-15 15:32+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-15 15:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Verésion: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"

msgid "City"
msgstr "Région"

msgid "District"
msgstr "Pays"

Apply changes (French translation in this example) :

cd /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_locale
sudo chown geotrek. fr/LC_MESSAGES/
sudo geotrek compilemessages
sudo service geotrek restart

Override public PDF templates

PDF are generated from HTML templates, using Django templating. Trekkings, touristic contents and events can be exported in PDF files.

  • Treks : geotrek/trekking/templates/trekking/trek_public_pdf.html
  • Touristic contents : geotrek/tourism/templates/tourism/touristiccontent_public_pdf.html
  • Touristic events : geotrek/tourism/templates/tourism/touristiccontent_public_pdf.html

Overriden templates have to be located in /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_templates/<appname>, with <appname> = trekking or tourism. To override trekking PDF for example, copy the file geotrek/trekking/templates/trekking/trek_public_pdf.html to /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_templates/trekking/trek_public_pdf.html.

These templates derive from base templates, which content is organized in blocks. To override for example the description block of trek PDF, copy and change the {% block description }…{% endblock description %} in your /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_templates/trekking/trek_public_pdf.html.

It is also possible to use color defined for practice for pictogram by adding in your /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_templates/trekking/trek_public_pdf.html file :

{% block picto_attr %}style="background-color: {{ object.practice.color }};"{% endblock picto_attr %}

CSS can be overriden like html templates : copy them to var/media/templates/trekking/ or var/media/templates/tourism/ folder

Test your modifications by exporting a trek or a content to PDF from Geotrek-admin application. To get your modifications available for Rando application, launch the sync_rando command.

Custom font in public document template

In order to use custom fonts in trek PDF, it is necessary to install the font files on the server.

Microsoft fonts like Arial and Verdana can be installed via the package manager:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

For specific fonts, copy the .ttf (or .otf) files into the folder /usr/local/share/fonts/custom/ as root, and run the following command:


For more information, check out Ubuntu documentation.

Custom colors in public document template

Trek export geometries are translucid red by default. In order to control the apparence of objects in public trek PDF exports, use the following setting:

MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES']['print']['path'] = {'weight': 3}

See Leaflet reference documentation for detail about layers apparence.

Primary color in PDF templates

You can override PRIMARY_COLOR to change emphase text in PDF export. Beware of contrast, white colour is used for text so we advise you to avoid light colour.

Custom logos

You might also need to deploy logo images in the following places :

  • var/conf/extra_static/images/favicon.png
  • var/conf/extra_static/images/logo-login.png
  • var/conf/extra_static/images/logo-header.png

If you want copyright added to your pictures, change THUMBNAIL_COPYRIGHT_FORMAT to this :


You can also add {legend}.


Resizing uploaded pictures ---------------------

Attached pictures can be resized at upload by enabling PAPERCLIP_RESIZE_ATTACHMENTS_ON_UPLOAD :


These corresponding height/width parameters can be overriden to select resized image size :


Share services between several Geotrek instances

As explained in the design section <design-section>, Geotrek-admin relies on several services. They are generic and reusable, and can thus be shared between several instances, in order to save system resources for example.

A simple way to achieve this is to install one instance with everything as usual (standalone), and plug the other instances on its underlying services.

Capture and conversion

If you want to use external services, in .env, add following variables:

Then, you can delete all screamshotter and convertit references in docker-compose.yml.

Shutdown useless services

Now that your instances point the shared server. You can shutdown the useless services on each instance.

Start by stopping everything :

sudo systemctl stop geotrek

Control number of workers and request timeouts

By default, the application runs on 4 processes, and timeouts after 30 seconds.

To control those values, edit and fix your docker-compose.yml file in web and api section.

To know how many workers you should set, please refer to gunicorn documentation.

Configure columns displayed in lists views and exports

For each module, use the following syntax to configure columns to display in the main table.

COLUMNS_LISTS['<module>_view'] = ['list', 'of', 'columns']

For each module, use the following syntax to configure columns to export as CSV or SHP.

COLUMNS_LISTS['<module>_export'] = ['list', 'of', 'columns']

Please refer to the "settings detail" section for a complete list of modules and available columms.

Another setting exists to enable a more detailed export of jobs costs in the interventions module. When enabling this settings, interventions list exports will contain a new column for each job's total cost.


Configure form fields in creation views

For each module, use the following syntax to configure fields to hide in the creation form.

HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS['<module>'] = ['list', 'of', 'fields']

Please refer to the "settings detail" section for a complete list of modules and hideable fields.


Basic settings

Spatial reference identifier

SRID = 2154

Spatial reference identifier of your database. Default 2154 is RGF93 / Lambert-93 - France

It should not be change after any creation of geometries.

Choose wisely with for example

Default Structure


Name for your default structure.

This one can be changed, except it's tricky.

  • First change the name in the admin (authent/structure),
  • Stop your instance admin.
  • Change in the settings
  • Re-run the server.


MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES = ('en', 'fr', 'it', 'es')

Languages of your project. It will be used to generate fields for translations. (ex: description_fr, description_en)

You won't be able to change it easily, avoid to add any languages and do not remove any.

Advanced settings

Spatial Extent

SPATIAL_EXTENT = (105000, 6150000, 1100000, 7150000)

Boundingbox of your project : x minimum , y minimum , x max, y max

4 ^

1 | 3 <-----+-----> | | 2 v

If you extend spatial extent, don't forget to load a new DEM that covers all the zone. If you shrink spatial extent, be sure there is no element in the removed zone or you will no more be able to see and edit it.



Choose if you want the API V2 to be available for everyone without authentication. This API provides access to promotion content (Treks, POIs, Touristic Contents ...). Set to False if Geotrek is intended to be used only for managing content and not promoting them. Note that this setting does not impact the Path endpoints, which means that the Paths informations will always need authentication to be display in the API, regardless of this setting.

Dynamic segmentation


Use dynamic segmentation or not.

Do not change it after installation, or dump your database.

Map configuration

     '&copy; IGN - GeoPortail'),
     '&copy; IGN - GeoPortail'),
     '&copy; IGN - GeoPortail'),
    ('OSM', 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', '&copy; OSM contributors'),

     '&copy; IGN - GeoPortail'),

Configuration of the tiles.

If you want to change it, Change the array like that:


It's the same for the overlay but use only transparent tiles.


You can define the max_zoom the user can zoom for all tiles.

It can be interesting when your tiles can't go to a zoom. For example OpenTopoMap is 17.

Enable Apps


Show Flatpages on menu or not. Flatpages are used in Geotrek-rando.


Show TouristicContents and TouristicEvents on menu or not.


Show Trails on menu or not.


Show land on menu or not.


Show filter bbox by zoning.



Show or not the accessibility menu for attachments



Language of your interface.

Geographical CRUD


Minimum distance to merge 2 paths in unit of SRID

Change the distance. Better to keep it like this. Not used when ``TREKKING_TOPOLOGY_ENABLED = True``.


Distance of snapping for the cursor in pixels on Leaflet map.


Minimum distance to merge 2 paths.

Change the distance. Should be higher or the same as PATH_SNAPPING_DISTANCE


    'path': {'weight': 2, 'opacity': 1.0, 'color': '#FF4800'},
    'draftpath': {'weight': 5, 'opacity': 1, 'color': 'yellow', 'dashArray': '8, 8'},
    'city': {'weight': 4, 'color': 'orange', 'opacity': 0.3, 'fillOpacity': 0.0},
    'district': {'weight': 6, 'color': 'orange', 'opacity': 0.3, 'fillOpacity': 0.0, 'dashArray': '12, 12'},
    'restrictedarea': {'weight': 2, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 0.5, 'fillOpacity': 0.5},
    'land': {'weight': 4, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 1.0},
    'physical': {'weight': 6, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 1.0},
    'competence': {'weight': 4, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 1.0},
    'workmanagement': {'weight': 4, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 1.0},
    'signagemanagement': {'weight': 5, 'color': 'red', 'opacity': 1.0},
    'print': {'path': {'weight': 1},
              'trek': {'color': '#FF3300', 'weight': 7, 'opacity': 0.5,
                       'arrowColor': 'black', 'arrowSize': 10},}

Color of the different layers on the map

To change any map_style do as following:

MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES']['path'] = {'weigth': 2, 'opacity': 2.0, 'color': 'yellow'}*
MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES']['city']['opacity'] = 0.8*

For color: use color picker for example

COLORS_POOL = {'land': ['#f37e79', '#7998f3', '#bbf379', '#f379df', '#f3bf79', '#9c79f3', '#7af379'],
               'physical': ['#f3799d', '#79c1f3', '#e4f379', '#de79f3', '#79f3ba', '#f39779', '#797ff3'],
               'competence': ['#a2f379', '#f379c6', '#79e9f3', '#f3d979', '#b579f3', '#79f392', '#f37984'],
               'signagemanagement': ['#79a8f3', '#cbf379', '#f379ee', '#79f3e3', '#79f3d3'],
               'workmanagement': ['#79a8f3', '#cbf379', '#f379ee', '#79f3e3', '#79f3d3'],
               'restrictedarea': ['plum', 'violet', 'deeppink', 'orchid',
                                  'darkviolet', 'lightcoral', 'palevioletred',
                                  'MediumVioletRed', 'MediumOrchid', 'Magenta',
                                  'LightSalmon', 'HotPink', 'Fuchsia']}

Color of the different layers on the top right for landing.

  • For land, physical, competence, signagemanagement, workmanagement should have 5 values.
  • For restricted Area: add as many color as your number of restricted area type

To change any map_style do as following :

COLORS_POOL['restrictedarea'] = ['plum', 'violet', 'yellow', 'red', '#79a8f3']
MAPENTITY_CONFIG['MAP_STYLES']['city']['opacity'] = 0.8*

For color: use color picker for example


Points of reference are enabled on form of treks.


Points of reference are enabled on form of otudoor courses.

TOPOLOGY_STATIC_OFFSETS = {'land': -5, 'physical': 0, 'competence': 5, 'signagemanagement': -10, 'workmanagement': 10}

Land objects are added on other objects (path for example) with offset, avoiding overlay.

You should not change it to avoid overlay except if you want to have more overlay. You can do for example for :

TOPOLOGY_STATIC_OFFSETS = {'land': -7, 'physical': 0, 'competence': 7, 'signagemanagement': -14, 'workmanagement': 14}
ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_PRECISION = 25  # Sampling precision in meters
ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_AVERAGE = 2  # nb of points for altimetry moving average
ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_STEP = 1  # Step min precision for positive / negative altimetry gain
ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_MIN_YSCALE = 1200  # Minimum y scale (in meters)
ALTIMETRIC_AREA_MAX_RESOLUTION = 150  # Maximum number of points (by width/height)

All settings used to generate altimetric profile.

All these settings can be modified but you need to check the result every time

The only one modified most of the time is ALTIMETRIC_PROFILE_COLOR

Signage and Blade

BLADE_ENABLED and LINE_ENABLED settings (default to True) allow to enable or disable blades and lines submodules.


Type of the blade code (str or int)

It can be str or int.

If you have an integer code : int

If you have an string code : str

BLADE_CODE_FORMAT = "{signagecode}-{bladenumber}"

Correspond to the format of blades. Show N3-1 for the blade 1 of the signage N3.

If you want to change : move information under bracket

You can also remove one element between bracket

You can do for exemple : "CD99.{signagecode}.{bladenumber}"

It will display : CD99.XIDNZEIU.01 (first blade of XIDNZEIU)

  • signagecode is the code of the signage
  • bladenumber is the number of the blade
LINE_CODE_FORMAT = "{signagecode}-{bladenumber}-{linenumber}"

Correspond to the format used in export of lines. Used in csv of signage.

Similar with above You can do for example : "CD99.{signagecode}-{bladenumber}.{linenumber}"

It will display : CD99.XIDNZEIU-01.02 (second line of the first blade of XIDNZEIU)

  • signagecode is the code of the signage
  • bladenumber is the number of the blade
  • linenumber is the number of the line



Show objects on maps of PDF


Size in pixels of the capture.

Be careful with your pdfs. If you change this value, pdfs will be rendered differently

Synchro Geotrek-rando

SYNC_RANDO_ROOT = os.path.join(VAR_DIR, 'data')

Path on your server where the data for Geotrek-rando website will be generated

If you want to modify it, do not forget to import os at the top of the file. Check import Python , if you need any information


Add a thumbnail on every picture for Geotrek-rando

Example :


Will display title of the picture, author and the legend : Puy de Dômes-:-Paul Paul-:-Beautiful sunrise on Puy de Dômes"


Size of the thumbnail.


Distance to which tourist contents, tourist events, treks, pois, services will be displayed

This distance can be changed by practice for treks in the admin.


Distance to which dives will be displayed.


Limit of the number of pois on treks pdf.

14 is already a huge amount of POI, but it's possible to add more


Limit of the number of information desks on treks pdf.

You can put -1 if you want all the information desks


On the Geotrek-rando v2 website, treks practices will be displayed separately

Field order for each practices in admin will be take in account


On the Geotrek-rando v2 website, accessibilites will be displayed separately


On the Geotrek-rando v2 website, if a trek has a children it will be displayed separately


On the Geotrek-rando v2 website, dives practices will be displayed separately


On the Geotrek-rando v2 website, treks near other are hidden


Options of the sync_rando command in Geotrek-admin interface.


It enables correlated pictures on Gotrek-rando v2 to be displayed in the slideshow

PRIMARY_COLOR = "#7b8c12"
Primary color of your PDF

check : "color picker"


On Geotrek-rando v2 website, only PDF imported with filetype "Topoguide" will be used and not autogenerated.


Order of all the objects without practices on Geotrek-rando website

All the settings about order are the order inside Geotrek-rando website.

Practices of diving, treks and categories of touristic contents are taken in account

Synchro Geotrek-mobile

SYNC_MOBILE_ROOT = os.path.join(VAR_DIR, 'mobile')

Path on your server where the datas for mobile will be saved

If you want to modify it, do not forget to import os at the top of the file. Check import Python , if you need any information

SYNC_MOBILE_OPTIONS = {'skip_tiles': False}

Options of the sync_mobile command


Number max of pictures that will be displayed and synchronized for each object (trek, poi, etc.) in the mobile app.

MOBILE_TILES_URL = ['https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png']

URL's Tiles used for the mobile.

Change for IGN:

MOBILE_TILES_URL = ['https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png']
    {"id": 1, "name": "< 10 km", "interval": [0, 9999]},
    {"id": 2, "name": "10 - 30", "interval": [9999, 29999]},
    {"id": 3, "name": "30 - 50", "interval": [30000, 50000]},
    {"id": 4, "name": "> 50 km", "interval": [50000, 999999]}

Intervals of the mobile for the length filter

Interval key is in meters. You can add new intervals

    {"id": 1, "name": "< 10 km", "interval": [0, 9999]},
    {"id": 2, "name": "10 - 30 km", "interval": [9999, 29999]},
    {"id": 3, "name": "30 - 50 km", "interval": [30000, 50000]},
    {"id": 4, "name": "50 - 80 km", "interval": [50000, 80000]}
    {"id": 5, "name": "> 80 km", "interval": [80000, 999999]}
    {"id": 1, "name": "< 300 m", "interval": [0, 299]},
    {"id": 2, "name": "300 - 600", "interval": [300, 599]},
    {"id": 3, "name": "600 - 1000", "interval": [600, 999]},
    {"id": 4, "name": "> 1000 m", "interval": [1000, 9999]}

Intervals of the mobile for the ascent filter

Do the same as above

    {"id": 1, "name": "< 1 heure", "interval": [0, 1]},
    {"id": 2, "name": "1h - 2h30", "interval": [1, 2.5]},
    {"id": 3, "name": "2h30 - 5h", "interval": [2.5, 5]},
    {"id": 4, "name": "5h - 9h", "interval": [5, 9]},
    {"id": 5, "name": "> 9h", "interval": [9, 9999999]}

Intervals of the mobile for the duration filter

Check MOBILE_LENGTH_INTERVALS comment to use it, here interval correspond to 1 unit of hour


List of all the filters enabled on mobile.

Remove any of the filters if you don't want one of them. It's useless to add other one.

Custom columns available

A (nearly?) exhaustive list of attributes available for display and export as columns in each module.

COLUMNS_LISTS["path_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["trail_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["landedge_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["infrastructure_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["signage_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["intervention_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["project_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["trek_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["poi_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["service_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["dive_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["touristic_content_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["touristic_event_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["feedback_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["sensitivity_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["outdoor_site_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["outdoor_course_view"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["path_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["trail_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["landedge_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["infrastructure_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["signage_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["intervention_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["project_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["trek_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["poi_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["service_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["dive_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["touristic_content_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["touristic_event_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["feedback_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["sensitivity_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["outdoor_site_export"] = [
COLUMNS_LISTS["outdoor_course_export"] = [

Hideable form fields

An exhaustive list of form fields hideable in each module.

HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["landedge"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["infrastructure"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["signage"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["intervention"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["project"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["course"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["service"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["touristic_content"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["touristic_event"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["report"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["sensitivity_species"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["sensitivity_regulatory"] = [
HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS["report"] = [

Other settings :


If false, no mail will be sent to the sender of any feedback on Geotrek-rando website


Use booklet for PDF. During the synchro, pois details will be removed, and the pages will be merged. It is possible to customize the pdf, with trek_public_booklet_pdf.html.

Custom SQL

Put your custom SQL in a file name /opt/geotrek-admin/var/conf/extra_sql/<app name>/<pre or post>_<script name>.sql

  • app name is the name of the Django application, eg. trekking or tourism
  • pre_… scripts are executed before Django migrations and post_… scripts after
  • script are executed in INSTALLED_APPS order, then by alphabetical order of script names