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Raspberry PI Mocks GUI

Filip Wagner edited this page May 19, 2022 · 8 revisions

Raspberry PI Mocks GUI provides the graphical user interface to the Mock CLI tool, that imitates messages Rapberries send to ActiveMQ using MQTT and allows testing without connecting sensors and real Raspberries.



  • JDK 8
  • Maven >=3.3.9


Clone Hogarama and build Habarama/raspberry-pi-mocks/raspberry-pi-mocks-gui with

mvn clean install

This will create an Wilfdly Swarm executable jar under Habarama/raspberry-pi-mocks/raspberry-pi-mocks-gui/target/raspberry-pi-mocks-gui-swarm.jar


To start on a local machnine execute

java -jar raspberry-pi-mocks-gui-thorntail.jar

This application requires following environment variables:

Other optional environment variables:

  • SWARM_PORT_OFFSET (Use this port offset if another server is already running on port 8080)

Configurable parameters in GUI

  • Current value
  • Sensor type
  • Sensor name

After click on "Run" the application sends messages with given parameters to AMQ every 3 seconds. Click on "Stop" in order to stop sending.

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