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Converting to BIDS

Gerard Martí edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 6 revisions

Brain Imaging Data Sctucture (BIDS) is a way to organize and describe neuroimaging data with a concise structure that allows for better understanding and easier sharing with other researchers. The BIDS format is described in its website and the Nature scientific data paper associated with it. The website also contains useful examples that you can download, tools to check if a directory follows the correct format, and other resources.

The main structure of the format is shown in the following image:

BIDS format

A document detailing ongoing current discussion on BIDS can be found in:

BIDS draft document

BIDS is a format for raw images, not processed. For processing, we will use BIDS derivatives, explained here:

BIDS derivatives draft document

For an easy interface and loading images in Python, we can use PyBids.