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5. Customization (pricing, plan bandwidth...)

Gx3 Studios edited this page May 24, 2020 · 2 revisions


Go to signup/tpv.php

WARNING: you can't use decimal numbers!

STANDARD plan price:

Go to line 84 and change the number inside $price variable

 else {
   if($plan == "STANDARD"){
       $order = $order."-S";

PRO plan price:

Go to line 125 and change the number inside $price variable

 else {
   if($plan == "PRO"){
       $order = $order."-P";

Now you need to change the price in the Sign Up form

Go to signup/register.php

STANDARD plan price:

Go to line 192 and change the number inside the h2 tag

<div style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:300px;height: 476px;padding:5%" class=" card">
    <div align=center>
        <p>Choose this plan if you only want to access the internet for casual stuff and you want more speed.<p>

PRO plan price:

Go to line 208 and change the number inside the h2 tag

<div style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:300px;height: 476px;padding:5%" class="card">
    <div align=center>
    <p>Choose this plan if you only want to access the internet for important or business stuff and you want more speed.<p>

Plan bandwidth

Go to cpanel/iptables.php

At the beginning of this file you can see four variables

# Medium Speed
$free = 5;

# High Speed
#~650kbps - 1MB/s
$premium = 10;

# High Speed x2
#~1.0MB/s - 2MB/s
$premium1 = 20;

# Ultra High Speed
$admin = 100;

Speed limiter IS UNSTABLE but works. You can change the values ​​of these variables but unfortunately there is no metric to know exactly the bandwidth. You will have to change and test it.

After changing the values, go to cpanel folder and execute:
