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mfrasca committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent a9be285 commit c9b5eb7
Showing 1 changed file with 112 additions and 60 deletions.
172 changes: 112 additions & 60 deletions doc/building.rst
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
Developer's Manual

If you ran the ``devinstall`` installation instructions, you have downloaded
the sources, connected to the github repository. You are in the ideal
situation to start looking into the software, understand how it works,
contribute to ghini.desktop's development.

Helping Ghini development

Installing Ghini always includes downloading the sources, connected to the
github repository. This is so because in our eyes, every user is always
potentially also a developer.

If you want to contribute to Ghini, you can do so in quite a few different ways:

* Use the software, note the things you don't like, `open an issue
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,9 @@ history, you can open our `github project page
<>`_ and see all that has been going on
around Ghini since its inception as Bauble, back in the year 2004.

If you install the software according to the ``devinstall`` instructions,
you have the whole history in your local git clone.

Software source, versions, branches

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,25 +736,99 @@ closing step
* review this workflow. consider this as a guideline, to yourself and to
your colleagues. please help make it better and matching the practice.

distributing for windows
Distributing ghini.desktop



For building a Windows installer or executable you need a running Windows
system. The methods described here has been used successfully on Windows 7, 8
and 10. Windows Vista should also work but has not been tested. If you are on
GNU/Linux, or on OSX, you are not interested in the remainder of this section.

The goal of the present instructions is to help you produce a Windows installer,
that is a single executable that you can run on any Windows workstation and that
will install a specific version of ghini.desktop. This is achieved with the
NSIS script-driven installer authoring tool.

As a side product of the installer production, you will have a massive but
relocatable directory, which you can copy to a USB drive and which will let you
use the software without needing an installation.

The files and directories relevant to this section:

- ``scripts/build-win.bat`` — the single batch script to run.
- ```` — implements the NSIS and py2exe commands.
- ``scripts/build-multiuser.nsi`` — the nsis script, used by the above.
- ``nsis/`` — contains redistributable NSIS files, put here for conveniency.
- ``ghini-runtime/`` — built by ``py2exe``, used by ``nsis``.
- ``dist/`` — receives the executable installation file.

Most steps are automated in the ``build-win.bat`` script. Installation of a few
tools needs to be done manually:

#. Download and install Python 2.7 and PyGTK as outlined in the
``devinstall``-based :ref:`installation` instructions. Git will not be
needed here, having it however will not do any harm.

#. Download and install `NSIS v3 <>`_.

#. A **reboot** is recommended.

#. Fork the ghini.desktop project on GitHub, or use the organization's
repository ````. Clone the
repository from GitHub to wherever you want to keep it (replace
``<path-to-keep-ghini>`` with the path of your choice,
e.g. ``Local\github\Ghini\``) and checkout a production branch (``ghini-1.0``
is recommended as used in the example). To do this, open a command prompt
and type these commands::

cd <path-to-keep-ghini>
git clone <ghini.desktop repository URL>
cd ghini.desktop
git checkout ghini-1.0

The result of the above is a complete development environment. Use it to follow
development, or to propose your pull requests, and to build Windows installers.

All subsequent steps are automated in the ``scripts\build_win.bat`` script. Run
it, and after a couple of minutes you should have a new
``dist\ghini.desktop-<version>-setup.exe`` file, and a working, complete
relocatable directory named ``ghini-runtime``.

Read the rest if you need details about the way the script works.

.. admonition:: The ``build_win.bat`` script
:class: toggle

For building a Windows installer or executable you will need an installation of
Windows. The methods described here has been used successfully on Windows 7,
8 and 10. Windows Vista should also work but has not been tested.
A batch file is available that can complete the last few steps. To use
it use this command::

In the remainder of this section we assume you're using a Windows
workstation. We also assume assume you do not use it as your software
development platform. All steps described here are very similar to the
steps for a normal Windows :ref:`installation`.

``build_win.bat`` accepts 2 arguments:

#. ``/e`` will produce an executable only, skipping the extra step of
building an installer, and will copy ``win_gtk.bat`` into place.

#. A path to the location for the virtual environment to use. (defaults
to ``"%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"\.virtualenvs\ghi2exe``)

e.g. to produce an executable only and use a virtual environment in
a folder beside where you have ghini.desktop you could execute
``scripts\build_win.bat /e ..\ghi2exe``

.. admonition:: py2exe will not work with eggs
:class: toggle

Building a Windows executable with py2exe requires packages **not** be
installed as eggs. There are several methods to accomplish this, including:

- Using pip to install. The easiest method is to install into a virtual
- Install using ``pip``. The easiest method is to install into a virtual
environment that doesn't currently have any modules installed as eggs
using ``pip install .`` as described below. If you do wish to install over
the top of an install with eggs (e.g. the environment created by
Expand All @@ -768,45 +846,10 @@ steps for a normal Windows :ref:`installation`.
<>`_ to get any of the C extensions and will need
a fresh virtual environment with no dependent packages installed as eggs.

#. Download and install git, Python 2.7 and PyGTK as outlined in the generic
:ref:`installation` instructions.

#. Additionally, download and install `NSIS v3 <>`_.

#. A **reboot** is recommended.

.. admonition:: we have a script that automates the remaining steps
:class: toggle

A batch file is available that can complete the last few steps. To use
it use this command::


``build_win.bat`` accepts 2 arguments:

#. ``/e`` will produce an executable only, skipping the extra step of
building an installer, and will copy ``win_gtk.bat`` into place.

#. A path to the location for the virtual environment to use. (defaults
to ``"%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"\.virtualenvs\ghi2exe``)

e.g. to produce an executable only and use a virtual environment in
a folder beside where you have ghini.desktop you could execute
``scripts\build_win.bat /e ..\ghi2exe``

#. Clone ghini.desktop to wherever you want to keep it (replace
``<path-to-keep-ghini>`` with the path of your choice, e.g. ``Local\github\Ghini\``)
and checkout a production branch (``ghini-1.0`` is recommended as
used in the example). To do this, open a command prompt and type these

cd <path-to-keep-ghini>
git clone
cd ghini.desktop
git checkout ghini-1.0
.. admonition:: installing virtualenv and working with environments
:class: toggle

#. Install virtualenv, create a virtual environment and activate it. With only
Install virtualenv, create a virtual environment and activate it. With only
Python 2.7 on your system (where ``<path-to-venv>`` is the path to where you
wish to keep the virtual environment) use::

Expand All @@ -815,39 +858,48 @@ steps for a normal Windows :ref:`installation`.
call <path-to-venv>\Scripts\activate.bat

On systems where Python 3 is also installed you may need to either call pip
and virtualenv with absolute paths e.g. ``C:\Python27\Scripts\pip`` or use
and virtualenv with absolute paths, e.g. ``C:\Python27\Scripts\pip`` or use
the Python launcher e.g. ``py -2.7 -m pip`` (run ``python --version`` first
to check. If you get anything other than version 2.7 you'll need to use one
of these methods.)

#. Install dependencies and ghini.desktop into the virtual environment::
.. admonition:: Populate the virtual environment
:class: toggle

Install dependencies and ghini.desktop into the virtual environment::

pip install psycopg2 Pygments py2exe_py2
pip install .

#. Build the executable::
.. admonition:: Compile for Windows
:class: toggle

Build the executable::

python py2exe

The ``dist`` folder will now contain a full working copy of the software in
The ``ghini-runtime`` folder will now contain a full working copy of the software in
a frozen, self contained state, that can be transferred however you like and
will work in place. (e.g. placed on a USB flash drive for demonstration
purposes or copied manually to ``C:\Program Files`` with a shortcut created
on the desktop). To start ghini.desktop double click ``ghini.exe`` in
explorer (or create a shortcut to it). If you have issues with the UI not
displaying correctly you need to run the script ``win_gtk.bat`` from the
``dist`` folder to set up paths to the GTK components correctly. (Running
``build_win /e`` will place this script in the dist folder for you or you
``ghini-runtime`` folder to set up paths to the GTK components correctly. (Running
``build_win /e`` will place this script in the ``ghini-runtime`` folder for you or you
can copy it from the ``scripts`` folder yourself.) You will only need to
run this once each time the location of the folder changes. Thereafter
``ghini.exe`` will run as expected.

#. Build the installer::
.. admonition:: Finally, invoke NSIS
:class: toggle

Build the installer::

python nsis

This should leave a file named ``ghini.desktop-<version>-setup.exe`` in the
``scripts`` folder. This is your Windows installer.
``dist`` folder. This is your Windows installer.

.. admonition:: about the installer
:class: toggle
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