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GhoulofGSG9 edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 2 revisions


This plug-in allows you to set exact player count limits for each team.


        "InformMessage":"A player left the %s. So you can join up now.",
        "TooManyMessage":"The %s have currently too many players. Please Spectate until the round ends."
        "InformMessage":"A player left the %s. So you can join up now.",
        "TooManyMessage":"The %s have currently too many players. Please Spectate until the round ends."


Team Number Vanilla Name
1 Marines
2 Aliens
3 Spectator

Team Options:

Option name Description
InformAboutFreeSpace Which team’s players should we inform using the InformMessage if this teams player count just dropped below the max limit
MaxPlayers The maximum amount of players allowed for this team
TooManyMessage The message which get sent to players who attempt to join this team in case it is already full. (above MaxPlayers)

The MessageNameColor is setting the plugin’s name color for the messages.

The config file should be called “EnforceTeamSizes.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).