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Template tags

Template tags are provided in the plotly_dash library:

{%load plotly_dash%}

The plotly_app template tag

Importing the plotly_dash library provides the plotly_app template tag:

{%load plotly_dash%}

{%plotly_app name="SimpleExample"%}

This tag inserts a DjangoDash app within a page as a responsive iframe element.

The tag arguments are:

name = None:The name of the application, as passed to a DjangoDash constructor.
slug = None:The slug of an existing DashApp instance.
da = None:An existing django_plotly_dash.models.DashApp model instance.
ratio = 0.1:The ratio of height to width. The container will inherit its width as 100% of its parent, and then rely on this ratio to set its height.
use_frameborder = "0":HTML element property of the iframe containing the application.
initial_arguments = None:Initial arguments overriding app defaults and saved state.

At least one of da, slug or name must be provided. An object identified by slug will always be used, otherwise any identified by name will be. If either of these arguments are provided, they must resolve to valid objects even if not used. If neither are provided, then the model instance in da will be used.

The initial_arguments are specified as a python dictionary. This can be the actual dict object, or a JSON-encoded string representation. Each entry in the dictionary has the id as key, and the corresponding value is a dictionary mapping property name keys to initial values.

The plotly_app_bootstrap template tag

This is a variant of the plotly_app template for use with responsive layouts using the Bootstrap library

{%load plotly_dash%}

{%plotly_app_bootstrap name="SimpleExample" aspect="16by9"%}

The tag arguments are similar to the plotly_app ones:

name = None:The name of the application, as passed to a DjangoDash constructor.
slug = None:The slug of an existing DashApp instance.
da = None:An existing django_plotly_dash.models.DashApp model instance.
aspect= "4by3":The aspect ratio of the app. Should be one of 21by9, 16by9, 4by3 or 1by1.
initial_arguments = None:Initial arguments overriding app defaults and saved state.

At least one of da, slug or name must be provided. An object identified by slug will always be used, otherwise any identified by name will be. If either of these arguments are provided, they must resolve to valid objects even if not used. If neither are provided, then the model instance in da will be used.

The aspect ratio has to be one of the available ones from the Bootstrap framework.

The initial_arguments are specified as a python dictionary. This can be the actual dict object, or a JSON-encoded string representation. Each entry in the dictionary has the id as key, and the corresponding value is a dictionary mapping property name keys to initial values.

The plotly_direct template tag

This template tag allows the direct insertion of html into a template, instead of embedding it in an iframe.

{%load plotly_dash%}

{%plotly_direct name="SimpleExample"%}

The tag arguments are:

name = None:The name of the application, as passed to a DjangoDash constructor.
slug = None:The slug of an existing DashApp instance.
da = None:An existing django_plotly_dash.models.DashApp model instance.

These arguments are equivalent to the same ones for the plotly_app template tag. Note that initial_arguments are not currently supported, and as the app is directly injected into the page there are no arguments to control the size of the iframe.

This tag should not appear more than once on a page. This rule however is not enforced at present.

If this tag is used, then the :ref:`header and footer <plotly_header_footer>` tags should also be added to the template. Note that these tags in turn have middleware requirements.

The plotly_header and plotly_footer template tags

DjangoDash allows you to inject directly the html generated by Dash in the DOM of the page without wrapping it in an iframe. To include the app CSS and JS, two tags should be included in the template, namely plotly_header and plotly_footer, as follows:

<!-- templates/base.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
    {% load plotly_dash%}
    {% plotly_header %}
    {%plotly_direct name="SimpleExample"%}
    {% plotly_footer %}

This part in mandatory if you want to use the :ref:`plotly_direct <plotly_direct>` tag, and these two tags can safely be included on any page that has loaded the plotly_dash template tag library with minimal overhead, making them suitable for inclusion in a base template. Neither tag has any arguments.

Note that if you are using any functionality that needs the use of these tags, then the associated middleware should be added in




This middleware should appear low down the middleware list.

The plotly_message_pipe template tag

This template tag has to be inserted on every page that uses live updating:

{%load plotly_dash%}

{%plotly_app ... DjangoDash instances using live updating ... %}


The tag inserts javascript needed for the :ref:`Pipe <pipe_component>` component to operate. It can be inserted anywhere on the page, and its ordering relative to the Dash instances using updating is not important, so placing it in the page footer - to avoid delaying the main page load - along with other scripts is generally advisable.

The plotly_app_identifier template tag

This tag provides an identifier for an app, in a form that is suitable for use as a classname or identifier in HTML:

{%load plotly_dash%}

{%plotly_app_identifier name="SimpleExample"%}

{%plotly_app_identifier slug="liveoutput-2" postfix="A"%}

The identifier, if the tag is not passed a slug, is the result of passing the identifier of the app through the django.utils.text.slugify function.

The tag arguments are:

name = None:The name of the application, as passed to a DjangoDash constructor.
slug = None:The slug of an existing DashApp instance.
da = None:An existing django_plotly_dash.models.DashApp model instance.
postfix = None:An optional string; if specified it is appended to the identifier with a hyphen.

The validity rules for these arguments are the same as those for the plotly_app template tag. If supplied, the postfix argument should already be in a slug-friendly form, as no processing is performed on it.

The plotly_class template tag

Generate a string of class names, suitable for a div or other element that wraps around django-plotly-dash template content.

{%load plotly_dash%}

<div class="{%plotly_class slug="liveoutput-2" postfix="A"%}">
  {%plotly_app slug="liveoutput-2" ratio="0.5" %}

The identifier, if the tag is not passed a slug, is the result of passing the identifier of the app through the django.utils.text.slugify function.

The tag arguments are:

name = None:The name of the application, as passed to a DjangoDash constructor.
slug = None:The slug of an existing DashApp instance.
da = None:An existing django_plotly_dash.models.DashApp model instance.
prefix = None:Optional prefix to use in place of the text django-plotly-dash in each class name
postfix = None:An optional string; if specified it is appended to the app-specific identifier with a hyphen.
template_type = None:Optional text to use in place of iframe in the template-specific class name

The tag inserts a string with three class names in it. One is just the prefix argument, one has the template_type appended, and the final one has the app identifier (as generated by the plotly_app_identifier tag) and any postfix appended.

The validity rules for these arguments are the same as those for the plotly_app and plotly_app_identifier template tags. Note that none of the prefix, postfix and template_type arguments are modified and they should already be in a slug-friendly form, or otherwise fit for their intended purpose.