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Working with a register

Gideon le Grange edited this page Feb 17, 2016 · 3 revisions

The Register class represents a register in a panStamp device. Instances of Register are obtained by retrieving them from a PanStamp instance or by receiving them from an event, as described [here.](Working with a PanStamp device)

Read register information

Each register has an integer register ID and a name, which can be retrieved like this, assuming we have a register named reg:

	int id = reg.getId();
	String name = reg.getName();

We can also check if a register is a "standard" register - one that forms part of the SWAP specification and that is not specific to the sketch running on the panStamp:

	boolean sr = reg.isStandard();

Read and set register value

We can test if a register has a valued defined (received from the network) like this:

	if (reg.hasValue()) {
		// do something if we have a value

If a register has a value, we can retrieve it by calling getValue():

   byte val[] = reg.getValue();

We can also set a register value by calling setValue(). This will send a value to the register on the panStamp:

	reg.setValue(new byte[]{0,1});

Request a register value from a panStamp

You can request the latest value for a register from a panStamp. This will generate a SWAP Query message, and if the panStamp is listenening for queries or updates (isn't in sleep mode), it will respond with a register value. This update will generate a valueReceived event (see below).


Find endpoints for a register

Most often, working with register byte[] values is not the best way to access panStamp data. Typically a register is mapped to one or more endpoint, which offers a friendlier way of reading and setting data.

The endpoints available for a register can be retrieved like this:

	List<Endpoint> endpoints = reg.getEndpoints();

If you know the name of the endpoint needed, it can be access by calling getEndpoint():

java Endpoint ep = reg.getEndpoint("Temperature");

We can also check the existence of a specific endpoint by name:

   if (reg.hasEndpoint("Temperature")) {
   		// ... 

We discuss endpoints in a lot more detail [here](Working with endpoints).

Handling register events

It is possible to attach a listener interface to a Register to receive notification of register events. The register will call it's event handlers for in the following cases:

  • A value is received from the network for the register
  • The register value is set by the application
  • An endpoint is added to the register
  • A parameter is added to the register

The following examples shows how to implement RegisterListener to receive the above events:

    reg.addListener(new RegisterListener() {

        public void valueReceived(Register reg, byte[] value) {
            System.out.printf("Value received form register %d\n", reg.getId());

        public void valueSet(Register reg, byte[] value) {
            System.out.printf("Value set for register %d\n", reg.getId());

        public void endpointAdded(Register reg, Endpoint ep) {
            System.out.printf("Endpoint '%s added to register %d\n",  ep.getName(), reg.getId());

        public void parameterAdded(Register reg, Parameter par) {
            System.out.printf("Parameter '%s added to register %d\n",  par.getName(), reg.getId());

The relevant listener methods will be called by the Register class to notify the interface of events.

Convenience class

Developers most likely will want to implement valueReceived(). The other methods on RegisterListener will mostly support tool creators, while application developers will not need them.

Because of this, we provide a simple convenience class implementation of RegisterListener that can be extended. The user can then only override the method they're interested in. Simply subclass AbstractRegisterListener and override for example valueReceived():

   reg.addListener(new AbstractRegisterListener() {

    public void valueReceived(Register reg, byte[] value) {
		// handle reception of value in some way