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The unconventional WordPress starter theme for non-of-this-earth projects.


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WPTrek Guide

WPTrek is an unconventional theme for your unconventional projects. What does it mean? Usually, a theme has a lot of boundaries in terms of functionality, binding your needs to the theme's limit. When you are looking for extreme flexibility without ties, here it comes WPTrek.

WPTrek is also the most agnostic but complete starter theme out there.

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Getting started
  3. How it works
  4. CLI Commands
  5. Tools
  6. Plugins


WPTrek requires Node.js v12.x or newer. You don't need to understand Node or Gulp, just be sure that the development tools are installed.

Getting started

Download WPTrek and install dependencies with npm

$ cd your-wordpress-project-folder/wp-content/themes/
$ git clone wprtek
$ cd wptrek
$ npm install

Once you did it, WPTrek should be installed and fully running on your local machine. If you prefer you can manually teleport WPTrek files to your project folder. Be sure you, or Scotty, to run npm install once files are 100% moved into the theme folder.

Theme Structure

|---- assets                           ⟶ styles, scripts, images and fonts folder
|    |---- fonts                       ⟶ Custom fonts and/or Downloaded Google Fonts
|    |---- images                      ⟶ optimized images directory
|    |    |---- pre                    ⟶ images that needs optimization
|    |---- scripts                     ⟶ scripts directory
|    |    |---- libraires              ⟶ vendors scripts directory
|    |    |---- theme.js               ⟶ global theme scripts
|    |    |---- vendor.js              ⟶ bundle of all scripts inside libraries directory
|    |---- styles                      ⟶ theme styles directory
|    |    |---- _scss                  ⟶ all SCSS files
|    |    |---- admin                  ⟶ styles to be enqueued/registered in WP admin
|    |    |---- editor                 ⟶ default WordPress stlyes  
|    |    |---- framework              ⟶ CSS Framework directory
|    |    |---- settings               ⟶ Style theme settings
|    |    |---- templates              ⟶ templates dedicated styles
|    |    |---- tipography             ⟶ Tipography styling
|    |    |---- utilities              ⟶ styling utilities
|    |    |    |---- normalize.scss    ⟶ styles reset
|    |    |    |---- _theme.colors.sss ⟶ theme colors
|---- gulpfiles.js                     ⟶ Gulp configuration directory
|    |---- index.js                    ⟶ main gulp file
|    |---- paths.json                  ⟶ file and directory paths
|    |---- google-font.list            ⟶ list file for Google Fonts import
|---- includes                         ⟶ customizer, function partials, walker menu partials directory
|    |---- customizer                  ⟶ customizer directory
|    |    |---- customizer.php         ⟶ customizer file
|    |---- functions                   ⟶ partials imported in functions.php
|    |    |---- assets.php             ⟶ importing all styles and scripts for WordPress
|    |    |---- color-palette.php      ⟶ custom theme color palette
|    |    |---- compatibility.php      ⟶ prevent WPTrek enabling in older version of WordPress
|    |    |---- extra.php              ⟶ extra configurations
|    |    |---- image-sizes.php        ⟶ defining custom image size
|    |    |---- navigation-menus.php   ⟶ defining custom navigation menu
|    |    |---- template-tags.php      ⟶ defining custom template-tags
|    |    |---- widgets.php            ⟶ defining custom widget
|    |---- walker                      ⟶ walker menu partials
|---- partials                         ⟶ template partials
|    |---- header                      ⟶ header main partials
|    |---- page                        ⟶ page partials
|    |---- post                        ⟶ post partials
|---- templates                        ⟶ template custom
|---- woocommerce                      ⟶ templates di woocommerce
|---- .gitignore                       ⟶ ignoring files and directory with Git
|---- style.css                        ⟶ default style.css file for WordPress                   
|---- screenshot.png                   ⟶ default theme preview file for WordPress
|---- package.json                     ⟶ Gulp packages list                
|---- 404.php                          ⟶ 404 default template                     
|---- archive.php                      ⟶ archive default template                 
|---- footer.php                       ⟶ footer default template                  
|---- front-page.php                   ⟶ static front page default template              
|---- functions.php                    ⟶ default theme functions file               
|---- header.php                       ⟶ header default template                  
|---- home.php                         ⟶ home for post default template                   
|---- index.php                        ⟶ default index.php template
|---- page.php                         ⟶ default page template
|---- search.php                       ⟶ default search template
|---- searchform.php                   ⟶ default search form template

How it works

Early Edits

Before start boldly development of your next WordPress theme, you need to setup three things.

1️⃣ BrowserSync setup

Before starting theme development update gulpfile.js/index.js:22 with your local development URL.

2️⃣ Google Fonts

WPTrek will import your preferred Google Fonts. Just give him the download list by editing gulpfile.js/google.fonts.list file like this:


3️⃣ Set a textdomain

Text domain will be used everywhere for i18n purpose. Just edit to get all complete.

Choose a CSS Framework

WPTrek helps you import the framework you want and automatically loads it. You can also decide to go ahead without any CSS framework, of course.

All you need to do is to uncomment the @import rule for the framework you want wptrek/assets/_scss/framework/_theme.framework.scss. For example:

// --- tailwind
// @import "tailwind.framework";
// --- foundation
@import "foundation.framework";
// --- bootstrap
// @import "bootstrap.framework";

will import the latest version of ZURB Foundation. You can furthermore import Foundation's components editing wptrek/assets/_scss/framework/_foundation.framework.scss

// Foundation
// --- main file
@import 'foundation';
// --- components -> check the full list @
@include foundation-global-styles;
@include foundation-forms;
// --- @include foundation-typography;
@include foundation-xy-grid-classes;
// --- containers
@include foundation-off-canvas;
@include foundation-reveal;
// --- layouts
@include foundation-sticky;
// --- helpers
@include foundation-flex-classes;
@include foundation-visibility-classes;


Working with styles


Custom template tags

WPTrek bundles a bunch of template tags to help you get specific data inside the theme. Here is the tag list:

  • wptrek_fapro, loads your FontAwesome Kit by adding the kit code.

The Customizer

The Customizer will give you useful tools for your project. Let's see what WPTrek offers:

  • Theme optimization - here you can manage critical rendering CSS assets.
  • Posts - manage post settings like excerpt length

CLI Commands

WPTrek has some custom CLI commands, made for your development needs:

  • npm run gfonts install gfonts.
  • npm run engage start watching file to compile.
  • npm run engage:watch start watching file to compile with BrowserSync support.
  • npm run take-us-out build a clean copy of your theme inside WPTrek directory.
  • npm run take-us-out:cleanbuild a clean copy of your theme outside WPTrek directory.






The unconventional WordPress starter theme for non-of-this-earth projects.



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