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Giselle Serate edited this page Jan 12, 2019 · 14 revisions


Clone this repository and run the setup script to get started. From anywhere:

git clone
cd myaliases

The setup script can be run without any parameters to include everything in the repository, or it can be run with parameters containing the suffixes of the files you want to use. You can run setup again later to add additional files. Example: ./setup nav studycloud

For a quick summary of commands included in each file, see the usage section below.


The uninstall script will remove all traces of myaliases from your .bash_aliases and delete your locally set preferences. You can also use this if you want to reset your local preferences and start over.


Usage of functions and aliases, sectioned by file.

A function to easily create persistent aliases which can replace alias.

A function for directory bookmarking which can replace cd.

A function to commit and push all current changes in a Git repository.

A function to conveniently search files recursively without handling grep options.

A function to commit and push all current changes in a Mercurial repository.

Functions that allow for better file system navigation.

Functions for the Study Cloud project to streamline workflow.

using a shell that's not bash?

Most of our commands should work with your shell even if it's not bash. This repo was built on Xenial 16.04 running on bash WSL, but we are also attempting to support zsh and OSX.

The major issues with running this repo on a different system regard the configuration file, which for bash is the .bashrc. On other systems, this might be a .zshrc, or there might be a .bash_profile but no .bashrc. If this is the case for you, open the file that runs every time you open a new terminal and paste in the following lines at the end:

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
  . ~/.bash_aliases

If you run our uninstall scripts, we will not delete these lines out of your config file and we will not delete .bash_aliases (although we will delete our lines out of it).

For more details on how usage changes based on your shell, see the Supported Systems page.

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