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Bug 1130559

Due by June 26, 2039 94% complete

;[Firebug 1.11]

;[(known failures)]

;[Firebug 1.11]

;[(known failures)]

[Firebug 1.12]

[Firebug 1.13]
<bugzilla version="2016.05.31"
urlpatern=" Bug 1130559 "

      <creation_ts>2015-04-06 12:47:15 -0700</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>Set up CDN for new plugincheck backend</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2015-04-07 12:49:54 -0700</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="Ricky Rosario [:rrosario, :r1cky]"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Chris Lonnen :lonnen"></assigned_to>





      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="Ricky Rosario [:rrosario, :r1cky]"></who>
        <bug_when>2015-04-06 12:47:15 -0700</bug_when>
        <thetext>The new backend for plugincheck is living at:

We need the CDN to serve up the JSON list of plugins:

Let me know if you need any other info.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-04-06 15:19:12 -0700</bug_when>
are you using cache headers?
which ones? (amazon recommends max-age instead of Expires if that's an option)

do you rely on query strings?

do you need cookies?

do you want to cache responses to methods other than GET and HEAD?

do you need SSL?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-04-06 15:34:43 -0700</bug_when>
(In reply to Chris Lonnen :lonnen from comment #1)
> are you using cache headers?
> which ones? (amazon recommends max-age instead of Expires if that's an
> option)
I haven't added them. I'll do that next. The current backend returns:

Cache-Control: &quot;max-age=3600&quot;

I'll replicate that.

> do you rely on query strings?

> do you need cookies?

> do you want to cache responses to methods other than GET and HEAD?

> do you need SSL?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-04-06 16:22:12 -0700</bug_when>
CDN is coming online now. The address will be:

We'll need a plan with IT to do SSL and cut over the domain name.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-04-07 12:49:54 -0700</bug_when>
(In reply to Chris Lonnen :lonnen from comment #1)
> are you using cache headers?
> which ones? (amazon recommends max-age instead of Expires if that's an
> option)

It is now sending back Cache-control with max-age and Etag headers.

      <creation_ts>2014-08-16 03:52:12 -0700</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>Plugin Check requires JavaScript, but does not tell the visitor about that</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2015-10-07 12:44:46 -0700</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="Kurt Krampmeier"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>







      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="Kurt Krampmeier"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-08-16 03:52:12 -0700</bug_when>
        <thetext>User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0 (Beta/Release)

Build ID: 20140716183446

Steps to reproduce:

Visit with JavaScript disabled (e.g. by using NoScript)

Actual results:

No Plugin Check results shown, also no message telling me that I have to enable JavaScript. Also some layout issues in the upper right part of the page (download links).

Expected results:

There should be a message, telling me to enable JavaScript. No unnecessary layout issues.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-08-16 06:49:29 -0700</bug_when>
Created attachment 8474103

I have always used Plugincheck with NoScript.

If you use NoScript you expect to have to allow Scripts on some sites.
The NoScript UI indicates that NoScript has detected, and is blocking, scripts.

Plugincheck needs JavaScript.

Attached is

This shows, that when you get to Plugingcheck - in this case I am using the US version
the NoScript Menu is giving you the option to let JavaScript run from
"" (the domain you are on), "" and "".

Now see:

Here I have allowed scripts from "" and "" to run.

Once I have let the scripts run I get an 'expected result',
in this case Flash is "vulnerable" and Adobe Reader is "Up to Date".
Flash was declared "vulnerable" on 2014-08-12.
See bug 1053409 for the change to the Plugincheck Database.

This screenshot is Firefox 31, on 2014-08-13, using the GB version of Plugincheck
(using a different profile which also has RequestPolicy - I also allowed
"" to request from "" to enable Plugincheck).

So I regard the site as 'normal' / 'expected behaviour' when JavaScript
is so widely used on web sites.

(In relply to Kurt Krampmeier from comment #0)
> No Plugin Check results shown, also no message telling me that I have to enable JavaScript.
Both points are true.

Some sites do 'detect that there is no JavaScript running' and they
then give a message something like: 'Please enable JavaScript for ...'.

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-08-16 07:23:58 -0700</bug_when>
(In reply to DJ-Leith from comment #1)
> If you use NoScript you expect to have to allow Scripts on some sites.
True, but I would expect a well designed site to tell me if it really needs JavaScript. Otherwise I have to guess (in this case), why there are no results shown. An user could even assume that there are no vulnerable plugins, because none are shown. Not every NoScript user has enough technical background to know or find out which plugins are really installed and to figure out that the empty list must be wrong.

Telling the user about the requirement can be achieved by using a HTML noscript element or by using JavaScript to hide an otherwise visible element containing the message. Simple solution, much better usability.

> Plugincheck needs JavaScript.
I know it is much harder (or for most plugins even impossible) to implement a plugin check without JavaScript. So requiring JavaScript is absolutely legitimate in this case. This bug is just about Plugin Check not telling me so.

> (using a different profile which also has RequestPolicy - I also allowed
> "" to request from "" to enable Plugincheck).
RequestPolicy is a different thing. Blocked cross site requests are rather hard to detect on the server side and this also is no standard browser function.

> So I regard the site as 'normal' / 'expected behaviour' when JavaScript
> is so widely used on web sites.
Since NoScript is on of the most popular extensions for firefox, being prominently listed at, I regard it as bad practice to blindly assume JavaScript is always available in general. I especially expect Mozilla, promoting an open, accessible web and having the choice how to use it (extensions), to do better.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-08-16 08:21:41 -0700</bug_when>
(In reply to Kurt Krampmeier comment #2)
> Telling the user about the requirement can be achieved by using a HTML noscript
> element or by using JavaScript to hide an otherwise visible element containing
> the message. Simple solution, much better usability.
> > Plugincheck needs JavaScript.
> I know it is much harder (or for most plugins even impossible) to implement a
> plugin check without JavaScript. So requiring JavaScript is absolutely legitimate
> in this case. This bug is just about Plugin Check not telling me so.

Kurt, I agree with you (on the whole of comment # 2 - not just the point I have just quoted).
It would be good to make this change. It is not my decision.

I have CCed Schalk Neethling who has been doing most of the work on
Plugincheck in recent months.

My points about using NoScript (and what people can see in the two screenshots)
were for clarification: Schalk has seen some of my screenshots - in other bugs.
These screenshots were taken using Profiles that had both NoScript and
RequestPolicy (which I use for almost all my browsing).


        <date>2014-08-16 06:49:29 -0700</date>
        <delta_ts>2014-08-16 06:49:29 -0700</delta_ts>


      <creation_ts>2014-10-15 12:26:49 -0700</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>Adobe Flash now - plug in check database needs updating [reported version is]</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2015-12-29 12:49:59 -0800</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="john ruskin"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>









      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="john ruskin"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-10-15 12:26:49 -0700</bug_when>
        <thetext>Adobe Flash now - plug in check database needs updating [reported version is]</thetext>
      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="john ruskin"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-10-15 12:35:13 -0700</bug_when>
        <thetext>(In reply to john ruskin from comment #0)

> Adobe Flash now - plug in check database needs updating [reported
> version is]

Win8 update showed updates, and I also ran plugin check on Fox 33.0, and the database showed version 152 as current.

Adobe ran its own update check on WinUpdate Reboot, and showed 189 as current
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-10-24 14:08:43 -0700</bug_when>
Why hasn't this been fixed? Win 7 x64 FF 31ESR and FF33 both reporting things fine with Flash, but on machine where Adobe auto-update has been installed, I'm warned to upgrade to 189.

How do we confirm this bug so it no longer shows "unconfirmed".
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-10-24 16:54:40 -0700</bug_when>
For what it's worth, after the update to the .189 version, the plug in check reports .189 as current

(out of curiosity, is the plugin checker reporting 'current', or reporting that the current installed version is "newer or equal to" the database understanding of current . . . ? ) ((Thus, I am not sure if the database holds the correct and current version value, or not))

If the plugin check as currently programmed reports "current" for "newer or equal to", I propose that the plugin check be amended to show one of three traits: "out of date", "Current", or "more recent" than the plugin check database.

Should I report that suggestion as a new bug, or leave it here . . . ?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-06 12:42:41 -0800</bug_when>
First, note three other bugs:

Bug 1084537 "Flash sometimes displayed as up to date whilst vulnerable, on Windows 7"
Schalk knew, on 2014-10-17, that some people were getting the 'wrong result'
i.e. Flash "" was being reported as "Up to Date" - IN ERROR.

Bug 1087185 "Update plugincheck for flash player"
This is another report: a possible Duplicate of this bug.

Bug 1083170 "October Flash updates"
Carsten Book updated the Plugincheck Database on 2014-10-15.

Adobe's Security Bulletin
> Security updates available for Adobe Flash Player
> Release date: October 14, 2014
> Vulnerability identifier: APSB14-22

DJ-Leith wrote in bug 1084537 comment # 1:
> Schalk,
> I've been away and offline.
> When I returned, on 2014-10-15 in the evening, I did a plugincheck at
> LIVE - in my GB case
> Using Windows 7 (64 bit OS) with Fx 33.
> As I hoped and expected:
> Adobe Flash Player
> was correctly detected and reported as "vulnerable".
> Carsten Book had done Bug 1083170 "October Flash updates" on
> 2014-10-15. So, all was OK then on 2014-10-15.
> I updated Flash to (both Fx and IE 9).

Since then, 'something has gone wrong'.
I think the 'communication from the Plugincheck Database'
to the 'plugincheck website' is NOT working correctly.

The evidence is in bug 1084537.

(In reply to john ruskin from comment #3)
> For what it's worth, after the update to the .189 version, the plug in check
> reports .189 as current
> (out of curiosity, is the plugin checker reporting 'current', or reporting
> that the current installed version is "newer or equal to" the database
> understanding of current . . . ? ) ((Thus, I am not sure if the database holds
> the correct and current version value, or not))
> If the plugin check as currently programmed reports "current" for "newer or
> equal to", I propose that the plugin check be amended to show one of three traits:
> "out of date", "Current", or "more recent" than the plugin check database.
> Should I report that suggestion as a new bug, or leave it here . . . ?

I agree with the thrust of your proposal:
to track 'newer' plugins
(i.e. the 'detected version' is newer
[has a higher 'version number']
than the 'version in the Plugincheck Database').
Here is an example screenshot.
Source, and discussion of this screenshot, is in bug 1020133 comment # 16.
There are many screenshots in that bug.

Screenshot was taken on 2014-08-13.
Using Aurora (so using the 'JSON List' method), and the en-GB version of plugincheck.
This shows Flash as "vulnerable" - correct (in August)
and Reader as "vulnerable" - WRONG.

Being pedantic with the use of EXACT quotations from the 'plugincheck website'.

The "Status" column uses the phrases "Up to Date" and "vulnerable".

The coloured / colored 'buttons' in the "Action" column
have "Up to Date" on a 'green button' and
have "Update Now" on a 'red button'.

The word "current" is not used.

john ruskin wrote:
> (out of curiosity, is the plugin checker reporting 'current', or reporting
> that the current installed version is "newer or equal to" the database

It is reporting "newer or equal to" the version in the Database as "Up to Date".

Can the 'plugincheck website' detect "newer or equal to" plugins?
Yes, I believe it can (see bug 956905 comment # 68).

john ruskin wrote:
> Should I report that suggestion as a new bug, or leave it here . . . ?

See bug 850992 "Automate Plugincheck Script running on the Server to detect newest versions."
This was proposed on 2013-03-13.
I have commented there, today, and cited this bug.

In my opinion, if bug 850992 were implemented, there would be no need to have
the 'plugincheck website' SHOW a different result.

What I mean is, "Up to Date" could continue to cover
'detected' a plugin which is a 'newer version than in the Plugincheck Database'
'detected' a plugin which matches the "latest" version in the Plugincheck Database

The reason I think this would be best is that there will often be cases
where there are 'some new version' is released, e.g. Adobe release another
version of Reader (or Flash).

ONE alert, as proposed in bug 850992, should be better than many, many
reports of 'I've just seen plugincheck tell me I've got a new version of
XXXXXX that it does not know about, should I be reporting this?'.

Your good idea; to track 'newer' plugins, which had been proposed in bug 850992,
(had it been implemented) would have led to

TWO alerts in this case:

On 2014-1014 and 2014-10-15 BEFORE Bug 1083170 "October Flash updates" was done.

later on 2014-10-15 AFTER Bug 1083170 "October Flash updates" was closed,
and in many days since then, that some people, who had now updated
Flash to "" (like you) were 'testing'.

The 'website thinks' (very anthropomorphic) that Flash is the "latest".
This would trigger a SECOND 'new version alert'.

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-23 09:05:17 -0800</bug_when>
I'm seeing this again with FF ESR 31.2.0 on Windows 8.1. Flash is the current version, but 189 is installed and is reported in green as "up to date".
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-04 10:17:22 -0800</bug_when>
It's still broken. Now Flash Player is at version, but version is being shown as "up to date". it's clear no one seems to care about making plugincheck work reliably (For Flash Player or Acrobat) and an unreliable "up to date" checker is just about worthless, as I have to go elsewhere to verify it's "really" up-to-date, or risk malware/viruses.

A unreliable "up to date" checker is disservice to the community.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-04 13:48:27 -0800</bug_when>
Created attachment 8532196


Please see screenshot "Fx-34-Flash-15-0-0-223-CORRECT-2014-12-04.png".

Using Windows 7 64 bit OS, with Fx 34 (en-GB), on 2014-12-04,
I have a CORRECT result for Flash being reported as "vulnerable".

I have been getting this 'correct result for Flash' since 2014-11-26 13:00:00 PST.
On 2014-11-26 I was using Release which was Fx 33.1.1 then.
I still see the correct result on Fx 34 (current Release) today.

See bug 1105307, where Flash was added to the 'Plugincheck Database'
(on 2014-11-26 at 07:36:12 PST).

I have also, on another Windows 7 64 bit OS computer, using Fx 34 (en-GB)
seen Flash being reported as "Up to Date" correctly (on 2014-12-02).

In light of bug 1084537 "Flash sometimes displayed as up to date whilst vulnerable,
on Windows 7", I deliberately did NOT update Flash on this computer.

(In reply to javascriptjedi, on 2014-11-23 at 09:05:17 PST from comment # 5)
> I'm seeing this again with FF ESR 31.2.0 on Windows 8.1. Flash is
> the current version, but 189 is installed and is reported in green as "up to date".

The 'Plugincheck Database' was updated to on 2014-11-26 at 07:36:12 PST.
So you should, if 'everything was OK', have seen a 'more accurate result'
since then.
I speculated, in bug 1084537, that there may be an 'infrastructure issue' as part
of this saga.

(In reply to javascriptjedi from comment #6)
> It's still broken. Now Flash Player is at version, but version
> is being shown as "up to date".

We are getting different results. This is not good.

> an unreliable "up to date" checker is just about worthless, as I have to go elsewhere
> to verify it's "really" up-to-date, or risk malware/viruses.

I agree.

a screenshot, with information about OS, Fx version used and when you did the
'plugincheck test' might help diagnose why we are getting different results.

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-08 23:30:44 -0800</bug_when>
I am just giving a general status update here, and will copy this over to any other relevant bugs where a needinfo request has been logged for me.

For the past quarter i.e. 1024-Q4, plugincheck has not been on my radar in any way, shape or form as I was moved to work on another project and 100% of my time was assigned to it. I have kept my eye on bugs etc. that has come an gone and have had the service in the back of my mind though and, from what I have seen this service is still very important to users and Mozilla for a variety of reasons which I will not go into here.

With all of that said, during this time there was also some out reach done to other groups within in Mozilla to take over part, or all, responsibility for plugincheck but, as of right now, there has been no takers.

AS I mentioned though, I completely understand and appreciate the importance of this service and, I also acknowledge that in it's recent, and current state, it does not provide the 'answers' users need but, I am moving pluginchck back as a top priority for myself in Q1 of 2015 and I am currently in the progress of planning for the year in general and then for Q1 specifically.

I want to open this up to the user base to get your input on what is important and the biggest pain points but, have not decided how I will do this.

Once all of these ducks are in a row, I will post a message to either a specific bug, to yammer or both. Please except my apologies for the steady decline of this service, thanks for your patience and continued feedback and I am certain that plugincheck is going to turn the corner in a positive way in 2015.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-27 16:45:08 -0800</bug_when>
The plugincheck page should be fixed properly or closed. I spent a few minutes trying to figure out how to report it as a malware site to anti-malware vendors, but apparently it has to actually install malware to qualify rather than simply trick you into believing your plugins are up to date (which is almost as bad IMO).

        <date>2014-12-04 13:48:27 -0800</date>
        <delta_ts>2014-12-04 13:48:27 -0800</delta_ts>


      <creation_ts>2014-10-24 17:36:01 -0700</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>PlugIn Check for VideoLan correctly reports current version for the NPAPI browser plugin version 2.1.3, but database incorrectly reports it as outdated</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2016-06-15 07:26:52 -0700</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="john ruskin"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>






















      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="john ruskin"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-10-24 17:36:01 -0700</bug_when>
        <thetext>User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0

Build ID: 20141011015303

Steps to reproduce:

After Fox plugin check notification that VideoLan was outdated, ran the update.

Updated VideoLan from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5

Actual results:

After the update, subsequent plugin check -still- shows 2.1.3 as the plugin, and the current version as 2.1.5

Expected results:

Checking the videoLan website and forum, I discovered that the VideoLan update updated the media viewer program to 2.1.5, but that the NPAPI browser plugin version remains at 2.1.3

It appears that the mozilla core plugin database has been filled with the current media player version, and not the current plugin version.

The forum, there at VideoLan, has some cat fights about the updates' version numbers not matching.

I could not find a reference on whether the bugs/security issues addressed by the 2.1.3 --> 2.1.5 media player update, appear as bugs/security issues within the 2.1.3 plugin version.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-05 09:15:24 -0800</bug_when>

Thanks for your report.
Just so I understand.

In bug 1080606 "Update VLC plugin to 2.1.5" the plugincheck database was updated.
(see bug 1080606 comment #6).

In bug 1038685 comment # 11

DJ-Leith wrote:
> Dan,
> Thanks for confirming that "VLC Web Plugin" has "" in the 'File Version'
> section of the file metadata, as seen in your screenshot
> Indeed, it is ONLY the 'File Version' field that has ""
> I think "about:plugins"
> also finds "Version" by using the 'File Version' part of the file metadata.
> I think plugincheck is also reading the same 'File Version' field.

There is more in that comment.

There is more information in that bug, particularly from bug 1038685 comment # 5 onwards,
about VLC using 'one version' for a 'release name', but then NOT putting the SAME
'File Version' into the metadata of the ACTUAL plugin!

I think the 'plugincheck website' CAN read the metadata from the plugin.
It can then compare it with the version as recorded in the 'plugincheck database'.

John, I don't have VLC.

Please can you report:

A. What does "about:plugins" say for your VLC?

B. What does plugincheck
say about your VLC?
In particular, what version is reported in the "Status" column?
Is the 'reported Status', I mean "Up to Date" or "vulnerable", correct?

C. What does VLC say about your VLC?

D. What version of VLC do you think you have?

E. Can you find the actual plugin file (as reported by "about:plugins")
and can you report the "File Version" as seen in the File Version metadata.

See Dan Pernokis' screenshot (taken on 2014-09-18) as an example.

john ruskin wrote in comment # 0:
> After the update, subsequent plugin check -still- shows 2.1.3 as the plugin,
> and the current version as 2.1.5

I think you are saying: 'I updated my VLC to version 2.1.5 but plugincheck
is reporting the plugin as version "2.1.3" '.

Now, it could be that VLC have NOT altered the metadata in the plugin
(or they have NOT matched the plugin metadata to the 'general version number').

What we need to do is get the 'File Version of the PLUGIN', which is in the metadata,
into the 'plugincheck database' and then use that to assess the plugin.
To ask the question: is this plugin vulnerable?

john ruskin wrote in comment # 0:
> It appears that the mozilla core plugin database has been filled with the
> current media player version, and not the current plugin version.

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-05 10:27:30 -0800</bug_when>
DJ: Thanks for responding:

A: About:Plugins reports: VLC Web Plugin
File: npvlc.dll
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll
State: Enabled
VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3

B: PlugInCheck reports:
Outdated Plugins:
Plugin: VLC Web Plugin; VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3
Status: vulnerable;

C: VLC seems to say (in the forums....) that 2.1.3 is the plugin number and 2.1.5 is the media player, for the most recent assembled release. I have no idea whether or not either, or both, are vulnerable (or as is prudently stated for our purposes here: whether the 2.1.3 plugin is vulnerable). The essence of the comments, there, is that the problem is with Fox's database, having picked up the media player version as the plugin version, and not recognizing that the plugin version did not change.

D: On/about 10-24-14, I downloaded the most recent version of VLC ("2.1.5" Racewind), which installs the 2.1.5 media stand-alone and the 2.1.3 plugIn. That is what I have installed; the properties for the media player [vlc.exe] version reports:
VLC media player 2.1.5
file version:
VLC media player
Product version: 2,1,5,0 [[commas, probably due to the authors' European influences...]]
Size: 124 KB
Date Modified: 7/22/2014 6:29 PM

E: Using the path, above, for the about:plugins, and examining the "npvlc.dll" file -- The properties for this file reports:
VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3
Application Extension
file version:
Copyright . . . .
368 KB
Date Modified: 7/22/2014 6:29PM [[ note the -same- production date as the media player ]]
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-05 11:06:12 -0800</bug_when>
Interesting: The problems identified in Bug 1080606

Vulnerabilities Fixed in 2.1.4


Vulnerabilities Fixed in 2.1.5

CVE 2014-0333
CVE 2014-3466

CVE-2014-3441 -- can PNG files crafted in WAVs, become part of the plugin display, or is that an effort and function that the player undertakes? In which case, it may not be a plug in problem for the 2.1.3 player, only [ ??? ]. On another hand, if this vulnerability stems from the conditions identified in 2014-0333, then it is not a problem.

CVE-2014-1684 -- speaks of a problem in the player -before- 2.1.3, which would imply that this is not a problem for the 2.1.3 plugin or the 2.1.3 player

CVE-2014-0333 -- the identified library component with problems, 'libpng 1.6.x through 1.6.9' appears to not be part of the VLC package anymore ( identifies current as 1.6.10) I couldn't say whether or not the 2.1.3 plugin uses (still, or at all) the LibPNG, but I am tempted to assume that any reference in the installer package would now use the 1.6.10 variant. Of course, I also have no idea whether the plugin even uses PNG... because if the plugin didn't, this vulnerability would not become a problem

CVE-2014-3466 -- similarly, the gnuTLS version now current in VLC (same URL) is 3.2.17, which is not within the vulnerability identified. I propose the same reasoning.

I can assume that -no- changes were made to the plug in, and that all changes in the libraries underlying VLC were adopted by those library updates. This might explain why there was no change to the plugin version; the other explanation is the the plugin doesn't do anything with the defective libraries (of this, I have -no- idea). Why there isn't a new compile version numbering for the pluging, just to make everyone happy, is beyond me.

Perhaps, the recommendation at, might be misdirected, arising from the confusion that comes from VideoLan's authors changing VLC library parts, and not changing the plugin and therefore not changing the plugin version number.?

CC'g Chandra Mohan, since he wrote that comment and related comments.
Also: See also 1080606, the bug he had file, and marked 'resolved fixed'
Also: Placed a see-also, there, to this bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-05 12:20:28 -0800</bug_when>
your evidence in comment # 2 is very helpful - thank you.
I also think that your new summary is excellent.

I am now fairly confident that the best way to fix this is for
Schalk Neethling to alter the 'plugincheck database'.

please modify the record for the VLC plugin to make the "latest"
to be "2.1.3" (NOT 2.1.5).

My understanding, based on John's evidence AND on 'previous odd
use of metadata at VLC' (see examples in bug 1038685) is as follows:-

VLC Media Player, version 2.1.5 - has a plugin (npvlc.dll) with "2.1.3"
in the metadata of the plugin!!

john ruskin wrote in comment # 2:
> D: On/about 10-24-14, I downloaded the most recent version of VLC
> ("2.1.5" Racewind), which installs the 2.1.5 media stand-alone and the
> 2.1.3 plugIn. That is what I have installed; the properties for the
> media player [vlc.exe] version reports:
> VLC media player 2.1.5
> Application
> file version:
> VLC media player
> Product version: 2,1,5,0 [[commas, probably due to the authors' European influences...]]
> Size: 124 KB
> Date Modified: 7/22/2014 6:29 PM

john ruskin wrote in comment # 2:
> A: About:Plugins reports: VLC Web Plugin
> File: npvlc.dll
> Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll
> Version:
> State: Enabled
> VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3

john ruskin wrote in comment # 2:
> E: Using the path, above, for the about:plugins, and examining
> the "npvlc.dll" file -- The properties for this file reports:
> VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3
> Application Extension
> file version:
> Copyright . . . .
> 368 KB
> Date Modified: 7/22/2014 6:29PM [[ note the -same- production date
> as the media player ]] etc.

The 'plugincheck database' has "2.1.5" as the latest version of VLC media player
(since bug 1080606 "Update VLC plugin to 2.1.5" - see bug 1080606 comment #6,
the 'plugincheck database' was updated on 2014-10-17)

Users of the 'plugincheck website', who have VLC, like John, see:

john ruskin wrote in comment # 2:
> B: PlugInCheck reports:
> Outdated Plugins:
> Plugin: VLC Web Plugin; VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.3
> Status: vulnerable;

is corectly 'detecting' the plugin version as ""
it is reporting, IN ERROR, that it is "vulnerable".

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-12 12:45:30 -0800</bug_when>
Another possible duplicate: see bug 1097853
This includes a link to:

"I have downloaded several times but the VLC 2.1.5 VLC web plugin
version 2.1.3 has been , how do I update it?"

Users are, understandingly, getting worried and confused.
They are getting frustrated too.

<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-11-12 14:09:17 -0800</bug_when>
Yes, DJ, after reading the Moz support page you referenced, and then bug 1097853, I concur -- It's a duplicate. Unfortunately, I couldn't log into the Moz support page, otherwise there I would have added a reference to this bug 1089012 for readers there. If anyone can post that, it might help folks who subsequently look there for assistance.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-08 23:45:24 -0800</bug_when>
I am just giving a general status update here, and will copy this over to any other relevant bugs where a needinfo request has been logged for me.

For the past quarter i.e. 1024-Q4, plugincheck has not been on my radar in any way, shape or form as I was moved to work on another project and 100% of my time was assigned to it. I have kept my eye on bugs etc. that has come an gone and have had the service in the back of my mind though and, from what I have seen this service is still very important to users and Mozilla for a variety of reasons which I will not go into here.

With all of that said, during this time there was also some out reach done to other groups within in Mozilla to take over part, or all, responsibility for plugincheck but, as of right now, there has been no takers.

AS I mentioned though, I completely understand and appreciate the importance of this service and, I also acknowledge that in it's recent, and current state, it does not provide the 'answers' users need but, I am moving pluginchck back as a top priority for myself in Q1 of 2015 and I am currently in the progress of planning for the year in general and then for Q1 specifically.

I want to open this up to the user base to get your input on what is important and the biggest pain points but, have not decided how I will do this.

Once all of these ducks are in a row, I will post a message to either a specific bug, to yammer or both. Please except my apologies for the steady decline of this service, thanks for your patience and continued feedback and I am certain that plugincheck is going to turn the corner in a positive way in 2015.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-11 15:21:31 -0800</bug_when>
I can confirm this is present as of today using FF v34.0.5 with VLC 2.1.5 on windows.

Plugin check page:

VLC Version:

Actual file properties from npvlc.dll extract from v2.1.5 win32 installer:

Per VideoLAN, there is no update to the web plugin to 2.1.5 and 2.1.3 is latest.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-15 21:55:24 -0800</bug_when>
Seems to me that this is a VLC issue, and the plugin should not be removed from plugincheck until they fix their plugin so that it is not exploitable as an attack vector.

They state (;t=116729) that they should not need to upgrade their plugin version, since the flaw was in the separately-installable player, which was fixed and had its version number updated; and that on some platforms, the plugin and player are entirely separate install packages. They just happen to be in a single package on windows "for convenience".

This means that even if they did increment the plugin version number, users could still upgrade the plugin and not the player, and remain vulnerable.

That means that the VLC player of any version number remains a known-insecure attack vector until/unless they release a version that either:

  1. explicitly prevents the relevant attacks being passed to any player, or
  2. restricts the vulnerable players from being used.

It is the responsibility of each plugin author to ensure that their plugins do not call known-vulnerable dependencies; it is not Mozilla's responsibility to parse each plugin's code to find what version of every single dependency it calls.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-15 22:16:44 -0800</bug_when>
Logged a ticket with Videolan as
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-14 05:24:27 -0800</bug_when>
Oddly, the recent incarnation of the plugin database now reports VLC as an unknown plugin.

What happened to Thomas' suggestion at comment 4 in Bug 1097853: Moz plugin check should check the VideoLan plugin version and not (or "not merely") the media player version?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-14 05:47:09 -0800</bug_when>
(In reply to dewi from comment #10)
> Logged a ticket with Videolan as

The reverberation of one comment #2, there, overwhelms the better suggestion at comment #3, there.

But, as an aside, Dewi: If the VLC plugin for Fox reports as 2.1.3, and that plugin is called by the Fox browser (ie, the underlying media player is NOT called), is there still a vulnerability in that course of action?

Compared to:
Rather than Fox calling on the Plugin to open a file with a media extension from within Fox (using a plugin), I set Fox to open a media URL by calling the separate VLC media program.

Are these two cases different? With different exposures to the Fox browser users?

Does the VLC plugin call the VLC media program (and whatever libraries are used, there), no matter what?
Therefore, if the Fox Browser user has that VLC Plugin, and updated/installed the plugin separately from the media program (therefore with a new plugin)(and therefore possibly with an old media version with an exposed underlying library...), and uses the VLC plugin...
That particular kind of user is exposed...?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-14 05:53:55 -0800</bug_when>
Given the comment 12 inquiry...

I note that we are doing a disservice to the Fox user base, with installed VLC plugins, by reporting the plugin as unknown.

Instead, we should report it as vulnerable, and explain exactly why it is vulnerable in simple language -- along the lines of "Make sure you update the media player to version 2.1.5. If you updated the FOX VLC plugin separately with VLC, this update will not happen, and your plugin is insecure."

Most people I know who run this check, manually, don't look at the "unknown" list, at all. And I don't even know what users see if they set plugins to update automatically (does Moz/Fox/Thunderbird even have an automatic plugin check.....?)

Should this comment be placed as a new bug....? That is, a suggestion/bug that calls for a means to inform VLC plugin users why their VLC plugin is exposed...?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-14 15:14:30 -0800</bug_when>
In the VLC bugtracker comments for this issue, the second comment contains the line "They refuse to let us install plugins as .xpi, and they refuse to call versionInfo() to check the version."

I think what this means, is that the following code displays the version of the called player as "2.1.5 Rincewind" (the version of the PLAYER), when using the web plugin

<!DOCTYPE html><html><title>VLC Version Check</title><body>
<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" id="vlc" style="visibility:hidden" />
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
alert("Version: " + vlc.VersionInfo);

Making a special-case API call to the plugin in this case may be more hassle than it's worth, since it sets a precedent that plugin manufacturers can create their own "check I'm not vulnerable" API functions and expect you to know the syntax for every single one them.

So I still see this as a VLC issue: I feel that they need to release a version of their plugin that ensures it can't call known-insecure versions of their player.

But if you're willing to put the work in to specialcase them, then this workaround exists.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-14 15:19:26 -0800</bug_when>
Ref for above code:

      <creation_ts>2014-11-26 13:15:19 -0800</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>Add a &apos;Generated&apos; Date and Time stamp to the top of the &apos;Plugincheck JSON List&apos;</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2014-11-29 12:40:34 -0800</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="DJ-Leith"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>




      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="DJ-Leith"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-11-26 13:15:19 -0800</bug_when>
  1. You have read bug 956905 comment # 148.
    For background and 'terms used' in this bug.

  2. We saw in
    bug 1084537 "Flash sometimes displayed as up to date whilst vulnerable, on Windows 7"

that the 'Plugincheck Service' - using plugin enumeration - still relies on
'dynamic URLs' that include
>{... ...
These 'fetch' data from the 'Plugincheck Database',
DEPENDING on the 'detected by enumeration' plugin at the 'Plugincheck Website'.

This data can be 'out of date', i.e. it was "fetched" BEFORE the recent
update of the 'Plugincheck Database'!

(Two examples, from bug 1084537 comment # 7)

So, Flash is being 'tested against' the data that was
> 'fetched': '2014-11-10T06:03:12-08:00
and we have the WRONG result for Flash Version

Reader, on 2014-10-22, WAS being 'tested against' the data that was
> 'fetched': '2014-10-01T12:45:31-07:00'
which was '3 weeks old' at the time of that plugincheck test!

There is more information in that bug.

The point is, a WRONG Report was given because 'out of date data' was used
to make the evaluation.

The cause is, I suspect, 'infrastructure' between the 'Plugincheck Database'
and the 'Plugincheck Website'. The evidence is the 'fetched Date and Time stamp'.

The 'JSON List', on the other hand, does not have any indication in the
'JSON List' as to when the 'JSON List' was created.

So, for debugging the 'Plugincheck Service',
a single 'Date and Time this JSON List was generated' stamp would be very useful.
As the 'JSON List' is more than 5,000 lines long a single 'Date and Time' stamp
would not make it significantly bigger.

In bug 1084537 comment # 7 I said:
> For debugging, it might be an idea to have a Date and Time that
> the 'JSON List' was generated included in the JSON List, e.g. at the end.

I now think this would be better if it were in a 'known position',
so that 'code could find it' (e.g. JavaScript), near the beginning
of the 'JSON List'.

Additional uses for the 'Generated' Date and Time stamp include:

  1. The Data and Time could be displayed, near the bottom of the 'Plugincheck'
    web page as:
    "Plugins were evaluated against the Database as at [Date, Time, Time Zone]"
    So it could be:
    "Plugins were evaluated against the Database as at 2014-10-01T12:45:31-07:00"

  2. Assume that the 'JSON List' is
    'Generated fresh' when the 'Plugincheck Database' is Updated
    a 'Generate a fresh JSON List' command (at the Database end) was issued
    every 8 hours, if there has been no 'new data in the Database'.

An automated test could be run to 'spot any JSON List' that is more than
10 hours old and alert 'someone at Mozilla'.

This would prevent issues like bug 1084537 from going unnoticed.


      <creation_ts>2014-12-12 11:37:18 -0800</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>Flash plugin update process does not navigate user to appropriate update location</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2015-12-24 04:25:56 -0800</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <op_sys>Windows 7</op_sys>
      <reporter name="Paul Gordon"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>







      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="Paul Gordon"></who>
        <bug_when>2014-12-12 11:37:18 -0800</bug_when>
        <thetext>User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0

Build ID: 20141125180439

Steps to reproduce:

Go to a site with Flash on it, such as, when Flash is installed. At the top, FF gives a message, "Firefox has prevented the outdated plugin 'Adobe Flash' from running on". Click "Allow...". Click the link "update now...". FF navigates to;utm_medium=firefox-browser&amp;utm_campaign=plugincheck-update. Click "Update Now" under the Action column in the Shockwave Flash section.

Actual results:

FF opens a tab at

This is a technical page that isn't appropriate to show non-technical users, and the real update link is buried with a list of others several pages down.

Expected results:

FF should open a tab at
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-12 14:37:53 -0800</bug_when>
Maybe because you're running Flash 14.x
Flash 16 has been released today and on my machine with Flash 15.x, plugincheck redirects to as expected.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2014-12-12 17:57:31 -0800</bug_when>
See also bug 1060990 ""Using the "Update Now" Action in Plugin Check doesn't have the desired effect"

For Background to the 'Plugincheck Service', see bug 956905 comment # 148 onwards.


      <creation_ts>2015-01-02 12:32:28 -0800</creation_ts>
      <short_desc>After updating the Plugincheck Database the Plugincheck Website should use the new data within Minutes NOT Days</short_desc>
      <delta_ts>2016-02-04 15:27:29 -0800</delta_ts>
      <product>Plugin Check</product>
      <reporter name="DJ-Leith"></reporter>
      <assigned_to name="Nobody; OK to take it and work on it"></assigned_to>












      <long_desc isprivate="0">
        <who name="DJ-Leith"></who>
        <bug_when>2015-01-02 12:32:28 -0800</bug_when>
        <thetext>After updating the Plugincheck Database the Plugincheck Website

should use the new data within Minutes NOT Days.

The delay between 'updating the Plugincheck Database' and the relevant
information being used by the 'Plugincheck Website' is a concern.

Bug 1084537 "Flash sometimes displayed as up to date whilst vulnerable, on Windows 7"
Illustrates an example of this, going back to 2014-10-17.

Neither Carsten Book [:Tomcat] (who has added many plugins to the Plugincheck Database
in the last two years) nor Schalk Neethling [:espressive] (who has worked on the
Plugincheck Website in 2013 and 2014) have been able to fix this. Both have write
access to the Plugincheck Database and have commented in bug 1084537.

I think the underlying cause may be unwanted caching in the Mozilla infrastructure
and I have CCed some people to get 'other eyes' on this.
Feel free to redirect to whoever you think is most able to review this.
I have a specific question for Justin Dolske in comment # 2.

Please read about the Background to the 'Plugincheck Service' in
bug 956905 comment # 148 onwards, before you think about this bug.

It is important to remember that, since May 2014, there are
TWO 'communication channels' between the Plugincheck Database and
the Plugincheck Website.

Release (Fx 34 and Fx 34.0.5) and older use the 'dynamic URLs',
Beta + (Fx 35, Fx 36 and Fx 37) use the 'JSON List'.

In this bug, consider the following chronology:


Adobe release Flash "" (with fix for CVE-2014-9163)

Adobe publish:

Security updates available for Adobe Flash Player
Release date: December 9, 2014
Vulnerability identifier: APSB14-27
where Windows users are strongly recommended Flash "".

Security Updates available for Adobe Reader and Acrobat
Release date: December 9, 2014
Vulnerability identifier: APSB14-28


2014-12-10 at 01:13:58 PST
Schalk Neethling [:espressive],
in bug 1109488 comment # 1 "Update Adobe Flash Versions"
has updated the Plugincheck Database.
While there is not much detail in bug 1109488 the update
of the Database does include Flash "" for Windows.
Evidence for this is in bug 1084537 comment # 20.
This means that visitors to the Plugincheck Website,
using Firefox on Windows, with Flash less than ""
should have their Flash plugin reported as "vulnerable".

  Knowing this, I tested with &quot;; and I was told
  &quot;Up to Date&quot;, IN ERROR,
  for 2 days (using the &apos;JSON List&apos; - Aurora)
  and 6 days (using the &apos;dynamic URL method&apos; - Release).

2014-12-10 at 11:05 PST
Bug 1109795 "Blocklist Flash versions vulnerable to CVE-2014-9163
( and below, on linux)"
Reported by Daniel Veditz [:dveditz]

2014-12-10 13:24 PST
As I am still getting Adobe Reader "" reported as "Up to Date"
and I can not find a bug to update the Plugincheck Database for this I filed
Bug 1109858 "Adobe Reader (and Acrobat) for Windows and Macintosh - plugins
vulnerable 2014-12-09 - APSB14-28"
The Plugincheck Database was updated by Schalk Neethling [:espressive] on
2014-12-12 at 00:39:33 PST
Unfortunately, the data in the Database is wrong for Reader 11.0.9
(see bug 1117189).


2014-12-11 05:54:08 PST (bug 1109795 comment # 6)
> The block for Windows and Mac is now live:
> The block for Linux using version numbers is now
> staged: Please test.

So the Plugincheck Database was updated before the Blocklist went live - VERY GOOD.
However, when users used the Plugincheck Website they were told that their
Flash plugin was "Up to Date" in ERROR.

This caused confusion, threads at SUMO and some evidence in bugzilla.

2014-12-11 at 09:14:55 PST
Konstantin Kolinko updates bug 1084537 comment # 12:

> I am seeing this now. I have Windows 7, Firefox 34.0.5 (locale: Russian)
> and Shockware Flash, but 'plugin check' page says that it is up-to-date

He adds the very helpful 'dynamic URL' that was used to
'collect the data from the Plugincheck Database' and use it in the
'assessment of the Flash plugin' when he visited the 'Plugincheck Website'.;appRelease=34&amp;appVersion=20141126041045&amp;clientOS=Windows&amp;chromeLocale=ru-RU&amp;detection=version_available&amp;mimetype=application%2Fx-shockwave-flash+application%2Ffuturesplash&amp;callback=C

The contents are Attached to bug 1084537 comment # 14

We see that the data was "fetched"
BEFORE the Database was Updated (on 2014-12-10 at 01:13:58 PST)
> 'fetched': '2014-11-26T15:34:14-08:00'
and so the data is stale, and it results in the WRONG report.

  In fact, the &quot;fetched&quot; was about 5 min after
  the PREVIOUS Plugincheck Database update for Flash (bug 1105307 comment # 1)
      &apos;modified&apos;: &apos;2014-11-26T23:27:18+00:00&apos;,
      &apos;created&apos;: &apos;2014-11-26T23:27:18+00:00&apos;,
      &apos;fetched&apos;: &apos;2014-11-26T15:34:14-08:00&apos;
  Note Time Zone, &quot;fetched&quot; is -8 hours (it is PST)
  Updated by Carsten Book [:Tomcat] 2014-11-26 at 07:36:12 PST (time in bugzilla).

Plugincheck should have reported Flash "", in Konstantin's case,
on 2014-12-11, as "vulnerable" IF the communication from the Plugincheck
Database to the Plugincheck Website was working well.

Screenshot, by Harald Fassler (from bug 1109981 comment # 2)
Shockwave Flash still reported as "Up to Date" / "Aktuell".

By 2014-12-12 I see the correct result for Flash, "vulnerable"
when using the 'JSON List'.

However, I continue to see the WRONG result for Flash ("Up to Date")
when using Release and the 'dynamic URLs'.
See Bug 1084537 comment # 20 for detail.


Konstantin Kolinko on 2014-12-13 at 11:29:12 PST, in bug 1084537 comment # 21, said:

> In bug 1109981 comment #1 it was said that
> > The 'Plugincheck Database' was updated,
> > by Schalk Neethling [:espressive] on 2014-12-10 at 01:13:58 PST.
> > (see bug 1109488).
> FYI, the plugin check page still lists my Shockwave Flash as "Up-to-date".


Still have the WRONG result at Plugincheck and we see bugs like this:
Bug 1111356 "Firefox offers conflicting information regarding plugin vulnerability"

(from bug 1111356 comment # 5 on 2014-12-17)
> Don't see the relevance of that link. Version is vulnerable.
> I already knew that. As the title of the bug says "Firefox offers conflicting
> information regarding plugin vulnerability". Providing a link to Adobe's website
> doesn't resolve the fact that Firefox offers conflicting information to end users,
> and in this case is actually encouraging end users to use a version of Flash
> that has a critical vulnerability by informing users that version
> is actually up to date.


(see bug 1110578 comment # 14)
> This bug is still a problem, so is clearly not fixed.
> As of 2014-12-16T20:06:21Z Flash version is shown as vulnerable
> on web pages, but is apparently "up to date" on the plugin check webpage.

I was STILL, 6 days after the Database was updated, getting the WRONG result on
Release, using the 'dynamic URLs'. See bug 1084537 comment # 28.

Now in this example, the 'Plugincheck Database' was updated,
by Schalk Neethling [:espressive] on 2014-12-10 at 01:13:58 PST.
(see bug 1109488).

I FIRST saw the correct report - "vulnerable" on 2014-12-12 (two days after the
Database was updated) using the 'JSON List' - Aurora.

I was still seeing the WRONG report - "Up to Date" on 2014-12-16 (six days after
the Database was updated) using the 'dynamic URL' method - Release.


<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2015-01-02 12:47:03 -0800</bug_when>
A few general points,
in ADDITION to those made in bug 956905 comment # 148 onwards.

First, see bug 991664 "Test Automation for PluginCheck"
It is short, and there are many good points including:

> The plugin check site is ranked as the #2 site (#1 is that
> the public lands on. I would suggest we identify scenarios that should
> never fail - start with happy path smoke tests - and automate those first.


While 'rapid updating of the Plugincheck Database' is undoubtedly both the
most important and hardest part of running the 'Plugincheck Service'
having 'old plugins' to do testing is also challenging.

Not only do you have to install the plugins you want to test
you also have to 'take the risk of using vulnerable plugins'
when you 'delay updating' (one has to switch off the 'automatic updates'
of these plugins) in order to prove that the Plugincheck Website
is now able to 'correctly detect and report' the "vulnerable" plugins.

It is hard to find 'old plugins' for testing (if you want to do a 'fresh
install of a plugin').

You also, as there are TWO 'communication channels', the 'dynamic URLs' and
the 'JSON List' - which provide DIFFERENT data, have to test 'both methods'
if you wish to verify that 'all is OK'.
See bug 956905 comment # 148 section on "4. Test and QA." for more.

The 'dynamic URLs'.

Remember these are used (and have always been used) by
Firefox Release and older.
The 'JSON List' has only EVER been used by Firefox Beta +.

How are the 'dynamic URLs' created?
I don't KNOW. I have searched.
I've asked, in several bugs, and nobody has provided an answer for
me to cite here.

The answer may well be deduced if you read the actual code that creates the
'dynamic URLs'.

When are the 'dynamic URLs' used?
When the browser visit the 'Plugincheck Website' the plugins are enumerated.
For EACH 'plugin found by enumeration' a 'dynamic URL' is used to
'collect some data that contains information about that plugin'.
If you have seven plugins then seven 'dynamic URLs' are used
and seven 'tests are done as part of the assessment of each plugin'.

What data is in the 'dynamic URLs'?
If you browse to a 'dynamic URL' you will see that the response
is similar to a 'report from a database'.
The data contains information about the "latest" version of the
'plugin the dynamic URL is checking' and "other" versions of the plugin.

If YOUR plugin is the same version as the "latest" (or newer) it will
be reported as "Up to Date". If it matches any of the "other" plugins
it will (I think) be reported as "vulnerable".
I am not sure how / if it could be reported as
'out of date but not "vulnerable" AKA "outdated"'.
The original Perfidies code (bug 956905 comment # 68) includes:

> Old 4.1 Each can be classified / categorised as
> DISABLE: "should_disable", (perfidies.js - line 165 ff for comments)
> VULNERABLE: "vulnerable",
> MAYBE_VULNERABLE: "maybe_vulnerable",
> OUTDATED: "outdated",
> MAYBE_OUTDATED: "maybe_outdated",
> CURRENT: "latest",
> UNKNOWN: "unknown",
> NEWER: "newer".

So you might think that
'the dynamic URL, for a particular plugin (e.g. Java), might contain
ALL the known data about that plugin'.

It is slightly more subtle than this, it is not ALL the 'known data'.

As seen in bug 985968 comment # 38 (to introduce the topic).

Java 7 U51 was being reported as "vulnerable" after Java 8 was
added to the Database. The 'dynamic URL' was selecting ONLY ONE
"latest" 'Java Plugin' (in this case the Java 8) and so the
'Java 7 U51 data' was NOT in the 'data sent to the Website
by the dynamic URL method'.

BOTH Java 7 U51 and Java 8 were 'safe to use',
both were "latest" and both were in the Plugincheck Database.

bug 985968 comment # 40 has the URL (next)

and then
bug 985968 comment # 41 to discuss the actual data.

There is lots of detail, I concluded:

> Some conclusions:
> I think the 'Java 7 U51' data is still in the database
> because 'all the Java from Sun / Oracle' data are selected
> as 'one bucket of data', that match the aliases or literal criteria,
> (lines 10 to 27) and only ONE (which has the 'highest version number')
> is then deemed "latest" and 'sent to the plugincheck website'.
> We have 'Java 7 U51' detected - a 'false positive' - this bug.
> It is possible to have 'more than one type of plugin to do deal
> with Java'. You could have the IcedTea plugin.

An unanswered doubt, asked in bug 956905 comment # 149, is
does the 'creation of the dynamic URLs',
or the use of these 'dynamic URLs' depend on
ANY infrastructure or code that is 'being retired along with the PFS'?

I will ask again, in comment # 2.

The 'JSON List'

What is in the 'JSON List'?

In bug 956905 comment # 75 Schalk Neethling listed 37 plugins
that were going to be included in the 'JSON List'.

The 'JSON List' went live in May 2014.

From bug 1020133 comment # 33
In this example, from 2014-09-10, there are 5,428 lines in the 'JSON List'
(including 8 lines of Scratchpad comment).

By 2014-11-14 (bug 1084537 comment # 7) there were
5,750 lines of data (including 8 lines of Scratchpad comment).

You can see the 'raw data' by browsing directly to:

Bug 1101613 has reduced the number of plugins in the Database
and so the 'JSON List' is now
3,616 lines of data (including 8 lines of Scratchpad comment).

When is the 'JSON List' generated?

I don't know.

Bug 1105483 "Add a 'Generated' Date and Time stamp to the top of the
'Plugincheck JSON List'"
was opened to add this data.

If a browser visits the Plugincheck Website, to do a Plugincheck,
should 'the browser that visits' generate a 'fresh JSON List
by making a query to the Plugincheck Database'?
I don't think so.

There is plenty of scope for the 'JSON List' to be generated
regularly and then be made available to the Plugincheck Website.
So the 'end point'
could be used by the 'Plugincheck Website'.
This 'end point' could 'get the data from the Database'.
The Plugincheck Website need not have 'a direct connection to the Database'
I'll discuss this below (in the 'push' section).

If you use the 'JSON List' are the results accurate?

Unfortunately, they are NOT as good as the existing method using the
'dynamic URLs'.

A good example of this is bug 1020133 "Improve Adobe Acrobat plugin reporting".

Part of the problem has been the lack of 'testing resource' for the 'JSON List'
method. Many of the bugs in the 'existing Plugincheck' have been ironed out
over the years.
People on Nightly, Aurora and Beta are LESS likely to have 'old plugins'
that can 'trigger reports' of "vulnerable". So, there few bug reports
from those who are NOT 'actively looking' for accurate plugin tests
using the 'JSON List'.

Another part of the problem is that the 'order of assessment' is different.
In the 'JSON List' method the 'list drives the assessment'.
The 'detection code', used at the Plugincheck Website to assess
'is the plugin under test (e.g. Java) "vulnerable" (or not)?',
was developed to use the 'fuller and MORE SPECIFIC data' that is
delivered by the 'dynamic URLs'.

Another example is bug 1038685 "Some plugins don't appear in plugincheck
website even though they are installed and are seen in plugins_list.json"

How frequently does the data in the Plugincheck Database change?

How many new versions of plugins have been added to the Plugincheck
Database since 2014-09-30?
Useful to have an idea of how frequent changes to the database are.

If all the updates to the Plugincheck Database are documented in public
bugzilla bugs
(I know of one case where there was a Flash update that happened
'outwith public documentation', it was also outwith these last 3 months).
In bug 1101613 I documented 4 changes. Flash on 2014-11-26 (bug 1105307).
There was also bug 1082813 "Java 7u71 and 8u25 released"
In addition, there are the two in comment # 0 of this bug.
Also, I know of 4 changes that have been 'requested' (i.e. have bugs)
but not yet done. So only about 12 (if we include those).
If we assume that this is a 'typical quarter of a year' this gives us
about 40-50 per year.

Push on updating the Plugincheck Database

Is there a 'push' when the Database is updated?

Given that
there are only about 40-50 times per year and
it is important that changes made to the database SHOULD invalidate any
'old cached data that is now NOT the latest information about the plugins'
a 'push' would seem to be a good idea.

I envisage:

A. Whenever the Plugincheck Database is up dated,
'push' to invalidate the 'JSON List'
and regenerate a 'fresh JSON List'.

B. Every 6 min / 20 min / hour / 4 hours / 8 hours / day,
whether there has been a 'push' or not,
regenerate a 'fresh JSON List'.

So if, for whatever reason, the 'push failed' within a few minutes
a 'fresh JSON List' would be available.
How often the 'regenerate the JSON List by schedule' would be
done would be an operational decision.

I would hope that the &apos;regular regeneration&apos; or &apos;refresh&apos; of the
&apos;JSON List&apos; should be closer to every hour as opposed to a
long time (many hours).  We want the &apos;Plugincheck Website&apos; to
use the &apos;best data from the Plugincheck Database&apos;.

If the &apos;JSON List&apos; is cached it should expire so that
the assessment at the &apos;Plugincheck Website&apos; uses
a recent &apos;JSON List&apos;.

As I don't know how the 'dynamic URLs' are made or if they
'expire' (I have seen data that was "fetched" 3 weeks before)
I can't comment on this.

It is a concern that the BOTH the 'dynamic URL' method and the
'JSON List' method failed to get the 'new data about Flash'
into use by the 'Plugincheck Website'. We had Flash being
reported as "Up to Date" for days after the Database was updated.

Other information on 'push'.

In bug 1084537 comment # 16 on 2014-12-11 at 16:07:51 PST I asked:

> FAO Carsten Book,
> please can you review all of this bug.
> On two recent occasions we have had a
> 'Flash version added to the Plugincheck Database';
> and then we have seen some 'odd results'.
> We have had the SAME plugin reported as
> "Up to Date" and "vulnerable" on the same day!
Lots more in that comment.

Carsten replied in bug 1084537 comment # 17
> Hi,
> moving away from working on plugincheck (i guess espressive will be
> the number one contact in the future).
> For your points:
> "When somebody adds an Adobe Flash plugin to the 'Plugincheck Database'
> do they have to 'do something' to create the 'dynamic URLs'?"
> no its just pasting data in some fields on a website like version number
> etc - so all backround stuff like dynamic url etc is done automatically,
> like when we update a plugin the one who update the data does no
> direct sql or something insert manually its all done via a gui -> database

Daniel Veditz [:dveditz]
on 2014-12-12 at 15:42:30 PST in bug 1110578 comment # 3 asked:
> Schalk: is there a manual "push" step to get the database info live
> that didn't happen? (but has obviously happened now.)

Schalk Neethling [:espressive]
on 2014-12-15 at 01:40:41 PST in bug 1110578 comment # 11 said:
> Updating the information for the plugincheck page involves updating the
> database at plugins.m.o [this is independent of any changes to plugin
> statuses anywhere else, such as blocklists etc.] but, after the update
> happened there, there is also a cache period that needs to expire on
> but, the length of time mentioned here is much longer than
> the cache TTL.

Now in this example, from comment # 0, the 'Plugincheck Database' was updated,
by Schalk Neethling [:espressive] on 2014-12-10 at 01:13:58 PST.
(see bug 1109488).

I FIRST saw the correct report - "vulnerable" on 2014-12-12 (two days after the
