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{ Gisto }

Snippets made awesome

Current Gisto version GitHub license Coveralls github branch Code Climate OSX build Linux build AppVeyor branch


Gisto is a code snippet manager that runs on GitHub Gists and adds additional features such as searching, tagging and sharing gists while including a rich code editor. All your data is stored on GitHub and you can access it from GitHub Gists at any time with changes carrying over to Gisto

Getting gisto

You can download gisto for (macOS, Windows, Linux) desktop from our website or from releases tab

Full featured Web based client available at:

Future and Status

Current released version is always on the branch master

Gisto next version in the works can be tracked via next branch

Please see next branch for upcoming version currently in development.

change.log of current version for more detailed info regarding new features, bug fixes and releases.



Dashboard Snippet view Snippet options
Dashboard Snippet view Snippet options
Edit mode Settings Create new
Edit mode Settings Create new

Gisto previous version

Gisto v1 can be tracked via branch v1

This version concidered obsolete and will not be updated

Latest builds

Latest builds in the releases tab

Issues, bug reporting and pull requests

Please feel free to add a bug / feature request / suggestions to the issue tracker.

Pull requests are very welcome


Gisto authenticates to GitHub by using one of the following methods:

  • Oauth2 - the default option on the log-in screen

  • Basic authentication over SSL and retrieving an oAuth2 token. Thus the need for your GitHub user and password

  • Access token - If you would rather to supply your own access token without providing Gisto your login details you may manually create an access token from the account settings at GitHub and login using the generated token

Gisto only saves the oAuth2 token received after authenticating and nothing else.

This token will be saved permanently until you log out.

You can find out more at the F.A.Q. section

How to contribute

  • fix issues, pull request are very welcome
  • write docs
  • fix/contribute to Gisto's website (
  • suggest features and improvements
  • spread the word

Development setup

Make sure you have nodejs and npm installed in the development machine

Clone the latest "next" branch:

git clone -b next --single-branch

Install dependencies in the directory created by cloning:

npm install

Run the local application:

npm run dev

(for more commands, see package.json script section)

Release cycle

  • make changes on next brnch ONLY
  • commit (this will run lint and tests) and push
  • merge next -> master with git checkout master && git merge next --no-edit
  • do not push, run npm run release (for patch version) or npm run release:minor (for minor version), will update readme and changelog, add and commit new tag and will also push
