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Create Vue Class Component

This is a VSCode plugin to help developer quickly create a class style component .vue file. The reason I make it is to save my time in work, because my new team is still using Vue2 and write class style component, so I have to adapt to it.(I am a react user and favor into hooks and functional style.) I hope this little tool will help you too.

Support input name style

  • DemoComponent -> DemoComponent recommend
  • demo component -> DemoComponent recommend
  • demo-component -> DemoComponent recommend
  • demoComponent -> DemoComponent
  • Demo-component -> DemoComponent
  • Demo Component -> DemoComponent
  • Demo component -> DemoComponent
  • Democomponent -> Democomponent not recommend
  • democomponent -> Democomponent not recommend

Code example

<template> </template>

<script lang="ts">
	import { Vue, Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";

	export default class ComponentName extends Vue {}

<style lang="less" scoped></style>

Check vue filename

Help you rename you irregularly vue filename, and it's an options choice, you can just choose No to check the files details in terminal panel.

Why should you use this tool?

Check the Style Guide of Vue, you should try your best to follow these rules.

How to name filename

In my opinion, as a component your component name should be same as your .vue filename, in this way you can easily know your component's name and meaning. Big CampleCase is my favorite style for name a file, and many popular and great Open-Sourced UI library such as ElementUI,Ant Design, they do this too. So why don't we follow them?


ignore filename to check

This plugin support you to customize the ignore filename to escape check, default value is index

template code file path

This plugin support you to customize your code snippet file as a template, just copy your template absolute path to the config item, it will work.But there is one thing you have to concern, the component name of your template file must be ComponentName as a placeholder, only in this way ,the plugin can to replace it with your input name.

Support Class Component Lifecircle Snippets

Shortcut LifeCircle hook
pbm private beforeMount
pm private mounted
pbu private beforeUpdate
pu private updated
pbd private beforeDestroy
pd private destroyed

Package and Publish


    // build
    vsce package
    // publish
    vsce publish