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Utilities for VoxelMap and CivMap to merge and render region caches and map tiles

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Utilities for VoxelMap and CivMap/CCMap to merge map caches and render image tiles


You will need Rust Nightly, for example using rustup, and Python 3 with the Pillow package.

The following command line examples are written for Mac/Linux. If you are using Windows, you can install Git Bash or use Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Updating the map with new data

Here's an overview. Each step is detailed below.

  • get region caches from extracted archives using
  • merge all caches using merge_caches
  • render terrain tiles using VoxelMap
  • clean up any player-loaded chunks from the cache and terrain tiles using
  • render other map tiles (simple/light/biome/height) using the custom CivMap renderer
  • create zoomed-out tiles using in each tileset directory
  • optional: create a single image from all the tiles of one tileset

Example Directory Structure

|- contrib/
|  |-
|  |- player_2020-01-13.7z
|  ...
|- extracted/
|  |- -27,11,
|  |- -27,11,
|  ...
|  |- current -> 2020-01-13/
|  |- 2020-01-13/
|  |  |- -27,
|  ...
'- tiles/
   |- terrain/
   |  |- z0/
   |  |  |- -27,11.png
   |  |  ...
   |  |- z-1/
   |  ...
   |- height/


python3 py/ [-v] <main_cache> <new_cache> [new_cache ...]

Takes a source directory containing voxelmap region caches (<x>,<z>.zip) and creates hardlinks of them in the target directory, tagged with the source directory's name.


mkdir contrib/player_2018-08-04/
cd contrib/player_2018-08-04/
unzip ../
# ... do the same for all other contributions

python3 py/ extracted/ contrib/player_2018-08-04/ contrib/player_2020-01-13/ # ...

Merge Caches

Compile with:

cargo build --release --bin merge_caches


target/release/merge_caches [-q] [-t threads] [--between=<bounds>] <output-path> <cache-path>...

cache-path contains voxelmap caches in the format <x>,<z>,<contrib-name>.zip.

output-path should be an empty directory and will contain the merged cache.


-q, --quiet         Do not output info messages.
-t, --threads       Number of threads to use for parallel processing
--between=<bounds>  Only merge tiles at least partially within this bounding box,
                    format: w,n,e,s [default: -99999,-99999,99999,99999]


# prepare empty directory
mkdir -p merged/2020-01-13/
rm merged/current # delete old symlink
ln -rs merged/2020-01-13/ merged/current

# merge ALL extracted contributions
# using `cargo run` compiles the program and then runs it, `--release` makes it run fast, `--bin merge_caches` selects this program only out of all the ones available
cargo run --release --bin merge_caches merged/current/ extracted/

Rendering tiles using VoxelMap

  • see also: instructions at old VoxelMap-related project
  • create a singleplayer world (WORLDNAME), move outside of the world border (13000 blocks for CivClassic 2.0) plus render distance, so you don't overwrite the cache when you render it later
  • copy/symlink the merged cache to .minecraft/mods/VoxelMods/voxelMap/cache/WORLDNAME/overworld (dimension 0)/
  • stop Mincraft, put Output Images:true in .minecraft/mods/VoxelMods/, start Minecraft (note that this line gets deleted when you start Minecraft, it only applies to the running game instance, so if you are repeating this step you will have to edit it again each time)
  • ensure you have your chosen resource pack loaded, and it's daytime (/gamerule doDaylightCycle false, /time set 6000); you may want to enable GammaBright mod to show under water terrain
  • load the singleplayer world, open VoxelMap, pan around until all of the map is rendered
  • images will be created in .minecraft/mods/VoxelMods/voxelMap/cache/WORLDNAME/overworld (dimension 0)/images/z1/<x>,<z>.png
  • copy them to tiles/terrain/z0/ (CivMap uses different zoom numbers)
  • run on them to remove the area you were standing in during rendering


python3 py/ <region files directory> [-f]

Removes region files (cache, tile, chunk times) that are outside the 13000 blocks world border of CivClassic 2.0. (Edit the source code to change this radius.)

Without -f, only lists the files being removed. With -f, removes them.

This can be used after in-game rendering (using VoxelMap) to remove the tiles and cache files around the player, if it is standing outside render distance of the world border.


# remove extraneous tiles before zooming out
# 1. list files to be deleted ("dry run")
python3 py/ tiles/terrain/z0/
# 2. add -f flag after you've confirmed it won't eat your precious files
python3 py/ tiles/terrain/z0/ -f
# also clean the cache for custom renderer
python3 py/ merged/current/

Custom Renderer

Turns cache tiles (<x>,<z>.zip) into tile images (<x>,<z>.png).

Available modes:

  • simple: blue-gray water-land map
  • light: grayscale block light values, used to generate the nightmap
  • biome: color coded biomes, using AMIDST color map
  • height: color coded block heights and water depths

Compile with:

cargo build --release --bin render


target/release/render [-q] [-t threads] <cache> <output> (simple | light | biome | height)

cache-path contains voxelmap caches in the format <x>,<z>.zip, for example the result of merge_caches.

output-path is a directory that will contain the rendered tiles.


-q, --quiet         Do not output info messages.
-t, --threads       Number of threads to use for parallel processing
--between=<bounds>  Only render tiles at least partially within this bounding box,
                    format: w,n,e,s [default: -99999,-99999,99999,99999]


cargo run --release --bin render merged/current tiles/height/z0 height

python3 py/ tiles/night/z0 /tiles/terrain/z0 /tiles/light/z0

or, when using bash:

python3 py/ tiles/{night,terrain,light}/z0

Combine terrain and light into night tiles.

python3 <tileset root path> [minimum zoom level = -1]

Zoom out a tileset, combining 4 tiles into one, and shrinking it to the original tile size. The tileset root must contain a directory named z0. If given, the minimum zoom level must be negative (n < 0), default is -1. This will create new directories z-1, z-2, ... next to z0, containing the zoomed-out tiles.


python3 py/ tiles/terrain/ -6
python3 py/ tiles/height/ -6

python3 <image path> <tiles dir>

Combines all tiles in <tiles dir> into a single image.


# using z-3 results in 8x zoom (2^3 = 8)
python3 py/ terrain_8x_zoomed.png tiles/terrain/z-3
# you can also create full-scale images (1:1 pixel:block),
# but they may crash your system when opened in a typical image viewer.
python3 py/ simple_full_scale.png tiles/simple/z0

Miscellaneous Utilities

python py/ --rs --download > src/
python py/ --rs < biomes_amidst.csv > src/

Converts the color info into source code, sourcing it from the crbednarz/AMIDST Github repo (--download flag) or from a csv file, piped into stdin (format: id,name,red,green,blue,type).

If --rs is supplied, prints header and footer of the color array, so the output is a valid Rust file as required for src/

Sometimes Rust's zip reader can't open some region cache .zip files. This script re-zips every region in a way that Rust can read them, keeping their timestamps intact.


Utilities for VoxelMap and CivMap to merge and render region caches and map tiles






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