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CP Female Pitch body type config

GlHhwa edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 7 revisions

Before you set the mode...

Peach body type is divided into two types: tall body type and short body type.

The two body types cannot be applied together, so please select one and apply it.

If you select a tall body type, download the GH's pitch tall body type (female).zip file,

and if you select a short body type, download the GH's pitch tall body type (female).zip file.

Please check the detailed setting method below.

[Update Reminder] The color of the pitch body is different from the color of the vanilla body. So far, there have been errors in which the color of the sleeves does not change properly when changing the retail options, or errors in which the color change function of the shoes in FS mode does not work properly. To solve this problem, in the latest version of the mode, which was updated to SDV 1.6 version, the color of the sleeves and shoes was changed to vanilla color. So, please note that the old version's mode file and the latest version's mode file are not compatible.


It must be set to 'true' to change to peach body type.

true: applied

false: Not applied

Body Type

Slim_B, Slim_P, Slim_S, Chubby_B, Chubby_P, Chubby_S

'Slim' means slim body, 'Chubby' means chubby body, 'B' means basic eyes, 'P' means shaded eyes, and 'S' means sleepy eyes.

Horse Wings Body

You only need to set this option if you change the horse to a wing. (ex: Angel and Devil Wings)

true: applied

false: Not applied

Horse Wings Body Type


For example, selecting 'HWS_S' means changing the farmer of a player who uses retek, who turns horses into wings, to slim body and sleepy eyes.

'HW' is an abbreviation for 'Horse Wings', 'S' means a slim body type, 'C' means a chubby body type,

'B' means regular eyes, 'P' means shaded eyes, and 'S' means sleepy eyes.


Set to 'true' to allow you to specify seasonal different sleeves.

true: applied

false: Not applied

Season Sleeve

S, SS, OffS, OneOffS, OneOffLS, OneOffOS, LS, OS, ShirtOS

You can specify different sleeves for each spring, summer, fall, and winter.

'S' means sleeveless, 'SS' means short sleeves, 'LS' means long sleeves, 'OS' means overfit long sleeves,'OffS' means off-shoulder, 'One OffS' means one off-shoulder short sleeves, 'One OffLS' means one off-shoulder long sleeves, and 'One Off-OS' means one off-shoulder overfit long sleeves, 'ShirtOS' is an overfit sleeve that feels like a shirt.

Horse Wings Sleeve

You only need to set this option if you change the horse to a wing.

true: applied

false: Not applied

Season Horse Wings Sleeve

You can specify different sleeves for each spring, summer, fall, and winter.

HW_S, HW_SS, HW_OffS, HW_OneOffS, HW_OneOffLS, HW_OneOffOS, HW_LS, HW_OS, HW_ShirtOS

'HW' is an abbreviation for 'Horse Wings', 'S' means sleeveless, 'SS' means short sleeves, 'LS' means long sleeves, 'OS' means overfit long sleeves,'OffS' means off-shoulder, 'One OffS' means one off-shoulder short sleeves, 'One OffLS' means one off-shoulder long sleeves, and 'One Off-OS' means one off-shoulder overfit long sleeves, 'ShirtOS' is an overfit sleeve that feels like a shirt.

For example, 'HW_OneOffLS' means changing the sleeves of a player farmer using retek, who turns horses into wings, to an off-shoulder on one side and a long sleeve on the other.


If you set it to "true", you can do blush makeup to the farmer.

true: applied

false: Not applied

Cheek Type

R, P, O, B, G, SR, SP, SO, SB, SG

'R' means red, 'P' means pink, 'O' means orange, 'B' means brown, and 'G' means gray, and if 'S' is in front of this color notation, this redness can only be applied if sleepy eyes are set.

For example, 'SR' is a red blusher makeup for sleepy eyes.


Set to 'true' to create ears.

true: applied

false: Not applied

Ear Type

Ear, Elf Ears

'Ear' is the shape of a normal person's ear, and 'Elf Ears' is the shape of an elf's ear.


When set to 'true', adds a nose to the farmer's frontal face.

true: applied

false: Not applied


If you set it to 'true', you can put your shoes on the farmer. The default setting 'false' is barefoot.

true: applied

false: bare foot

Shoes Type

S_Socks, S_LS, S_Shoes, S_SS, S_SLS, S_Sandals, S_LB, S_MB, S_MBLS, S_FB, C_Socks, C_LS, C_Shoes, C_SS, C_SLS, C_Sandals, C_LB, C_MB, C_MBLS

If 'S' is added to the name of the shoe, it means shoes for a slim body, and if 'C' is added, it means shoes for a chubby body.

'Socks' is socks, 'LS' is shoes, 'SS' is shoes and socks, 'Sands' is shoes and socks, 'Sands' is sandals, 'LB' is long boots, 'MB' is middle boots, 'FB' is fancy boots and 'MBLS' is middle boots and long socks.

For example, if you choose 'S_SLS', a slim farmer can wear shoes and long socks.

[Update Reminder] Flamboyant boots are only applicable to the latest version of the newly updated mode in line with the SDV 1.6 version update.

Horse Wings Shoes

You only need to set this option if you change the horse to a wing.

If you set it to 'true', you can put your shoes on the farmer. The default setting 'false' is barefoot.

true: applied

false: bare foot

Horse Wings Shoes Type


'HW' is an abbreviation for 'Horse Wings', which means shoes for slim body when 'S' is attached to the name of the shoe, and shoes for chubby body when 'C' is attached.

'Socks' is socks, 'LS' is shoes, 'SS' is shoes and socks, 'Sands' is shoes and socks, 'Sands' is sandals, 'LB' is long boots, 'MB' is middle boots, 'FB' is fancy boots and 'MBLS' is middle boots and long socks.

[Update Reminder] Flamboyant boots are only applicable to the latest version of the newly updated mode in line with the SDV 1.6 version update.

Bath Clothes Type

You can choose a bath costume.


'T' is a towel, 'N' is a night dress, and 'L' is a Loungewear, and if 'S' is in front of their names, it is a bath costume for a slim body shape, and if 'C' is attached, it is a bath costume for a chubby body shape.


Set to 'true' to apply 24 types of skincolors.

It consists of Peach Tone from 1 to 5, Pink Tone from 6 to 10, Brown Tone from 11 to 17, and Skin Colors from 18 to 24.

true: applied

false: Not applied


Set to 'true' to change the number 1 through 3 of the 'Accessory' file to eyelashes.

When the farmer's hair is dyed, the color of the eyelashes changes to match the color of the hair.

Eyelashes Type


'BP' is the exclusive eyelashes for basic eyes and shaded eyes, and 'S' is the exclusive eyelashes for sleepy eyes.

What if it doesn't set up properly?

Enter patch reload "UniqueID" in the SMAPI console window.

For tall body types, patch reload "GH.Pitch.female.Tall"

For smaller body types, patch reload "GH.Pitch.female"

Female body type Preview

The preview image is written in my native language, Korean.

It might be uncomfortable to see because it's in Korean, but please understand.