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SimpleNotification is a library to display simple yet customizable notifications. You can stylize text with a simple syntax, add buttons to make the notifications interactable and add callbacks for some events during the life of a notification.

SimpleNotification weighs 11.12 Kb (3.57 Kb gzipped), with no dependencies.

You can find a live demo here:


You simply need to include simpleNotification.css, simpleNotification.js (or the minified versions) and you're ready to go!

How to use

SimpleNotification has static methods to display notifications with 5 default templates. You can call each of the templates by their name directly on SimpleNotification without instantiating it, like so: SimpleNotification.success(...).

The five templates are success, error, info, warning and message.

    title: 'Title', // The title of the notification
    image: 'url', // Optional image displayed inside the notification
    text: 'Content', // Content of the notification
    // Optional list of buttons to interact with the notification
    buttons: [{
        value: 'Confirm', // The text inside the button
        type: 'success', // The type of the button, same as for the notifications
        onClick: (notification) => {
            // The onClick function receive the notification from which the button has been clicked
            // You can call notification.remove(), notification.close() or notification.closeFadeout()
            // if you wish to remove the notification by clicking on  the buttons
}, options);

All keys in the first parameter are optional, but at least one is required.

You can still update the content and state of any notification after it's been created with these functions:

setType(type), setTitle(title), setImage(image), setText(text), addButton(button), removeButtons(), disableButtons()

You can use custom classes and make your own design by using SimpleNotification.custom(classes, content, options) where classes is an array of CSS classes that will be added to the body of each notification.

You can jump lines inside the notification content by using any linebreak character (\r, \n or \r\n).


There are a few options that you can set by using SimpleNotification.options(object) or more specifically for a single notification on the third parameter.

Name Description Default
duration The time (in ms) that the notification is displayed. 4000
position Valid positions: top-left, top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center and bottom-right. "top-right"
sticky If true, the notification will not disappear until the user clicks it or its close button. false
closeButton If true, a close button will be added either on the title or the content. true
closeOnClick If true, clicking anywhere in the notification will close it. true
removeAllOnDisplay If true, all notifications will be cleared before the new one is added to the screen. false
maxNotifications If >0, notifications (starting with oldest) will clear out until the number displayed is less than or equal to the specified option. 0
events Object with events functions, see Events.
insertAnimation Object with CSS class name and duration, see Animations. { name: 'default-insert', duration: 250 }
removeAnimation Object with CSS class name and duration, see Animations. { name: 'fadeout', duration: 400 }
display Display the notification when creating it. true

If a notification is sticky and closeOnClick is disabled, closeButton is set to true to always have a way to close a notification.


There are four events during the process of displaying every notification:

  • onCreate(notification) called when the notification node is created but empty.
  • onDisplay(notification) called when the notification node is appended to its wrapper.
  • onDeath(notification) called when the duration timer has expired.
    • If you set the onDeath function you need to call notification.close(), notification.remove() or notification.closeFadeout() or else the notification won't disappear.
  • onDisplay(notification) after the notification has been closed.


You can customize the insert and remove animations of a notification by giving a value to the insertAnimation (or removeAnimation) option. The option take an object like the following:

    name: "default-insert", // See the list below
    duration: 250 // In ms

The insert animations are: insert-[left|top|right|bottom], fadein, scalein and rotatein.

By default the animation is default-insert which is a special value that automatically choose the corresponding insert animation after the notification position.

The remove animations are: fadeout, scaleout and rotateout.

You can add your own animations by adding them in your own CSS files and setting the name of the animation as the parameter.

Markdown-like tags

You can insert links, images and stylize text by using tags that resemble Markdown. Most of these tags can be nested to combine their effects.

Name Description
Inline code ``code``
Header (h1) # Header 1\n
Header (h2) ## Header 2\n
Link {{title|}} or {{}} without title.
Image ![title|] or ![] without title.
Bold ****
Italic **
Separator \n---\n
Float right >*>Text<

Tags work by looking for an open token, an optional separator if there is a title, and the close token.
If the tag can have a title you need to use | as the separator with the content.

You can add custom tags easily by adding them to SimpleNotification.tags or by using SimpleNotification.addTag(name, object).
A tag object can have the following properties:

    type: 'span', // The node type, e.g <span>
    class: ['class1', 'class2'], // Optional class list as an array or string to use
    attributes: {
        name: value
    }, // Optional attributes to set
    textContent: "$content", // textContent of the created node, see below for variables
                             // If textContent is defined and not false the content cannot have childs (nested other tags)
    title: false, // See "Title" below
    open: '{{', // The opening token - any length
    close: '}}' // The closing token - can be linebreak by using \n - can also be empty


There are two usable variables inside attribute values textContent and title:

  • $content: the content found between the open and close token, without the title if there is one.
  • $title: the title found, if there is none it is replaced by the same value as $content.