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applet.program.stusb4500_nvm: Import new applet to program STUSB4500 NVM
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Signed-off-by: Sylvain Munaut <>
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smunaut committed Apr 15, 2023
1 parent 030e310 commit 4cfa77f
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Showing 2 changed files with 201 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions software/glasgow/applet/
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from .program.m16c import ProgramM16CApplet
from .program.mec16xx import ProgramMEC16xxApplet
from .program.nrf24lx1 import ProgramNRF24Lx1Applet
from .program.stusb4500_nvm import StUsb4500NvmApplet
from .program.xc6s import ProgramXC6SApplet
from .program.xc9500xl import ProgramXC9500XLApplet

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200 changes: 200 additions & 0 deletions software/glasgow/applet/program/stusb4500_nvm/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
# Reference: STSW-STUSB004 Documentation
# Accession: G00084

import logging
import argparse
import asyncio

from ...interface.i2c_initiator import I2CInitiatorApplet
from ... import *

class StUsb4500NvmInterface:
def __init__(self, interface, logger, i2c_address):
self.lower = interface
self._logger = logger
self._level = logging.DEBUG if == __name__ else logging.TRACE
self._i2c_addr = i2c_address

def _log(self, message, *args):
self._logger.log(self._level, "stusb4500_nvm: " + message, *args)

FTP_KEY = 0x95
FTP_CTRL_0 = 0x96
FTP_CTRL_1 = 0x97


async def _read_regs(self, addr, length):
self._log("i2c-addr=%#02x reg-addr=%#02x", self._i2c_addr, addr)
result = await self.lower.write(self._i2c_addr, addr.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
if result is False:
return None

chunk = await, length, stop=True)
if chunk is None:
self._log("<%s>", chunk.hex())

return list(chunk)

async def _write_regs(self, addr, data):
self._log("i2c-addr=%#02x reg-addr=%#02x", self._i2c_addr, addr)

if not isinstance(data, list):
data = [data]
chunk = addr.to_bytes(1, 'little') + bytes(data)
self._log("write=<%s>", chunk[1:].hex())

result = await self.lower.write(self._i2c_addr, chunk, stop=True)
if result is False:
return None

return True

async def _exec_cmd(self, cmd, c0_lsb=0):
result = await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_1, cmd)
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_0, 0x50 | c0_lsb)
await asyncio.sleep(0.005)
return result

async def enable(self):
result = await self._write_regs(self.FTP_KEY, self.FTP_KEY_VALUE)
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_DATA_BASE, 0x00)
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_0, 0x40)
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_0, 0x00)
await asyncio.sleep(0.001)
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_0, 0x40)
return result

async def disable(self):
result = await self._write_regs(self.FTP_CTRL_0, [0x40, 0x00])
result = result and await self._write_regs(self.FTP_KEY, 0x00)
return result

async def erase(self):
result = await self._exec_cmd(0xFA)
result = result and await self._exec_cmd(0x07)
result = result and await self._exec_cmd(0x05)
return result

async def read_sector(self, sector):
result = await self._exec_cmd(0x00, c0_lsb=sector)
if not result:
return None
return await self._read_regs(self.FTP_DATA_BASE, 8)

async def write_sector(self, sector, data):
result = await self._write_regs(self.FTP_DATA_BASE, data)
result = result and await self._exec_cmd(0x01)
result = result and await self._exec_cmd(0x06, c0_lsb=sector)
return result

class StUsb4500NvmApplet(I2CInitiatorApplet, name="stusb4500-nvm"):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
help = "read and write STUSB4500 NVM"
description = """
Read and write the NVM inside the STUSB4500 USB-PD initiator.
The file format used is the .txt generated by the STSW-STUSB002 GUI
utility provided by ST.

def add_run_arguments(cls, parser, access):
super().add_run_arguments(parser, access)

def address(arg):
return int(arg, 0)

"-A", "--i2c-address", type=address, metavar="I2C-ADDR", default=0b0101000,
help="I²C address of the STUSB4500; typically 0b0101000 "
"(default: 0b0101000)")

async def run(self, device, args):
i2c_iface = await super().run(device, args)
return StUsb4500NvmInterface(
i2c_iface, self.logger, args.i2c_address)

def add_interact_arguments(cls, parser):
p_operation = parser.add_subparsers(dest="operation", metavar="OPERATION", required=True)

p_read = p_operation.add_parser(
"read", help="read NVM")
"-f", "--file", metavar="FILENAME", type=argparse.FileType("w"),
help="write NVM contents to FILENAME")

p_write = p_operation.add_parser(
"write", help="write NVM")
"-f", "--file", metavar="FILENAME", type=argparse.FileType("r"),
help="write NVM with contents of FILENAME")

def _read_data_file(self, fh):
data = {}
for l in fh.readlines():
if l.startswith("0x"):
a = int(l[0:4], 16)
d = [int(x, 16) for x in l[5:].split()]
data[a] = d
return data

def _write_data_file(self, fh, data):
for a in sorted(data.keys()):
fh.write(f"0x{a:02X}:\t" + "\t".join([f"0x{x:02X}" for x in data[a]]) + "\t\r\n")
fh.write("# NVM memory map : STUSBxx \r\n")

async def interact(self, device, args, iface):
if args.operation == "read":
success = await iface.enable()
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError("Could not enable NVM access")

data = {}
for sector in range(5):
d = await iface.read_sector(sector)
if d is None:
raise GlasgowAppletError(f"Could not read NVM sector {sector:d}")

data[0xC0 + 8 * sector] = d

success = await iface.disable()
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError("Could not disable NVM access")

self._write_data_file(args.file, data)

if args.operation == "write":
data = self._read_data_file(args.file)

success = await iface.enable()
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError("Could not enable NVM access")

success = await iface.erase()
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError("Could not erase NVM")

for sector in range(5):
k = 0xC0 + 8 * sector
if k not in data:

success = await iface.write_sector(sector, data[k])
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError(f"Could not write NVM sector {sector:d}")

success = await iface.disable()
if not success:
raise GlasgowAppletError("Could not disable NVM access")

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