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Releases: GleamTech/FileUltimate

FileUltimate v8.8.8

03 May 20:42
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Version 8.8.8 - May 3, 2024

  • Improved: Document Viewer:
    • Fixed: DocumentViewer.MobileMode will be treated correctly. When OnAny (default value) mobile mode will be active both on phone and tablet.
      In addition to UA parsing in previous version, feature and screen size detection will be taken into effect to correctly determine
      it's a phone or tablet (even in desktop browser's emulation mode).

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.8.7

18 Apr 17:32
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Version 8.8.7 - April 18, 2024

  • Improved: Document Viewer:

    • Fixed: The following error in console on mobile which prevented loading of the document viewer:
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'top')
      The error was observed with Chrome on Android and emulated mobile views in browser's developer tools.
    • Improved: Mobile device detection to better detect new browsers.
    • Improved: Updated jquery to latest 3.7.1.
      Disabled unnecessary console message "JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1"
  • Improved: Updated GleamTech.Common.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.8.6

28 Aug 08:06
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Version 8.8.6 - August 27, 2023

  • Improved: Document Viewer:
    • Fixed: In DocumentViewer, no scrollbars were visible for Attachments pane.
    • Fixed: In DocumentViewer, remove bottom right grip icon as it overlays over scroll bar bottom arrow.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.8.5

23 Apr 23:46
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Version 8.8.5 - April 24, 2023

  • Fixed: AspNetCoreSession: Prevent unnecessary intermittent error in console: "Error unprotecting the session cookie."

  • Improved: Used C# 9.0 to be able to inject module initializers.
    For example CheckTargetFramework method will throw error like below (some users still reference wrong DLLs):
    PlatformNotSupportedException: You currently referenced netstandard2.0 version of GleamTech.Common.dll which is
    not targeted for current runtime: .NET Framework 4.8.9139.0.
    Please reference net472 versions of GleamTech DLLs (found in folder Bin\net472) for .NET Framework 4.7.2+ projects.

  • Changed: Compiling source code package now requires Visual Studio 2019 (16.8 update which comes with C# 9.0) (16.0.30709.132) as minimum.
    Requirement for consuming compiled DLLs is NOT changed (VS 2015+).

  • Improved: Stability of AssemblyResolver.
    Ensured old log files are cleared, e.g. AssemblyResolver-xx.log and GleamTech-xx.log files.

  • Changed: AssemblyVersion is changed so recompile your project against the new DLLs (drop in to bin folder will not work).

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.8.0

16 Apr 18:47
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Version 8.8.0 - April 16, 2023

  • Improved: Document Viewer:
    • Added: Cad formats (.dwg, .dxf, .stl) are now supported with our .netstandard2.0 DLL which means
      it can be used with .NET Core 2.0+ and .NET 5.0+ projects.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.7.6

11 Apr 19:25
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Version 8.7.6 - April 11, 2023

  • Improved: Document Viewer:
    • Fixed: DICOM format (.dcm) with JPEG compression did not work.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.7.5

07 Apr 19:18
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Version 8.7.5 - April 7, 2023

  • Fixed: In some cases, root folder quota was not respected, and chunks continued to be uploaded.
    A file that exceeds quota, will be rejected as expected.

  • Improved: Document Viewer:

    • Fixed: Support for DICOM format (.dcm) was broken. Most files failed with "Index was out of bounds of array" error.
      We also added some features, i.e when converting DICOM files, we also render important DICOM tags on top-left and top-right
      corners of the image.
      Tags displayed on top-left corner: InstitutionName, StudyID, StudyDate, StudyTime, StudyDescription, Modality
      Tags displayed on top-right corner: PatientName, PatientID, PatientBirthDate, PatientSex
    • Fixed: DocumentFormat.Dib was mistakenly disabled/commented out so "object null reference error" was raised.
    • Fixed: With .NET Framework projects, AzureBlobFileSystem stalled (waited indefinitely) when creating empty files.
      This also caused DocumentCache to stall, as it tries to create empty .sourceName files.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.7.0

03 Apr 00:24
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Version 8.7.0 - April 2, 2023

  • Added: Implemented GleamTech.Drawing namespace to replace System.Drawing.
    Starting with .NET 6, System.Drawing.Common is not supported on non-Windows platforms,
    so dropped dependency to System.Drawing.Common package
    for GleamTech.FileUltimate, GleamTech.ImageUltimate, GleamTech.VideoUltimate and GleamTech.Common
    but unfortunately we still need it for GleamTech.DocumentUltimate because some format conversions depend on it:

    • Implemented GleamTech.Drawing.Image class which
      • Can load and save file formats Jpg, Png, Gif, WebP, Bmp, Tga, Pbm, Tiff
      • Can handle multi-frame Tiff and Gif images
      • Can resize, crop, rotate, flip, clone, import/export pixel data, draw text, provide detailed image info
      • Can be explicitly cast from/to (via cast operator or via extension methods) other image libraries:
        System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing.Image
        SkiaSharp.SKBitmap, SkiaSharp.SKImage
    • Implemented GleamTech.Drawing.Color struct which
      • Can convert from/to html color codes #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA (or short codes #RGB or #RGBA)
      • Can convert from/to named colors
      • Can be implicitly (automatically) cast from/to other image libraries:
        SixLabors.ImageSharp.Color, SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats
    • Implemented GleamTech.Drawing.Font class which
      • Can be implicitly (automatically) cast from/to other image libraries:
    • Also implemented GleamTech.Drawing.Rectangle and GleamTech.Drawing.Size structs.
  • Improved: Document Viewer:

    • Updated jquery to latest 3.6.4 and jquery-ui to latest 1.13.2 for document viewer and ensured CSS is scoped.
    • Some type changes will trigger a cache migration as in v8.6.0 so be patient when you first open a document:
      With this version, DocumentCache will migrate this change automatically for you, it will scan the cache folder,
      update all .json cache info files, regenerate cache keys (due to json serialization change) and rename cache files to match the new cache keys.
      This migration will be run on first access to the cache, it can take few seconds to complete (may take longer for cloud folders).
      You can check the details and results of the migration in CacheMigrate.log in cache folder.
  • Added: An Action parameter named "configure" to UseGleamTech. It's more neat to set GleamTech products
    related configuration in callback and it has better timing for especially web configuration:

    app.UseGleamTech(() =>
    	GleamTechConfiguration.Current.LogEnabled = true;
    	FileUltimateConfiguration.Current.LicenseKey = "QQJDJLJP34...";
  • Improved: ExampleExplorer:

    • Added "show system information" button on the top-right corner to display system information in a message box.
    • Show error messages for server handler methods.
    • Refresh page automatically when session is expired.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.6.1

07 Mar 14:15
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Version 8.6.1 - March 7, 2023

  • Fixed: Video thumbnails failed on older supported OS, i.e. Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7 SP1.

  • Fixed: FileCache did not append to the existing log files (CacheTrim and CacheMigrate) correctly.

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+

FileUltimate v8.6.0

23 Feb 20:33
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Version 8.6.0 - February 23, 2023

  • Changed: .NET Framework target is changed from net461 to net472.
    So from now on, you need to have a .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above project to reference our .NET Framework DLL (not related to our .netstandard2.0 DLL).
    Minimum supported development environment version is changed from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2015 (first to support net472 targeting pack).
    Minimum supported deployment server OS is still Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (first to support net472 runtime).
    Minimum supported deployment client OS is still Windows 7 SP1 (first to support net472 runtime).

  • Improved: FileCache will now log information and errors about trimming and migrating.

    • Migration related details and errors will be logged to CacheMigrate.log in cache folder (and important one also to GleamTech.log).
    • Trimming related details and errors will be logged to CacheTrim.log in cache folder (and important one also to GleamTech.log).
    • Updated cache versioning, CacheVersion's first 2 parts are FileCache version, second 2 parts are sub-class cache version.
      e.g. -> FileCache, -> DocumentCache, -> ThumbnailCache.
    • Improved migration handling (especially in FileCache sublasses) and stability.
  • Changed: GleamTechConfiguration.LogEnabled property -> The default value is now true.
    GleamTech.log can be found under the temporary folder specified by GleamTechConfiguration.TemporaryFolder.

  • Changed: Thumbnail cache subfolder under temporary folder will be renamed: "ImageCache" -> "ThumbnailCache"

Included example projects:

  • ASP.NET Core (C#) - Visual Studio 2019+
  • ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework (C#)- Visual Studio 2017+
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET MVC (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (C#) - Visual Studio 2015+
  • ASP.NET WebForms (VB) - Visual Studio 2015+