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This is the backend playground for using vector tiles on GlobalFishingWatch

Start by installing all dependencies (npm i). You will also need to install tippecanoe globally (brew install tippecanoe for example).

process tiles

inspect a tile

Download a vector tile somewhere and do:

./inspect-vector-tile path/to/tile.pbf

This is useful in particular when layer name is unknown (ie Mapbox GL source-layer value)

encounters conversion (real data)

--> GeoJSON --> mbtiles

This is used to compile the encounters CSV into an mbtiles (to feed further PBF tiles generation by the cruncher)

node ./encounters-convert [CSVFile]
node ./encounters-convert data/encounters/encounters_20180111.csv

Note: the data originally provided as CSV has been altered on a CartoDB instance using the following SQL:

('encounters' || cartodb_id) as series,
(CAST (event_duration_hr as DOUBLE PRECISION))*60*60 *1000 as duration,
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CAST (start_time AS DATE))*1000 as datetime
FROM encounters_20180111


Will generate a geojson file, then a mbtiles files with 40000 points, for zoom levels 2 to 14 at data/encounters/data

cruncher (tilereduce to PBF tiles)

mbtiles --> PBF tiles

The cruncher leverages tilereduce to allow distributing tile processing over multiple CPU cores. Currently it only takes an mbtiles file as input, but it could support individual tiles files. The cruncher will take all points from the input, convert point properties for efficient rendering (eg sigma and weight to precomputed radius and opacity), and pack them into PBF tiles ready to be consumed by the client. The tiles are generated at zoom levels from input data (maxZoom) if generated from encounters-generator.

node ./cruncher [dataset]
node ./cruncher encounters

This will generate PBF tiles in path at data/encounters/data/PBF from raw tiles (expected to be served from http://localhost:9090/{z},{x},{y}).

points-generator (dummy data)

--> GeoJSON --> mbtiles

This is used to prepare dummy data for the encounters and events layer for testing purposes. It will first generate a number of point features (avoiding landmass for a slightly more realistic effect), in a GeoJSON file, then convert it to an mbtiles file (SQLite database). Each point has a random datetime timestamp property, as well as a random type ranging from 0 to 4.

The generated mbtiles file can then be used by the cruncher to generate individual PBF tiles.

node ./points-generator [dataset] [numFeatures] [maxZoom]
node ./points-generator events 40000 14
node  --max-old-space-size=8192 ./points-generator events 10000000 14


custom vector tiles (pelagos) --> mbtiles file

This is intended to experiment using vector tiles with the the "raw" fishing activity tiles currently on production. It should generate an mbtiles file usable by the cruncher, from the fishing activity tiles currently on production. The code, currently, generates individual raw tiles rather than a single mbtiles file and so needs to be revised (also, decoding Pelagos tiles is not implemented, code used on the client should be reused here).

node ./scraper dataset startingZoomLevel boundingBox [getHigherZoomLevels]
node ./scraper fishing 6 -17.578125,34.452218,-4.042969,44.213710

Will download tiles within boundingBox to path at data/[dataset] from startingZoomLevel boundingBox uses the standard [w, s, e, n] format getHigherZoomLevels will download higher zoom levels in the bounding box

inspect mbtiles files

Set Mapbox token first:

export MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN='pk....'

Run server:

npm run mbview [mbtiles path]
npm run mbview data/events/tiles.mbtiles

An inspector should be available at http://localhost:9000/

Polygon layers Carto -> Mapbox preparation (deprecated)

Downloads CARTO tables from the SQL endpoint as GeoJSON that then get converted to mbtiles, to be uploaded as tilesets on Mapbox (the upload part is manual for now).

DEPRECATED: We are now using consuming data from SQL tables on a CARTO instance directly, using CARTO's MVT endpoint

node polygon-layers/ [dataset_id]
node polygon-layers/ falklands_conservation

dataset_id is the same id as the ones used in workspaces/directory endpoint. Get a list of available datasets by typing

node polygon-layers/ --list

tile servers

PBF tiles

npm run tileserver-pbf
npm run tileserver-pbf-encounters

Will start a simple http-server with CORS headers turned on on port 9090.

tilelive with mbtiles (deprecated)

Run simple tilelive server with mbtiles file (port 7070):

npm start [mbtilesPath]

mbtilesPath assumed to be data/vessels.mbtiles by default.


This is an experiment to see if we could replicate Mapbox styling capapbilities on our own infra.

Run tileserver-gl (port 8080):

npm run tileserver-gl


Experimenting with standard vector tiles for the GlobalFishingWatch project






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