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Solving games with path finding algorithms

Trying it out

With docker:

docker run --rm  globidocker/n-puzzle --help


docker build -t npuzzle-builder .
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/app npuzzle-builder make -j$(nproc)


Available options:
  -h [ --help ]         Show this help message
  -i [ --initial ] arg  Input file for the initial state
  -g [ --goal ] arg     Input file for the goal state
  --heuristics arg      Heuristics used for solving the puzzle
  --strategy arg        Search strategy (uniform or greedy)
  -v [ --variant ] arg  A* variant (astar or idastar)
  --random-goal         Generates a goal state other than a snail
  -s [ --size ] arg     Size of randomly generated states
  --show-moves          Display the states resulting from the path finding
  --random-seed arg     Seed for generating random states

./n-puzzle -s 4 --heuristics linear manhattan
should output something along the lines of:


Initial state:

|15 |7  |8  |4  |
|14 |11 |13 |10 |
|9  |3  |1  |6  |
|2  |0  |12 |5  |

Final state:

|1  |2  |3  |4  |
|12 |13 |14 |5  |
|11 |0  |15 |6  |
|10 |9  |8  |7  |


A* variant:      astar
Search strategy: uniform
Heuristics:      Linear conflict + Manhattan distance
Admissible:      Yes
Random seed:     10 911 951 466 754 511 061


Number of states selected:          1 277 156
Maximum number of states in memory: 2 407 941
Number of moves required:           57


Computation time: 6 945 332 950 ns
