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Noldorion edited this page May 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

This section of the documentation is not necessary to use Imperial Commander. It provides you with insight into how the app handles threat, deployment, activation, and events. If you just want to play, simply ignore this.

The Debug Window

At any time during play, hit [Esc] or click / tap the debug window button at the bottom to display the debug window. Here you can see the current threat, the deployment modifier, and the deployment hand.

Difficulty settings

Difficulty Threat increase Deployment Modifier Special
Easy x 0.7 no change Any time an Elite group is deployed, it has a 15 % chance to be downgraded to a normal group without refunding of threat. (If the respective normal group is still available.) At each activation, there’s a 25 % chance that no bonus effect will be applied.
Medium no change no change none
Hard x 1.3 starts at 2 Any time a regular group is deployed, it has a 15 % chance to be upgraded to an Elite group at no additional threat cost. (If the respective Elite group is still available.)

Creating deployment hands

In Imperial Commander, deployment groups are grouped into tiers, depending on the threat cost (I: up to 5 points; II: 6-9 points, III: 10+ points). At the start of each mission, open groups are chosen based on the threat level of the mission.

Threat Level Tier I Tier II Tier III Total
2 2 2 0 4
3 2 2 0 4
4 1 2 1 4
5 1 2 2 5
6+ 1 2 2 5

Earned villains have a 50 % chance of being added to the deployment hand. This is to make sure there is a realistic chance of them showing up. If they are added, they are added as additional cards, not as replacements.

Deployment events

At the end of each round, the deployment behavior of the app is determined by simulating a 2D6 roll. The Deployment Modifier (DM) is then applied to that roll. It starts each mission at 0 (2 if Hard mode is chosen) and increases based on the deployment event rolled.

2D6+DM Deployment event Description
-2-4 Calm - Increase threat by threat level
- No deployment
- Increase DM by 2
5-7 Reinforcements - Increase threat by threat level
- Reinforce up to 2 groups
- Increase DM by 1
8-10 Landing - Increase threat by threat level +1
- Deploy up to 2 new groups
- "Fuzzy Deployment" (see below)
- Increase DM by 1
11+ Onslaught - Increase threat by threat level +2
- Reinforce up to 2 groups*
- Deploy as many groups as possible**
- "Fuzzy Deployment" (see below)
- Set DM to -2

*Reinforcement costs are decreased by 1, to a minimum of 1.
**Deployment costs for are decreased by 1 for Tier II groups and 2 for Tier III groups.

Fuzzy Deployment

If the app chooses to deploy a Tier III (=expensive) group, but does not have enough threat by up to 3 points, it still deploys the unit and reduces threat to 0. This way, the deployment of expensive units does not hinge on a tiny amount of missing threat, but doesn’t simply make them cheaper. Example: The app chooses to deploy an AT-ST (threat cost 14). It can deploy it even if there is only 11, 12, or 13 threat left.

Activation priority

Deployment groups are separated into two levels of activation priorities. Most groups are priority 2. However, some groups are sorted into activation priority 1. These are usually groups that benefit from activating early on, like the ISB Infiltrators, or high-profile groups that are often priority targets for the Rebels, like massive groups or villains.

Activation is decided randomly by the app. However, if there are both priority 1 and priority 2 groups present, the app has a 70 % chance to activate a non-exhausted priority 1 group instead of a priority 2 group - enough to ensure that they often act first, but not enough to make it certain.

Cost changes

Some groups have had their threat cost changed.

Group Original cost New cost
AT-ST 14 11
Boba Fett 13 10
Chewbacca 15 12
Darth Vader 18 13
Dengar 7 6
Elite-Web Engineer 6 5
Elite-Web Engineer Elite 8 7
General Sorin 8 5
General Weiss 16 12
Han Solo 12 9
Hired Gun Elite 6/3 5/3
HK Assassin Droid 8/4 8/3
HK Assassin Droid Elite 11/6 10/5
IG-88 12 10
ISB Infiltrator 5/3 5/2
ISB Infiltrator Elite 7/4 7/3
Kayn Somos 10 8
Leia Organa 8 7
Luke Skywalker (Hero) 10 7
Royal Guard Champion 15 11
SC-2M Repulsor Tank 10 8
Sentry Droid Elite 10/5 9/5
Stormtrooper Elite 9/3 8/3
The Grand Inquisitor 9 8
Wing Guard 6/2 5/2
Wing Guard Elite 9/3 8/3

Adaptive Difficulty

When Adaptive Difficulty is switched on, Fame, threat reimbursement and Awards are calculated as follows:

  • Defeating a group gives the players Fame equal to the group's threat cost (original cost, not changed cost).
  • Defeating a group increases threat by half the group's threat cost, rounded up or down depending on the group (changed cost, not original cost).
  • For each 12 Fame gained, the players gain 1 Award.