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Participation to The Riot Games API Challenge 2016



LoLve is a game website using the championmastery API. To play, you have to create a player and then choose one of the 3 gaming mode: training, competition or challenge. Build your team of 5 summoners from challenger summoners and fight vs an AI, a random player or a friend.

The site should be enough self explanatory to not require more documentation.


A working instance is available here.


  • Ergonomics is not perfect and there are still some little bugs but the site is generally functional.
  • Use of the english langage may be bad sometimes (sorry!).

Technical considerations

  • LoLve use the Node.js framework Danf and is a mix of an AJAX app (for bookmarking and deep linking) and a real time web application (use of socket messages to make an interactive game).
  • The website should be responsive.
  • A MongoDB database is used to persist fights and players data.


To build your own site instance, you have to do the following steps:

1- Install Git, Node.js and an instance of MongoDB.

2- Go in the directory where you want to install the project.

3- Clone the repository:

$ git clone

4- Go at the root directory of the cloned repository.

5- Update npm to the latest version:

$ npm install -g npm

6- Install project dependecies with npm:

$ npm install

7- Add (or replace) a file named parameters-server.js containing:

'use strict';

module.exports = {
    lol: {
        api: {
            key: '...' // your LoL API key
    databases: {
        main: {
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 27017
    encoding: {
        salt: 'fergf4re5g645dgsg654fs',
        iterations: 500,
        keylen: 128,
        digest: 'sha512'

8- Start the server with the following command:

$ node danf serve --env prod

9- Open a page at http://localhost:3080 in your favorite browser (the game has been tested on chrome and firefox).

10- Create a player of username A.I. to enable the training mode.

11- Disconnect from A.I. account.

12- Create your player and let's play!

Possible improvements

  • Add bonus points to apply on one lane.
  • Add a list of best players.
  • ...