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🔥 Firecall

A Python Helper Library for Firebase.

View Full documentation here.

Firecall was previously named Firebasin. The change of name was motivated by name clashes with other Firebase helper libraries.

Quick Stats

Build Status

Topic Details
Version 1.0.1
Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Development Status Stable
Last Updated 30th May, 2015


To Install this library, you have the following options:

  1. Using pip:
⇒ pip install firecall
  1. Cloning the Github repo:
⇒ git clone
⇒ cd firecall
⇒ python install

ℹ️ If a Permission denied error occurs, you simply need to use sudo

Getting Started

Get started is easy:

# Import firecall
import firecall

# Create a firebase instance
my_firebase = firecall.Firebase("")

# Now you are ready to use Firebase
# For example: (getting data from a Firebase)
def print_for_me(data):
    print("Just got this data: " + data)

my_firebase.get(point="/" callback=print_for_me)

Available Methods

  1. firebase#root()
  2. firebase#name()
  3. firebase#attr()
  4. firebase#parent()
  5. firebase#child()
  6. firebase#get()
  7. firebase#put()
  8. firebase#delete()
  9. firebase#export()
  10. firebase#onChange()

Asynchronous vs Synchronous

The methods above (from .get() downwards) are asynchronous. But if you wanted to use them synchronously, just appending _sync to the method name. E.g. .get_sync

Asynchronousity is at the heart of the Implementation.

Callbacks and Errors

Asynchronous methods allow passing a callback, an error handler or even a list of callbacks. Data from the Firebase is passed to the callbacks. Errors are also passed to the Error handler function.

Find more information on callbacks and errors using the Full documentation.

Contributions and Issues

If you wanted to add a feature to the next version, you could Fork the repo, hack it and send a Pull Request.

Incase you encounter a bug, even if you could fix it yourself, please share at the Issues page


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Gocho Mugo

Conquer the World with Python