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A simple sandbox server creation and eval Discord bot. No bloat.


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Nothing To Abstract

A simple sandbox server creation and eval Discord bot. No bloat.


  • Evaluate JavaScript code as a function or directly, using prefixed, slash, modal, or context menu commands
  • Utility functions like get() to fetch HTTP data, cp() to execute shell commands, and button() to create quick components.
  • Add guest users with durations to use the bot
  • Create sandboxed servers owned by the bot
  • Smart error logging


To begin using and self-hosting the bot, follow these steps:


  • Node.js 16.11.0 or later
  • Yarn classic (1.22.19)
  • A Discord application and bot


Once you've cloned the repository from GitHub, install the required Node dependencies.


Copy the .env.example file to a new .env file and fill out the environment variables listed inside.

cp .env.example .env

Compile the bot with tsc. Leave this terminal tab open while developing the bot. In production, you can use yarn build instead.

# Development (watch mode)
yarn build:dev

# Production
yarn build

Finally, you can run the bot using nodemon in development or pm2 in production.

# Development
yarn dev

# Production
pm2 start dist/src/index.js

# Or, just using node
yarn start


Most slash commands have a hide option. If this is set to true, the reply will be ephemeral.



This command is dangerous and can be used to execute malicious code by bad actors. Ensure that you only give bot access (through bot owners and guests) to trusted individuals.

Nothing To Abstract does not attempt to hide tokens/secrets or prevent malicious code from being executed.

If running in a privileged environment, please note that your entire system can be wiped in one command. Nothing To Abstract is not liable for any damages caused.


All eval commands include helpful variables you can access directly.

  • Imported from discord.js - d (default export), ActionRowBuilder, AttachmentBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, ChannelSelectMenuBuilder, EmbedBuilder, MentionableSelectMenuBuilder, MessageContextMenuCommandInteraction, ModalBuilder, RoleSelectMenuBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder, TextInputStyle
  • package.json - pkg
  • Imported from index file - botGuests, client, env, logger
  • Utility functions - cp, scp, button, menu, connect, get, del, head, options, patch, post, put, trace

/eval script [type] [ansi]

Evaluates JavaScript code.

  • type?: string - Whether to wrap the code in a function or not, and if it should automatically return in the function. Defaults to "Default".
  • ansi?: boolean - Whether to format the reply codeblock with ansi (true) or js (false). Defaults to false.

/eval modal [type] [ansi]

Evaluates JavaScript code that's been given in a modal.

  • type?: string - Whether to wrap the code in a function or not, and if it should automatically return in the function. Defaults to "Default".
  • ansi?: boolean - Whether to format the reply codeblock with ansi (true) or js (false). Defaults to false.

Evaluate (context menu)

Evaluates JavaScript code that's been given in a message.

All of the message content, except for the start of a command, will be included in the code.

>eval (>ev)

Evaluates JavaScript code directly without any wrapping.

Use >eval -a if you want to format the reply codeblock with ansi instead of js.

>feval (>fev)

Evaluates JavaScript code wrapped in an async function.

Use >eval -a if you want to format the reply codeblock with ansi instead of js.

>freval (>frev)

Evaluates JavaScript code wrapped in an async function and automatically return.

Use >eval -a if you want to format the reply codeblock with ansi instead of js.



Guest users are treated as bot owners and have access to all commands, including eval commands. Ensure that you only give guest access to individuals you trust and to set a sensible duration. Nothing To Abstract is not liable for any damages caused.


All guests are reset upon session end, which is when the bot's process exits (including restarts).

/guest add <user> [expires]

Adds a guest user to the bot and treats the user as a bot owner for the duration specified.

  • user: user - The user to add as a guest.
  • expires: string - How long the user should be a guest for. Can be formatted like "1d12h" Defaults to session end.

/guest remove <user>

Removes a guest user to the bot and immediately revoke their access to all commands.

  • user: user - The user to remove as a guest.

/guest list

Lists all active guest users and their remaining duration.

/guest clear

Clears all active guest users and immediately revokes their access to all commands.


/sandbox [name] [template]

Creates a sandbox server owned by the bot.

  • name?: string - What the server should be named. Defaults to a randomly-generated phrase.
  • template?: string - A template url or code to use when creating the server. Defaults to



Returns the bot's latency and uptime.


Returns an invite link for the bot.


Exits the process of the bot. If the bot is running in a process manager like pm2, it should automatically restart.


Returns general statistics and information about the bot, such as server, member, and channel count plus cache sizes.

Utility functions in eval

You can use these utility functions in all eval commands.

get|head|post|put|del|connect|options|trace|patch(path: string, body?: BodyInit, headers?: HeadersInit)

Fetches data from a URL. If only a path without URL is given, a request will be made to the Discord API with the bot's token. In this case, :guild, :channel, :message, :interaction, :me, :bot will be auto-filled with their corresponding IDs. Returns a JSON body, otherwise the body text, otherwise the Response.

  • path: string - The URL or path (for Discord API) to fetch data from.
  • body?: BodyInit - The body to send with the request.
  • headers?: HeadersInit - The headers to send with the request.

cp(...args: string[])

Spawns a child process and executes the command. Returns values from stdout and stderr. For coloured output (like neofetch), the -a flag is useful to format the reply codeblock with ansi instead of js.

  • ...args: string[] - The command to execute (1st arg) and its arguments (2nd+ args).

scp(args: string)

Identical to cp(), but splits the arguments by spaces.

  • args: string - The command to execute and its arguments, like how you would normally type it in a shell.


Creates a test button or string select menu and sends it to the channel. Returns the Message.

Contributing & Support

If you need support with the bot, feel free to join our Discord server.

If you'd like to contribute to the bot, please review our code of conduct first. If you have a bug report, feature request, please open an issue. If you're interested in fixing a bug or adding a new feature, please open a pull request.

If you'd like to report a security vulnerability or otherwise want to contact me, please email me at or

PR Guidelines

  • Please follow the conventional commits specification where possible (you may also use docs, chore or other headers).
  • Please use yarn test to ensure TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier checks pass.
  • Please do not include out-of-scope changes in a PR, instead open a separate PR for those changes.


Nothing To Abstract is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


A simple sandbox server creation and eval Discord bot. No bloat.




Code of conduct





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