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Releases: GodotSteam/GodotSteam

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 4.7

26 Apr 17:43
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.1.x / 4.2.x - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDExtension 4.7

26 Apr 17:52
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam Multiplayer Peer 4.7

26 Apr 18:57
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These pre-compiles contain some changes to GodotSteam, mostly under the hood; and unifying a minor version change. Still considered alpha, not for production.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac. Note Mac version does not have templates due to Github Action failures.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 3.24

26 Apr 20:07
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These pre-compiles contain backported changes from the godot4 branch and some clean-up. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 3.5.3 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDNative 3.24

26 Apr 18:08
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These pre-compiles contain backported changes from the godot4 branch and some clean-up. For a full list of changes, please check the change-log here.

Just drop the addon folder into the base of your game / project and enable it in your settings!

Available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam Multiplayer Peer 4.6.3

19 Apr 21:14
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These pre-compiles contain various submitted fixes and are built with the new Godot 4.2.2. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here. Still considered alpha, not for production.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac. Note Mac version does not have templates due to Github Action failures.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.1.x / 4.2.x - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDExtension 4.6.3

17 Apr 21:08
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These pre-compiles contain various submitted fixes. These are still built with godot-cpp-4.1 for compatibility sake. For a full list of changes, please check the change-log here.

Just drop the addon folder into the base of your game / project and enable it in your settings!

Available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Godot 4.2.2 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 4.6.3

17 Apr 20:33
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These pre-compiles contain various submitted fixes and are built with the new Godot 4.2.2. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.

Godot 4.2.1 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam GDExtension 4.6.2

16 Apr 20:14
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These pre-compiles contain some minor changes, new functions, and more. For a full list of changes, please check the change-log here.

Just drop the addon folder into the base of your game / project and enable it in your settings!

Available for Windows, Linux, and OSX.

Godot 4.2.1 - Steamworks 1.59 - GodotSteam 4.6.2

16 Apr 20:47
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These pre-compiles contain one tiny fix for constants. For a full list of previous changes, please check the change-log here.

Available for Windows (32/64), Linux, and Mac.

Zips include the relevant Steam API .dll/.so/.dylib files.