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Android-RoadMap-4 v1.0.0-alpha01

Androidv14 - Level34


1. Introduction

1.1 Documentation

  • Foundation
  • Development environment
  • Design
  • Adopting Compose
  • Additional resources

1.2 Why Compose

  • Less code
  • Intuitive
  • Accelerate development
  • Powerful

1.3 Quick start

  • Create a new app with support for Compose
  • Set up Compose for an existing app
  • Try Jetpack Compose sample apps

1.4 Thinking in Compose

  • The declarative programming paradigm
  • A simple composable function
  • The declarative programming paradigm
  • Dynamic content
  • Recomposition
    • Composable functions can execute in any order
    • Composable functions can run in parallel
    • Recomposition skips as much as possible
    • Recomposition is optimistic
    • Composable functions might run quite frequently

1.5 Bill of Materials

1.5.1 Using the Bill of Materials
  • Why isn't the Compose Compiler library included in the BOM?
  • How do I use a different library version than what's designated in the BOM?
  • Does the BOM automatically add all the Compose libraries to my app?
  • Why is the BOM the recommended way to manage Compose library versions?
  • Am I forced to use the BOM?
  • Does the BOM work with version catalogs?
1.5.2 BOM to library version mapping

2. UI Architecture

2.1 Lifecycle of composables

  • Lifecycle overview
  • Anatomy of a composable in Composition
    • Add extra information to help smart recompositions
    • Skipping if the inputs haven't changed

2.2 Side-effects in Compose

  • State and effect use cases
    • LaunchedEffect: run suspend functions in the scope of a composable
    • rememberCoroutineScope: obtain a composition-aware scope to launch a coroutine outside a composable
    • rememberUpdatedState: reference a value in an effect that shouldn't restart if the value changes
    • DisposableEffect: effects that require cleanup
    • SideEffect: publish Compose state to non-Compose code
    • produceState: convert non-Compose state into Compose state
    • derivedStateOf: convert one or multiple state objects into another state
    • snapshotFlow: convert Compose's State into Flows
  • Restarting effects
    • Constants as keys

2.3 Jetpack Compose phases

  • The three phases of a frame
    • Understand the phases
  • State reads
  • Phased state reads
    • Phase 1: Composition
    • Phase 2: Layout
    • Phase 3: Drawing
  • Optimizing state reads
  • Recomposition loop (cyclic phase dependency)

2.4 Managing State

2.4.1 Overview
  • State and composition
  • State in composables
  • Other supported types of state
    • Stateful versus stateless
  • State hoisting
  • Restoring state in Compose
    • Ways to store state
  • State holders in Compose
  • Retrigger remember calculations when keys change
    • Store state with keys beyond recomposition
2.4.2 Where to hoist state
  • Best practice
  • Types of UI state and UI logic
    • UI state
    • Logic
  • UI logic
    • Composables as state owner
    • No state hoisting needed
    • Hoisting within composables
    • Plain state holder class as state owner
  • Business logic
    • ViewModels as state owner
    • Screen UI state
    • UI element state
2.4.3 Save UI state in Compose
  • UI logic
    • Best practice
    • Verify state restoration
  • Business logic
    • Best practice
    • SavedStateHandle APIs
    • Summary

2.5 Architecting your Compose UI

  • Unidirectional data flow
    • Unidirectional data flow in Jetpack Compose
    • Define composable parameters
  • Events in Compose
    • ViewModels, states, and events: an example

2.6 Jetpack Compose architectural layering

  • Layers
  • Design principles
    • Control
    • Customization
    • Picking the right abstraction

2.7 Locally scoped data with CompositionLocal

  • Introducing CompositionLocal****
  • Creating your own CompositionLocal****
    • Deciding whether to use CompositionLocal****
    • Creating a CompositionLocal****
    • Providing values to a CompositionLocal****
    • Consuming the CompositionLocal****
  • Alternatives to consider
    • Pass explicit parameters
    • Inversion of control

2.8 Navigation with Compose

  • Setup
  • Get started
  • Create a NavController
  • Create a NavHost
  • Navigate to a composable
  • Navigate with arguments
    • Retrieve complex data when navigating
    • Add optional arguments
  • Deep links
  • Nested Navigation
  • Integration with the bottom nav bar
  • Type safety in Navigation Compose
  • Interoperability
    • Navigate from Compose with Navigation for fragments
  • Testing
    • Testing the NavHost****
    • Testing navigation actions

3. Develop Your App’s Layout

3.1 Layouts in Compose

3.2 Compose layout basics

  • Goals of layouts in Compose
  • Basics of composable functions
  • Standard layout components
  • The layout model
  • Performance
  • Using modifiers in your layouts
  • Scrollable layouts
  • Responsive layouts
    • Constraints
  • Slot-based layouts

3.3 Compose modifiers

  • Order of modifiers matters
  • Built-in modifiers
    • padding and size****
    • Offset
  • Scope safety in Compose
    • matchParentSize in Box****
    • weight in Row and Column****
  • Extracting and reusing modifiers
    • Best practices for reusing modifiers

3.4 Constraints and modifier order

  • Modifiers in the UI tree
  • Constraints in the layout phase
    • Types of constraints
    • How constraints are passed from parent to child
  • Modifiers that affect constraints
    • size modifier
    • requiredSize modifier
    • width and height modifiers
    • sizeIn modifier
  • Examples

3.5 Create custom modifiers

  • Chain existing modifiers together
  • Create a custom modifier using a composable modifier factory
  • Implement custom modifier behavior using Modifier.Node****
    • Implement a custom modifier using Modifier.Node****
  • Common situations using Modifier.Node****
    • Zero parameters
    • Referencing composition locals
    • Animating modifier
    • Sharing state between modifiers using delegation
    • Opting out of node auto-invalidation

3.6 List of Compose modifiers

  • Actions, Alignment, Animation, Border, Drawing, Focus, Graphics, Keyboard, Layout, Padding, Pointer, Position, Semantics, Scroll, Size, Testing, Transformations, Other

3.7 Pager in Compose

  • HorizontalPager****
  • VerticalPager****
  • Lazy creation
    • Load more pages offscreen
  • Scroll to an item in the pager
  • Get notified about page state changes
  • Add a page indicator
  • Apply item scroll effects to content
  • Custom page sizes
  • Content padding
  • Customize scroll behavior
    • Snap distance

3.8 Flow layouts in Compose

  • Basic usage
  • Features of flow layout
    • Main axis arrangement: horizontal or vertical arrangement
    • Cross axis arrangement
    • Individual item alignment
    • Max items in row or column
    • Item weights
    • Fractional sizing

3.9 Custom layouts

  • Use the layout modifier
  • Create custom layouts
  • Layout direction
  • Custom layouts in action

3.10 Adaptive layouts

3.10.1 Build adaptive layouts
  • Make large layout changes for screen-level composables explicit
  • Flexible nested composables are reusable
  • Ensure all data is available for different sizes
3.10.2 Build a list-detail layout
  • Implement UI pattern with ListDetailPaneScaffold****
    • Declare dependencies
    • Basic usage

3.11 Alignment lines in Jetpack Compose

  • Create custom alignment lines

3.12 Intrinsic measurements in Compose layouts

  • Intrinsics in action
    • Intrinsics in your custom layouts

3.13 ConstraintLayout in Compose

  • Get started with ConstraintLayout****
  • Decoupled API
  • ConstraintLayout concepts
    • Guidelines
    • Barriers
    • Chains

4. Components

  • Material components in Compose

4.1 Scaffold

  • Example

4.2 App bars

  • Top app bars
    • API surface
    • Scroll behavior
  • Examples
    • Small
    • Center aligned
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Bottom app bar

4.3 Button

  • API surface
  • Filled button
  • Filled tonal button
  • Outlined button
  • Elevated button
  • Text button

4.4 Floating action button

  • API surface
  • Floating action button
  • Small button
  • Large button
  • Extended button

4.5 Card

  • Basic implementation
  • Advanced implementations
    • Filled card
    • Elevated Card
    • Outlined Card
  • Limitations

4.6 Chip

  • API surface
  • Assist chip
  • Filter chip
  • Input chip
  • Suggestion chip
  • Elevated chip

4.7 Dialog

  • Alert dialog
  • Dialog composable
    • Basic example
    • Advanced example

4.8 Progress indicators

  • API Surface
  • Determinate indicators
  • Indeterminate indicators

4.9 Slider

  • Basic implementation
  • Advanced implementation
  • Range slider

4.10 Switch

  • Basic implementation
  • Advanced implementation
    • Custom thumb
    • Custom colors

4.11 Bottom sheets

4.12 Navigation drawer

  • Example

4.13 Snackbar

  • Basic example
  • Snackbar with action

4.14 Lists and grids

  • Lazy lists
  • LazyListScope DSL
  • Lazy grids
  • Lazy staggered grid
  • Content padding
  • Content spacing
  • Item keys
  • Item animations
  • Sticky headers (experimental)
  • Reacting to scroll position
  • Controlling the scroll position
  • Large data-sets (paging)
  • Tips on using Lazy layouts
    • Avoid using 0-pixel sized items
    • Avoid nesting components scrollable in the same direction
    • Beware of putting multiple elements in one item
    • Consider using custom arrangements
    • Consider adding contentType****
    • Measuring performance

4.15 Resources in Compose

  • Strings
    • String plurals (experimental)
  • Dimensions
  • Colors
  • Vector assets and image resources
  • Animated Vector Drawables
  • Icons
  • Fonts

5. Theming

5.1 Design systems in Compose

5.2 Material Design 3 in Compose

  • Dependency
    • Experimental APIs
  • Material theming
    • Color scheme
    • Typography
    • Shapes
    • Emphasis
  • Elevation
  • Material components
    • Navigation components
    • Customize a component's theming
  • System UI
    • Ripple
    • Overscroll
  • Accessibility
    • Color accessibility
    • Typography accessibility
  • Large screens

5.3 Migrate from Material 2 to Material 3 in Compose

  • Approaches
    • When to migrate
    • Phased approach
  • Dependencies
  • Experimental APIs
  • Theming
    • Color
    • Typography
    • Shape
  • Components and layouts
    • Scaffold, snackbars and navigation drawer
    • Top app bar
    • Bottom navigation / Navigation bar
    • Buttons, icon buttons and FABs
    • Switch
  • Surfaces and elevation
  • Emphasis and content alpha
  • Backgrounds and containers
  • Views interoperability

5.4 Material Design 2 in Compose

  • Color
    • Using theme colors
    • Surface and content color
    • Content alpha
    • Dark theme
  • Typography
    • Using text styles
  • Shape
    • Using shapes
  • Default styles
  • Theme overlays
  • Component states
  • Ripples

5.5 Custom design systems in Compose

  • Extending Material Theming
    • Using Material components
  • Replacing Material systems
    • Using Material components
  • Implementing a fully-custom design system
    • Using Material components

5.6 Anatomy of a theme in Compose

  • Theme system classes
  • Theme system composition locals
  • Theme function
  • Theme object

5.7 Migrate XML themes to Compose

6. Text and Typography

6.1 Text in Compose

6.2 Display and style text

6.2.1 Display text
  • Display text from resource
6.2.2 Style text
  • Common text stylings
    • Change text color
    • Change text size
    • Make text italic
    • Make text bold
    • Add shadow
  • Add multiple styles in text
  • Enable advanced styling with Brush****
    • Use a brush for text styling
    • Integrations
6.2.3 Style paragraph
  • Set text alignment
  • Add multiple styles in a paragraph
  • Adjust line height and padding
6.2.4 Configure text layout
  • Limit visible lines
  • Indicate text overflow

6.3 Handle user input

  • Choose TextField implementation
  • Style TextField****
  • Style input with Brush API
    • Implement colored gradients using TextStyle****
  • Set keyboard options
  • Format input
  • Clean input
  • Best practices with state

6.4 Enable user interactions

  • Select text
  • Get position of a click on text
    • Click with annotation

6.5 Work with fonts

  • Set font
  • Downloadable fonts
    • Use downloadable fonts programmatically
    • Add fallback fonts
    • Debug your implementation
    • Caveats
  • Use variable fonts
    • Load a variable font
    • Use custom axes

6.6 Display emoji

  • Interoperatibility
    • Extending from ComponentActivity****
    • Extending from AppCompatActivity****
  • Troubleshooting

7. Images and Graphics

7.1 Images and graphics in Compose

7.2 Images

7.2.1 Working with images
7.2.2 Loading images
  • Load an image from the disk
    • Drawable support
  • Load an image from the internet
    • Coil
    • Glide
7.2.3 ImageBitmap vs ImageVector
  • ImageBitmap
  • ImageVector
7.2.4 Material icons
7.2.5 Customize an image
  • Content scale
  • Clip an Image composable to a shape
  • Add a border to an Image composable
  • Set a custom aspect ratio
  • Color filter - Transform pixel colors of image
    • Tinting an image
    • Applying an Image filter with color matrix
  • Blur an Image composable
7.2.6 Custom painter
7.2.7 Optimizing performance for images
  • Only load the size of the bitmap you need
  • Don’t store a bitmap in memory longer than you need it
  • Don’t package large images with your AAB/APK file

7.3 Graphics

7.2.1 Graphics in Compose
  • Basic drawing with modifiers and DrawScope
  • Coordinate system
  • Basic transformations
    • Scale
    • Translate
    • Rotate
    • Inset
    • Multiple transformations
  • Common drawing operations
    • Draw text
    • Draw image
    • Draw basic shapes
    • Draw path
  • Accessing Canvas object
7.3.2 Graphics modifiers
  • Drawing modifiers
    • Modifier.drawWithContent: Choose drawing order
    • Modifier.drawBehind: Drawing behind a composable
    • Modifier.drawWithCache: Drawing and caching draw objects
  • Graphics modifiers
    • Modifier.graphicsLayer: Apply transformations to composables
  • Write contents of a composable to a bitmap
  • Custom drawing modifier
7.3.3 Brush: gradients and shaders
  • Gradient brushes
    • Change distribution of colors with colorStops****
    • Repeat a pattern with TileMode****
    • Change brush Size
  • Use an image as a brush
  • Advanced example: Custom brush
    • AGSL RuntimeShader brush

8. Animation

8.1 Animations in Compose

8.2 Choose an animation API

8.3 Quick guide to Animations in Compose

  • Animate common composable properties
    • Animate appearing / disappearing
    • Animate background color
    • Animate the size of a composable
    • Animate position of composable
    • Animate padding of a composable
    • Animate elevation of a composable
    • Animate text scale, translation or rotation
    • Animate text color
  • Switch between different types of content
  • Animate whilst navigating to different destinations
  • Repeat an animation
  • Start an animation on launch of a composable
  • Create sequential animations
  • Create concurrent animations
  • Optimize animation performance
  • Change animation timing

8.4 Animation modifiers and composables

  • Built-in animated composables
    • Animate appearance and disappearance with AnimatedVisibility****
    • Animate based on target state with AnimatedContent****
    • Animate between two layouts with Crossfade****
  • Built-in animation modifiers
    • Animate composable size changes with animateContentSize****
  • List item animations

8.5 Value-based animations

  • Animate a single value with animate*AsState****
  • Animate multiple properties simultaneously with a transition
    • Use transition with AnimatedVisibility and AnimatedContent****
    • Encapsulate a transition and make it reusable
  • Create an infinitely repeating animation with rememberInfiniteTransition
  • Low-level animation APIs
    • Animatable: Coroutine-based single value animation
    • Animation: Manually controlled animation

8.6 Animated vector images in Compose

  • Animated vector drawables (experimental)

8.7 Advanced animation example: Gestures

8.8 Customize animations

  • Customize animations with the AnimationSpec parameter
    • Create physics-based animation with spring****
    • Animate between start and end values with easing curve with tween****
    • Animate to specific values at certain timings with keyframes****
    • Repeat an animation with repeatable
    • Repeat an animation infinitely with infiniteRepeatable****
    • Immediately snap to end value with snap****
  • Set a custom easing function
  • Animate custom data types by converting to and from AnimationVector****

8.9 Test animations

8.10 Animation tooling support

8.11 Animations additional resources

  • Animation cheat sheet

9. Accessibility

9.1 Semantics in Compose

  • Semantics properties
  • Merged and unmerged Semantics tree
    • Inspecting the trees
    • Merging behavior
  • Adapting the Semantics tree

9.2 Accessibility in Compose

  • Semantics
  • Common use cases
    • Consider minimum touch target sizes
    • Add click labels
    • Describe visual elements
    • Merge elements
    • Add custom actions
    • Describe an element’s state
    • Define headings
  • Automated testing of accessibility properties
  • Creating custom low-level composables
  • Modify traversal order with isTraversalGroup and traversalIndex****
    • Group elements with isTraversalGroup****
    • Further customize traversal order with traversalIndex

10. Touch and Input

10.1 Touch and input in Compose

10.2 Pointer input

10.2.1 Pointer input in Compose
10.2.2 Understand gestures
  • Definitions
  • Different levels of abstraction
    • Component support
    • Add specific gestures to arbitrary composables with modifiers
    • Add custom gesture to arbitrary composables with pointerInput modifier
  • Event dispatching and hit-testing
  • Event consumption
  • Event propagation
  • Test gestures
10.2.3 Tap and press
  • Respond to tap or click
  • Long-press to show a contextual context menu
  • Dismiss a composable by tapping a scrim
  • Double tap to zoom
10.2.4 Scroll
  • Scroll modifiers
  • Scrollable modifier
  • Nested scrolling
    • Automatic nested scrolling
    • Using the nestedScroll modifier
  • Nested scrolling interop (Starting with Compose 1.2.0)
    • A cooperating parent View containing a child ComposeView****
    • A parent composable containing a child AndroidView****
    • A non-cooperating parent View containing a child ComposeView****
10.2.5 Drag, swipe, and fling
  • Swiping
10.2.6 Migrate from Swipeable to AnchoredDraggable
  • Migrate SwipeableState to AnchoredDraggableState****
    • Update your state holder
    • Access the offset
  • Migrate Modifier.swipeable to Modifier.anchoredDraggable****
    • Define anchors
    • Define positional thresholds
    • Define velocity thresholds
  • Changes to the API surface
    • AnchoredDraggableState****
    • Modifier.anchoredDraggable****
10.2.7 Multitouch: Panning, zooming, rotating

10.3 Focus

10.3.1 Focus in Compose
  • Default focus traversal order
10.3.2 Change focus traversal order
  • Override one-dimensional traversal order
  • Override two-dimensional traversal order
10.3.3 Change focus behavior
  • Provide coherent navigation with focus groups
  • Making a composable focusable
  • Making a composable unfocusable
  • Request keyboard focus with FocusRequester****
  • Capture and release focus
  • Precedence of focus modifiers
  • Redirect focus upon entry or exit
  • Change focus advancing direction
10.3.4 React to focus
  • Provide visual cues for easier focus visualization
    • Implement advanced visual cues
  • Understand the state of the focus

10.4 User interactions

10.4.1 Handling user interactions
  • Interactions
  • Interaction state
  • Consume and emit Interaction****
    • Consuming modifier example
    • Producing modifier example
    • Build components that consume and produce
  • Work with InteractionSource****
  • Example: Build component with custom interaction handling
  • Create and apply a reusable custom effect with Indication****
    • Replace effect with an Indication
    • Build an advanced Indication with animated border
10.4.2 Migrate to Indication and Ripple APIs
  • Behavior change
  • Upgrade Material library version without migrating
  • Migrate from rememberRipple to ripple****
    • Using a Material library
    • Implementing custom design system
  • Migrate from RippleTheme****
    • Temporarily opt out of behavior change
    • Using RippleTheme to disable a ripple for a given component
    • Using RippleTheme to change the color/alpha of a ripple for a given component
    • Using RippleTheme to globally change all ripples in an application
  • Migrate from Indication to IndicationNodeFactory****
    • Passing around Indication****
    • Creating Indication****
    • Using Indication to create an IndicationInstance****

11. Performance

11.1 Jetpack Compose performance

11.2 Tooling

  • Layout Inspector
  • Composition tracing

11.3 Follow best practices

  • Use remember to minimize expensive calculations
  • Use Lazy layout keys
  • Use derivedStateOf to limit recompositions
  • Defer reads as long as possible
  • Avoid backwards writes

11.4 Stability

11.4.1 Stability in Compose
  • Immutable objects
    • Mutable objects
  • Implementation in Compose
    • Functions
    • Types
  • Debug stability
  • Fix stability issues
  • Summary
11.4.2 Diagnose stability issues
  • Layout Inspector
  • Compose compiler reports
    • Setup
    • Run the task
11.4.3 Fix stability issues
  • Make the class immutable
  • Immutable collections
  • Annotate with Stable or Immutable****
    • Annotated classes in collections
  • Stability configuration file
  • Multiple modules
    • Solution
  • Not every composable should be skippable

12. Style guidelines

12.1 Style guidelines for Jetpack Compose APIs

  • Audience

12.2 Kotlin for Jetpack Compose

  • Default arguments
  • Higher-order functions and lambda expressions
    • Trailing lambdas
  • Scopes and receivers
  • Delegated properties
  • Destructuring data classes
  • Singleton objects
  • Type-safe builders and DSLs
  • Kotlin coroutines

13. UI testing

13.1 Testing your Compose layout

  • Semantics
  • Setup
  • Testing APIs
    • Finders
    • Assertions
    • Actions
    • Matchers
  • Synchronization
    • Disabling automatic synchronization
    • Idling resources
    • Manual synchronization
    • Waiting for conditions
  • Common patterns
    • Test in isolation
    • Access the activity and resources after setting your own content
    • Custom semantics properties
    • Verify state restoration
  • Debugging
  • Interoperability with Espresso
  • Interoperability with UiAutomator

13.2 Testing cheatsheet

14. Migrate to Compose

14.1 Migrate existing View-based apps

14.2 Migration strategy

  • Build new screens with Compose
    • Add new features in existing screens
  • Build a library of common UI components
  • Replace existing features with Compose
    • Simple screens
    • Mixed view and Compose screens
  • Removing Fragments and Navigation component

14.3 Interoperability APIs

14.3.1 Overview Interoperability APIs
14.3.2 Using Compose in Views
  • ViewCompositionStrategy for ComposeView****
  • ComposeView in Fragments
  • Multiple ComposeView instances in the same layout
  • Preview composables in Layout Editor
14.3.3 Using Views in Compose
  • AndroidView with view binding
  • AndroidView in Lazy lists
  • Fragments in Compose
  • Calling the Android framework from Compose
    • Composition Locals
  • Other interactions
  • Case study: Broadcast receivers

14.4 Common migration scenarios

14.4.1 Migrate RecyclerView to Lazy list
  • Migration steps
  • Common use cases
    • Item decorations
    • Item animations
14.4.2 Migrate CoordinatorLayout to Compose
  • Migration steps
  • Common use cases
    • Collapse and expand toolbars
    • Drawers
    • Snackbars
14.4.3 Migrate Jetpack Navigation to Navigation Compose
  • Migration prerequisites
  • Migration steps
  • Common use cases
    • Safe Args
    • Retrieve complex data when navigating
  • Limitations
    • Incremental migration to Navigation Compose
    • Transition animations

14.5 Other considerations

  • Migrating your app's theme
  • Navigation
  • Test your mixed Compose/Views UI
  • Integrating Compose with your existing app architecture
    • Using a ViewModel in Compose
    • State source of truth
    • Compose as the source of truth
    • View system as the source of truth
  • Migrating shared UI
  • Prioritize splitting state from presentation
  • Promote encapsulated and reusable components
  • Handling screen size changes
  • Nested scrolling with Views
  • Compose in RecyclerView****
  • WindowInsets interop with Views

14.6 Technical decision makers: Adopt Compose for your teams

14.7 Compose and other libraries

  • Activity
    • Activity Result
    • Requesting runtime permissions
    • Handling the system back button
  • ViewModel****
  • Streams of data
  • Asynchronous operations in Compose
  • Navigation
  • Hilt
    • Hilt and Navigation
  • Paging
  • Maps

14.8 Compare Compose and View metrics

  • APK size and build times
    • APK size
    • Build time
    • Summary
  • Runtime performance
    • Smart recompositions
    • Baseline Profiles
    • Comparison with the View system
    • Benchmark Compose
    • Compose profile installation

15. Tools

15.1 Tools for Compose

15.2 Design

15.2.1 Preview your UI with composable previews
  • Define your @Preview****
    • Dimensions
    • Dynamic color preview
    • Use with different devices
    • Locale
    • Set background color
    • System UI
    • UI mode
    • LocalInspectionMode
  • Interact with your @Preview****
    • Interactive mode
    • Code navigation and composable outlines
    • Run preview
    • Copy @Preview render
  • Multiple previews of the same @Preview annotation
    • Multipreview templates
    • Create custom multipreview annotations
    • @Preview and large data sets
  • Limitations and best practices
    • Previews limitations
    • Previews and ViewModels****
  • Annotation class @Preview****
15.2.2 Animation Preview

15.3 Develop

15.3.1 Iterative code development
  • Live Edit
    • Get started with Live Edit
    • Troubleshoot Live Edit
    • Limitations of Live Edit
    • Frequently asked questions about Live Edit
  • Live Edit of literals (deprecated)
  • Apply Changes
15.3.2 Editor actions
  • Live templates
  • Gutter icons
    • Deploy preview
    • Color picker
    • Image resource picker

15.4 Debug

15.4.1 Layout Inspector
  • Get recomposition counts
  • Compose semantics
15.4.2 Composition tracing
  • Set up for composition tracing
  • Take a system trace
  • Caveats
    • APK size overhead
    • Accurate timing
  • Capture a trace from terminal
    • Add dependencies
    • Generate a record command
    • Capture a trace
    • Open the trace
  • Capture a trace with Jetpack Macrobenchmark

15.5 Relay designer and developer tooling

15.5.1 Overview
15.5.2 Install Relay
  • Prerequisites
  • Install the Relay for Figma plugin
  • Install the Relay for Android Studio plugin
  • Install the Relay Gradle plugin
  • Setup Figma access
  • Download and setup the pre-configured project
    • Running the pre-configured project
15.5.3 Set up your Android project
  • Create a new Compose project
  • Edit module-level Gradle build file
15.5.4 Basic tutorial Overview Create UI Package in Figma
  • Download pre-configured Figma file
  • Create a component
  • Create a UI Package
  • Share with developer flow Convert the designs to code in Android Studio
  • Import design from Figma
  • Build & generate code
  • Integrate component & run app Make and propagate design updates
  • Changes in Figma
  • Save named version
  • Update the component code Content parameters
  • Add a content parameter
  • Save named version
  • Update the component in Android Studio
15.5.5 Advanced tutorial Overview Handling design variants
  • Starting point
  • Copy Figma example
  • Create a UI package
  • Save named version
  • Download Android Studio project
  • Import into Android Studio
  • Preview app & component Content parameters
  • Introduction
  • Add parameters in Figma
  • Save named version
  • Update component in Android Studio
  • Integrate into app Add interaction handlers to designs
  • Add handlers
  • Save named version
  • Update component in Android Studio
  • Integrate into app
15.5.6 Relay workflow Overview
  • Figma workflow
  • Android Studio workflow
  • UI Package & Generated Code Create UI Packages
  • UI Packages in Figma
  • Create UI Package
  • Add a summary
  • Remove UI Packaging Add parameters
  • Parameter properties
    • All layers
    • Frame or group layer
    • Text layer
    • Image layer
  • Adding parameters
  • Rename parameters
  • Remove parameters Check errors
  • Example
  • Checking error from "Share with developer" screen Share UI Packages
  • Best practices
    • Check for errors and create named versions before sharing
  • Sharing Figma Link
    • Sharing all UI Packages in a page
    • Sharing a specific UI package
    • Sharing all UI Packages in a file
    • Share all UI packages in a page with a specific version
  • Advanced usage Android Studio workflow
  • Import a UI Package
  • UI Package import screen
  • UI Package tool window
  • Build your Android Project
  • Update a UI Package Understand UI Package & Generated Code
  • UI Package
  • Removing UI Packages
  • Generated code folder structure
  • Generated code structure
    • Composables
    • Translated Figma variants and parameters Figma DevMode
  • Read-only limitations
15.5.7 Design-to-code translation details Figma component properties
  • Boolean properties
  • Text properties
  • Instance swap properties
  • Variant properties Children Parameters Nested package instances
  • Add nested instances and expose nested parameters
  • Override properties of nested package instance
  • Limitations Vector Graphics
  • Limitations Multiple Styles in Text
  • Limitations Absolute Positioning Within Auto Layout
  • Limitations Fill Color
  • Limitations Effects
  • Limitations
15.5.8 Limitations and troubleshooting
  • Figma and translation limitations
    • Supported Figma layer types
    • Unsupported Figma layers and features
    • Unsupported Figma properties
    • Partially supported Figma layers and properties
    • Multiple styles are dropped if passed into text parameter with one style
    • Nested components with same variant properties as parent component fails to compile
    • Font support
  • Android Studio troubleshooting
    • I received an error about converting SVG resources on Windows
    • Updates are not imported into Android Studio
    • I receive an error about SVG and Java Runtime when building
    • I receive an error about fonts when building
    • Updating resources outside ui-packages do not force a new build
    • In Android Studio, undoing a deleted UI Package folder may fail
    • Generated code or ui-packages folders are missing in Android project browser
    • App themes for child components are not updated
    • UI Package name must start with letter
    • Font padding in Compose does not match Figma
15.5.9 Experimental features Mapping Styles to Compose theme
  • Configuration files for custom translations
  • Limitations Map components to existing code
  • Mapping file
  • Generate a mapping file
    • Mapping file name
    • Mapping file contents
  • Mapped variants

16. Leverage System Capabilities

16.1 Design Window insets in Compose

  • Inset fundamentals
  • Insets setup
  • Compose APIs
    • Padding modifiers
    • Inset size modifiers
    • Inset consumption
    • Insets and Jetpack Compose phases
  • Keyboard IME animations with WindowInsets****
  • Inset support for Material 3 Components
    • Inset handling composables
    • Override default insets

16.2 Cutouts in Compose

  • Default case
  • Handle cutout information manually
  • Best practices
  • Test how your content renders with cutouts

17. Create Widgets

17.1 Jetpack Glance

17.2 Glance setup

  • Add Glance dependencies

17.3 Create an app widget with Glance

  • Declare the AppWidget in the Manifest
  • Add the AppWidgetProviderInfo metadata
  • Define GlanceAppWidget****
  • Create UI

17.4 Handle user interaction

  • Launch an activity
  • Launch a service
  • Send a broadcast event
  • Perform custom actions
    • Run lambda actions
    • Run ActionCallback
  • Provide parameters to actions

17.5 Manage and update GlanceAppWidget

  • Manage GlanceAppWidget state
    • Use application state
  • Update GlanceAppWidget****

17.6 Build UI with Glance

  • Use BoxColumn, and Row****
  • Use scrollable layouts
  • Define the SizeMode****
    • SizeMode.Single****
    • SizeMode.Responsive****
    • SizeMode.Exact
  • Access resources
  • Add compound buttons

17.7 Implement a Glance theme

  • Add colors
  • Add shapes

17.8 Glance interoperability


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