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Support for TTS files. (#3333)
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Support training with Tacx TTS files:

TTS distance and gradient are honored meaning training
load should exactly match tacx. Ride altitude is recomputed
based on distance and gradient, so training work will
match The Tacx Experience and might not match reality.

When TTS file contains no location, altitude is still computed
from distance and gradient but will start from 0.

Gradient during training is interpolated from distance and
altitude so will change smoothly while summing perfectly
to the correct load.

The TTS Reader source was adapted from the WattzApp
Community Edition java source.

Highly recommended that 'Use Simulated Speed' option
is enabled when riding TTS files.

This change was only tested against a small number of
dvds that I own. I would appreciate feedback and problem
reports. I would especially appreciate anyone that can
compare this behavior against Tacx as I only tested with
my Wahoo Kickr.

Issues and Future work:

I guessed about how to set starting distance and might
have got it wrong.

TTS Files contain video synchronization data. Currently
this is ignored and rlv file must be specified. I've not
even looked at the video sync data and no idea if it is
better than the rlv.

There are data fields in the TTS that Ive not investigated
and they might contain useful info, for example a starting
altitude for rides that have no location info.

Other changes:

Fix numerical stability around zero in blinn and quadratic
solvers. Improve quadratic solver accuracy.

Fix issues with computing gradient from non-uniform
cubic splines.

RideFiles now record additional altitude accuracy.
  • Loading branch information
ericchristoffersen committed Feb 13, 2020
1 parent 48670ff commit 127166a
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,892 additions and 114 deletions.
108 changes: 90 additions & 18 deletions src/Core/BlinnSolver.cpp
Expand Up @@ -16,28 +16,99 @@
* Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "BlinnSolver.h"
#include "cmath"

int GetExponent(double a) {
int exp;
std::frexp(a, &exp);
return exp;

template <typename T>
int MaxExponent(T a) {
return GetExponent(a);

template <typename T, typename ... Args>
int MaxExponent(T a, Args ... args) {
return std::max(MaxExponent(args...), GetExponent(a));

// Returns true if value is so small compared to args that it is effectively zero.
// Very important that near-zero values are detected. Zero is defined relative to how large
// the use-expression's other operands are.
// The solver will be subtracting and losing precision. If one term is near zero the result
// will be noise since result has no effective precision. Much better results if you disregard
// a term with near zero coefficient and instead use the next lower order solver.
template <unsigned T_MantissaBitsNeeded, typename ... Args>
bool RangedZeroTest(double value, Args ... args) {
const static int s_ExpLimit = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits - T_MantissaBitsNeeded;

// Easy yes if value is actually zero.
if (value == 0.) return true;

int vExp = GetExponent(value);
int maxExp = MaxExponent(args...);
if (maxExp - vExp > s_ExpLimit)
return true;

return false;

// Define zero as 10 or fewer bits of mantissa precision shared between value and operand(s).
// Less than that we have no precision. Relative size must differs by 2^(53-bits)
const static int s_MantissaBitsNeeded = 10;

template <typename ... Args>
bool IsZero(double value, Args...args) {
return RangedZeroTest<s_MantissaBitsNeeded>(value, args...);

// 0 == A*x + B
Roots LinearSolver(double A, double B)
if (A == 0) {
if (B == 0) return Roots({ 0,1 });
return Roots();
Roots LinearSolver(double A, double B) {
if (IsZero(A, B)) {
if (B == 0) return Roots({ 0,1 }); // choose 0
return Roots(); // no root

return Roots({ -B / A, 1 });

// 0 == A*x^2 + B*x + C
Roots QuadraticSolver(double A, double B, double C)
if (A == 0) return LinearSolver(B, C);
Roots QuadraticSolver(double A, double B, double C) {

// If A is zero then linear.
if (IsZero(A, B, C)) {
return LinearSolver(B, C);

// Make monic.
B /= A;
C /= A;
A = 1;

// No C term means a quick and accurate factor.
if (IsZero(C, B)) {
return Roots({ B, 1 }, { -B, 1 });

// Double root case.
double det2 = B * B - 4 * C;
if (IsZero(det2, B * B, 4 * C)) {
return Roots({ -B / 2, 1 });

// Negative determinate means no roots.
if (det2 < 0) {
return Roots();

// Otherwise standard double roots.
double r0 = (B + std::copysign(std::sqrt(det2), B)) / -2.;
double r1 = C / r0;

double det = sqrt(B*B - 4 * A*C);
double r0 = (-B + det) / (2 * A);
double r1 = (-B - det) / (2 * A);
return Roots({ r0, 1 }, { r1, 1 });

Expand All @@ -60,10 +131,12 @@ Roots QuadraticSolver(double A, double B, double C)
// To obtain solution for x with w == 1 simply divide
// x by w.
BlinnCubicSolver(double A, double B, double C, double D)
if (A == 0)
BlinnCubicSolver(double A, double B, double C, double D) {
// Take care to detect near zero A coefficient since
// it can destroy precision and cause solver to produce
// the same result over and over. Much better to use
// quadratic solver.
if (IsZero(A, B, C, D)) {
return QuadraticSolver(B, C, D);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,8 +173,7 @@ BlinnCubicSolver(double A, double B, double C, double D)
At = A;
Cbar = d1;
Dbar = -2 * B * d1 + A * d2;
else {
} else {
// Depress params for algorithm 'D/A'
At = D;
Cbar = d3;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/FileIO/JsonRideFile.y
Expand Up @@ -627,7 +627,8 @@ JsonFileReader::toByteArray(Context *, const RideFile *ride, bool withAlt, bool
if (ride->areDataPresent()->cad && withCad) out += ", \"CAD\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->cad);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->kph) out += ", \"KPH\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->kph);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->hr && withHr) out += ", \"HR\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->hr);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->alt && withAlt) out += ", \"ALT\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->alt);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->alt && withAlt)
out += ", \"ALT\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->alt, 0, 'g', 11);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->lat)
out += ", \"LAT\":" + QString("%1").arg(p->lat, 0, 'g', 11);
if (ride->areDataPresent()->lon)
Expand Down
139 changes: 92 additions & 47 deletions src/FileIO/LocationInterpolation.cpp
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
* Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include <assert.h>
#include "LocationInterpolation.h"
#include "BlinnSolver.h"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,14 +210,18 @@ UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::UnitCatmullRomInterpolator(double pm1, double p0, do

double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::T()
static const double s_T = 0.5; // Control curvature: 0 is linear, 1 is pretty loopy, most people like 0.5.
// Control curvature:
// 0 is standard (straigtest)
// 0.5 is called centripetal
// 1 is chordal (loopiest)
double t = 0.5;

return s_T;
return t;

double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Location(double u)
double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Location(double u) const
static const double s_T = T();
double t = T();

double p0 = std::get<0>(m_p);
double p1 = std::get<1>(m_p);
Expand All @@ -226,15 +231,15 @@ double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Location(double u)
// Curvature-parameterized CatmullRom equation courtesy of wolfram alpha:
// [1, u, u ^ 2, u ^ 3] * [[0, 1, 0, 0], [-t, 0, t, 0], [2 * t, t - 3, 3 - 2t, -t], [-t, 2 - t, t - 2, t]] * [p0, p1, p2, p3]

double retval = p0 * u * (u * (2 * s_T - s_T * u) - s_T) +
u * (u * (u * (p1 * (-s_T) + 2 * p1 + p2 * (s_T - 2) + p3 * s_T) + p1 * s_T - 3 * p1 + p2 * (3 - 2 * s_T) - p3 * s_T) + p2 * s_T) + p1;
double retval = p0 * u * (u * (2 * t - t * u) - t) +
u * (u * (u * (p1 * (-t) + 2 * p1 + p2 * (t - 2) + p3 * t) + p1 * t - 3 * p1 + p2 * (3 - 2 * t) - p3 * t) + p2 * t) + p1;

return retval;

double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Tangent(double u)
double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Tangent(double u) const
static const double s_T = T();
double t = T();

double p0 = std::get<0>(m_p);
double p1 = std::get<1>(m_p);
Expand All @@ -244,22 +249,20 @@ double UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Tangent(double u)
// Curvature-parameterized CatmullRom equation courtesy of wolfram alpha:
// [1, u, u ^ 2, u ^ 3] * [[0, 1, 0, 0], [-t, 0, t, 0], [2 * t, t - 3, 3 - 2t, -t], [-t, 2 - t, t - 2, t]] * [p0, p1, p2, p3]

// dx/du
// d f(u)/du

// Closed form slope for cubic at point u in 0..1.
double retval = p0 * u * (2 * s_T - 2 * s_T * u)
+ p0 * (u * (2 * s_T - s_T * u) - s_T)
+ u * (u * (p1 * (-s_T) + 2 * p1 + p2 * (s_T - 2) + p3 * s_T) + p1 * s_T - 3 * p1 + p2 * (3 - 2 * s_T) - p3 * s_T)
+ u * (2 * u * (p1 * (-s_T) + 2 * p1 + p2 * (s_T - 2) + p3 * s_T) + p1 * s_T - 3 * p1 + p2 * (3 - 2 * s_T) - p3 * s_T)
+ p2 * s_T;
double retval = 3 * (u *u) * ((p3 + p2 - p1 - p0) * t - 2 * p2 + 2 * p1) +
2 * (u) * ((-p3 - 2 * p2 + p1 + 2 * p0)*t + 3 * p2 - 3 * p1) +
(p2 - p0) * t;

return retval;

// Given interpolated value v, provides u that would yield v.
// Given interpolated value r, provides u that would yield r.
// Only successful if spline is invertable (which is true for
// distance spline.)
bool UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Inverse(double r, double &u)
// the distance spline which is monotonic, etc.)
bool UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Inverse(double r, double &u) const
const double t = T();

Expand All @@ -269,34 +272,27 @@ bool UnitCatmullRomInterpolator::Inverse(double r, double &u)
double p3 = std::get<3>(m_p);

// Normalized form of equation from Location.
double a = (p3*t - p0 * t + p2 * (t - 2) + p1 * (2 - t));
double b = (-p3 * t + 2 * p0*t + p1 * (t - 3) + p2 * (3 - 2 * t));
double c = (p2*t - p0 * t);
double d = p1 - r; // "- r" because root finder expects form that equals zero.
double a = ((p3 + p2 - p1 - p0) * t - 2 * p2 + 2 * p1);
double b = ((-p3 - 2 * p2 + p1 + 2 * p0)*t + 3 * p2 - 3 * p1);
double c = (p2 - p0) * t;
double d = p1 - r; // "- r" because root finder expects coefficients for expression that equals zero.

Roots roots = BlinnCubicSolver(a, b, c, d);

// There are 0, 1, 2 or 3 roots.
if (roots.resultcount() < 1) return false;

double r0 = roots.result(0).x / roots.result(0).w;
double r1 = r0;
double r2 = r0;

if (roots.resultcount() > 1)
r1 = roots.result(1).x / roots.result(1).w;

if (roots.resultcount() > 2)
r2 = roots.result(2).x / roots.result(2).w;

// We have success if there is a root in the range [0..1].

// TODO: For now we return a single root.
// It is certainly possible that there are multiple roots in range... give caller a choice?
bool ret = false;
if (r0 >= 0. && r0 <= 1.) { u = r0; ret = true; }
else if (r1 >= 0. && r1 <= 1.) { u = r1; ret = true; }
else if (r2 >= 0. && r2 <= 1.) { u = r2; ret = true; }
// In general it is possible that there are multiple roots in range... but should never happen
// for monotonic distance mapping.
bool ret = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < roots.resultcount(); i++) {
double r = roots.result(i).x / roots.result(i).w;
// Take the first root we find in range 0..1.
if (r >= 0. && r <= 1.) {
u = r;
ret = true;

return ret;
Expand All @@ -313,12 +309,12 @@ UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D::UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D(xyz pm1, xyz p0, xyz
Init(pm1, p0, p1, p2);

xyz UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D::Location(double frac)
xyz UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D::Location(double frac) const
return xyz(x.Location(frac), y.Location(frac), z.Location(frac));

xyz UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D::Tangent(double frac)
xyz UnitCatmullRomInterpolator3D::Tangent(double frac) const
return xyz(x.Tangent(frac), y.Tangent(frac), z.Tangent(frac));
Expand All @@ -335,21 +331,70 @@ geolocation GeoPointInterpolator::Location(double distance, double &slope)
xyz tangentVector;
xyz l0xyz = DistancePointInterpolator<SphericalTwoPointInterpolator>::Location(distance, tangentVector);

// Compute earth gradient from location and tangent.
// First step, construct 2 geo locations that are separated by a unit-length tangent veocity vector.
geolocation l1 = xyz(l0xyz.add(tangentVector.normalize())).togeolocation();
geolocation l0 = l0xyz.togeolocation();

double a0 = l0.Alt();
double a1 = l1.Alt();
double rise = a1 - a0;
double run = sqrt(1 - fabs(rise)); // length of adjacent
// - Route distance is independent of geometric distance.
// - Route distance is fixed in stone because it must match video
// synchronization files.
// - Geometric distance is also fixed since it is a fact of gps location.
// - Altitude is always in route distance units (so is computable
// using gradient and route distance.)
// - Path length on spline is gps-based so uses geometric units.
// - Catmull-Rom spline is non-uniform, meaning speed of interpolated point can
// vary across bracket which distorts the tangent vector.

// Vertical velocity of unit tangent vector (altitude is always kept in in route distance units.)
double rise = l1.Alt() - l0.Alt();

// Tangent vector's magnitude is velocity in terms of distance spline.
// Will be unit vector when distance spline has constant rate.
double hyp = tangentVector.magnitude();

// Compute adjacent speed.
double run = sqrt(fabs((hyp * hyp) - (rise * rise)));

// Gradient.
slope = run ? rise / run : 0;

// No matter what we still don't permit slopes above 40%.
slope = std::min(slope, .4);
slope = std::max(slope, -.4);

// Clear out location if we are an altitude only spline.
if (!HasLocation()) {
l0.Lat() = 0;
l0.Long() = 0;

return l0;

void GeoPointInterpolator::Push(double distance, geolocation point)
if (m_locationState == Unset)
m_locationState = YesLocation;
assert(m_locationState == YesLocation);

DistancePointInterpolator<SphericalTwoPointInterpolator>::Push(distance, point.toxyz());

// Special form for case where altitude exists but no location.
void GeoPointInterpolator::Push(double distance, double altitude)
if (m_locationState == Unset)
m_locationState = NoLocation;
assert(m_locationState == NoLocation);

geolocation geo(0, 0, altitude);
xyz point = geo.toxyz();
point.y() = distance;

DistancePointInterpolator<SphericalTwoPointInterpolator>::Push(distance, point);

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