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Added Linux multi machine scenario, including step by step guide how …
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PetrKoupy committed Oct 2, 2016
1 parent 480da72 commit 9f8a9a6
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Showing 6 changed files with 261 additions and 0 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions Sources/BootstrapArnold/BootstrapArnoldLinux.condor
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
universe = vanilla

requirements = (OpSys == "LINUX") && (Arch =="X86_64") && ( \
(machine == "swe-centos-vm1.localdomain") || \
(machine == "swe-centos-vm2.localdomain"))

# Restrict the set of worker machines that can be used for the job according to Input\nodelist.txt.
# Use condor_status command to find out machine names. Append the following to the requirements above.
# && ( \
# (machine == "") || \
# (machine == "") || \
# (machine == ""))

executable =

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
job_max_vacate_time = 1

# Directory on the submit machine used to gather all the output produced by the job. All input
# file paths shall be specified relative to the initialdir. The initialdir itself shall be specified
# relative to the folder in which this job script file is located.
initialdir = Results

# Custom macros for input file paths on the submit machine. Shall be either absolute or relative to the initialdir.
CORE_DIR = ../../core/core/release
CHARMD_DIR = ../../core/libs/charm/net-release/bin
INPUT_DIR = ../Inputs

log = log.$(Cluster).$(Process).txt

transfer_executable = True

# Input files to be transferred from submit machine to the flat scratch directory on the worker machine.
# Paths shall be either absolute or relative to the initialdir. If directory path ends with '/', only its
# contents are transferred to scratch directory, otherwise the directory itself is transferred as well.
# Special care must be taken to avoid naming conflicts when files are copied into scratch directory.
transfer_input_files = $(CORE_DIR)/, $(CHARMD_DIR)/, $(INPUT_DIR)/, checkpoint

# Output files to be transferred from scratch directory on the worker machine to the initialdir on
# the submit machine. Same rules apply as with transfer_input_files. Additionally, if you leave it
# empty, all files generated on the worker machine are considered output and automatically transferred.
transfer_output_files = checkpoint

# Condor job is defined as a cluster of processes. Cluster is described and generated by the submit
# file (e.g. this file). Each process is then generated by occurence of 'queue' command within the
# submit file. To run the same process multiple times, just append the multiplier to 'queue' command
# (e.g. 'queue 3'). Number shall be equal to the number of hosts in the Input\nodelist.txt.
queue 2
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions Sources/BootstrapArnold/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
cd Results
mkdir checkpoint_new
mkdir checkpoint_old
cp -r -f checkpoint/. checkpoint_old
cd checkpoint
end=`expr $3 - 1`
for a in $(seq 0 1 $end)
condor_transfer_data -name $1 $2.$a
for b in *
if cmp -s $b ../checkpoint_old/$b
echo "skipping"
cp -f $b ../checkpoint_new/$b
cd ..
cp -r -f checkpoint_old/. checkpoint
cp -r -f checkpoint_new/. checkpoint
rm -r -f checkpoint_old
rm -r -f checkpoint_new
cd ..
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions Sources/BootstrapArnold/HowToRunLinux.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
Cluster Setup

Testing was done on the following setup (use as an inspiration for a more advanced setup):

1) Host machine (4-core hyper-threading CPU, 8GB RAM, Windows 10 (64-bit)):
- Hyper-V features disabled (Control Panel - Programs and Features - Turn Windows features on or off)
- VirtualBox installed including Bridged networking support (
- will be used to host entire virtual Linux cluster (virtual network with 4 virtual machines - virtual router, HTCondor central manager and two worker nodes)
- will be used to run ArnoldUI (which connects to the WAN interface of the virtual router, gets NAT forwarded to one of the worker nodes where the charmrun listens)
2) Virtual router 'pfSense' (1-core CPU, 512MB RAM, 8GB HDD, FreeBSD (64-bit)):
- enable two network adapters in the virtual machine settings (Settings - Network):
Adapter 1 - Attached to: Bridged Adapter
Adapter 2 - Attached to: Internal Network, Name: intnet
- download 'AMD64 (64-bit) - CD image (ISO) Installer' from
- unpack the ISO, insert it into virtual machine and boot from it
- wait and let the ISO auto boot to the installer (blue screen), use the following settings during the installation:
Configure Console - Accept these Settings
Select Task - Quick/Easy Install
Install Kernel - Standard Kernel
- Reboot and unmount the ISO just before the machine restarts
- let the router boot until you see control menu and configuration overview:
WAN (wan) -> em0 -> v4/DHCP4: a.b.c.d/e
LAN (lan) -> em1 -> v4: e.f.g.h/i
- WAN interface should not need any additional configuration (should have IP obtained from DHCP server of the physical router on your network)
- assuming most of the local area networks use 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x addresses, let's use 172.x.x.x for the virtual network to avoid confusion of the router's firewall:
Set interface(s) IP address (2)
LAN (2)
LAN IPv4 address:
LAN IPv4 subnet bit count: 16
DHCP server on LAN: y
start address:
end address:
HTTP as the webConfigurator protocol: n
3) Virtual machine 'htcondor-cm-centos' (1-core CPU, 1GB RAM, 64GB HDD, RedHat (64-bit)):
- this machine will be used as HTCondor central manager
- enable single network adapter in the virtual machine settings (Settings - Network):
Adapter 1 - Attached to: Internal Network, Name: intnet
- install CentOS 7 from DVD ISO (, go through the installation wizard and change the following:
Base Environment: GNOME Desktop
Add-Ons: GNOME Applications, Development Tools
Hostname: htcondor-cm-centos
- during installation, create accounts for root user and your own user (with administrative privileges)
- after installation, open Firefox (Applications - Internet - Firefox) and log into the router web configurator:
Username: admin
Password: pfsense
- change the following settings in the router web configurator:
System - General Setup - pfSense.localdomain
Interfaces - WAN - (untick) Block private networks and loopback addresses
Services - DNS Resolver - (tick) Register DHCP leases in the DNS Resolver
Services - DNS Resolver - (tick) Register DHCP static mappings in the DNS Resolver
- install all available updates (Applications - System Tools - Software Update) and restart
- it is recommended to install VirtualBox Guest Additions (Devices - Insert Guest Additions CD image...) and restart
- to use VirtualBox Shared Folders feature, open Terminal and execute the following command with your username:
sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf <username>
- it is recommended to tweak the OS configuration in the following way (Applications - System Tools - Settings):
Network - Wired - Identity - Connect automatically
Power - Blank Screen - Never
Privacy - Screen Lock - Off
4) Virtual machine 'swe-centos-vm1' (2-core CPU, 2GB RAM, 64GB HDD, RedHat (64-bit)):
- install the same way as 'htcondor-cm-centos', but skip the router configuration part
- this machine will be used as a worker node, HTCondor job submitter and charmrun server
- in order to make charmrun visible from the host machine, it is necessary to configure NAT port forwarding:
Username: admin
Password: pfsense
Services - DHCP Server - DHCP Static Mappings - Add
MAC Address - click Copy My MAC
IP Address - set outside DHCP range (e.g.
Hostname - swe-centos-vm1
Firewall - NAT - Port Forward - Add
Protocol - TCP/UDP
Destination port range - 46324
Redirect target IP - same as above (e.g.
Redirect target port - 46324
5) Virtual machine 'swe-centos-vm2' (2-core CPU, 2GB RAM, 64GB HDD, RedHat (64-bit)):
- install the same way as 'htcondor-cm-centos', but skip the router configuration part
- this machine will be used just as a worker node
6) Install and configure HTCondor on all 3 machines according to the following guide:
- backup copy at uba/Arnold/docs/HTCondorGuide.pdf (might not be up to date)
- do server installation on htcondor-cm-centos and client installation on the worker nodes
- carefully go through all the steps, including the firewall port opening (as this is also necessary for Charm binaries)
- for this example, use localdomain instead of domain (change all the occurences in the guide)
7) Setup password-less SSH access from charmrun machine to all worker nodes:
- this assumes you have a user with the same username on all worker nodes
- for this particular setup, it is necessary to setup access from swe-centos-vm1 to itself and from swe-centos-vm1 to swe-centos-vm2
- from Terminal on swe-centos-vm1, execute the following commands:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id swe-centos-vm1
ssh swe-centos-vm1
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id swe-centos-vm2
ssh swe-centos-vm2
8) Ensure it is possible to use /tmp/arnold directory on all worker machines.

Scenario Preparation

On the machine used as a HTCondor job submitter and charmrun server (i.e. swe-centos-vm1):
1) Choose a subset of worker machines for the scenario and edit Inputs/nodelist.txt accordingly.
2) Edit also 'requirements' section and 'queue' command within BootstrapArnoldLinux.condor to match machine names and machine count from Inputs/nodelist.txt.
3) Build dependencies and the release build of Arnold core, as described in uba/Arnold/Sources/core/how-to-linux64.txt.
4) Ensure Results/checkpoint directory exists and is empty.

Scenario Execution

On the machine used as a HTCondor job submitter and charmrun server (i.e. swe-centos-vm1):
1) Run command line console and change the directory to the directory where this text file is located (i.e. BootstrapArnold).
2) Submit the Condor job to the cluster via the following command:
condor_submit -name htcondor-cm-centos -spool BootstrapArnoldLinux.condor
3) Take a note of what ID the job was given (let's assume 38 for this tutorial).
4) Using condor_status command, wait until all worker machines mentioned in Inputs/nodelist.txt becomes Claimed and Busy. This means that core binaries and checkpoint files were successfully copied there and charmd is running on each of them.
5) Launch charmrun manually the following way:
cd /tmp/arnold
./charmrun core +p4 ++ppn 2 +noisomalloc +LBCommOff +balancer DistributedLB ++nodelist nodelist.txt ++nodegroup linux ++runscript ./ +cs +ss ++verbose ++server ++server-port 46324
- arguments +p and ++ppn shall correspond to the characteristics of machines within nodelist.txt (e.g. to maximally utilize 2 machines each having 2 cores, arguments shall be '+p4 ++ppn 2' to run 4 Charm workers split into 2 processes each having 2 threads)

On the machine used to run ArnoldUI (i.e. Windows host):
6) Open, build and run ..\UI\ArnoldUI.sln and ensure its binding to core is configured as follows:
- core hostname shall correspond to hostname or IP address where charmrun is listening (so in our example, that would be IP address of the pfSense router WAN interface)
- core port shall correspond to the port on which charmrun is listening (i.e. 46324)
- connect to the core via a corresponding button, see the charmrun console window (on the charmrun machine) whether it properly initilized and if so, start the simulation and let it run for a while (at least until the first checkpoint is generated)
7) Pause the simulation, disconnect from and shutdown the core via a corresponding button in UI, and close the ArnoldUI.

On the machine used as a HTCondor job submitter and charmrun server (i.e. swe-centos-vm1):
8) In order to terminate charmd on worker machines and gather all parts of the checkpoint to the Condor server, use the following command:
condor_vacate_job -name htcondor-cm-centos 38
9) Use the following helper script to download and merge the checkpoint parts from the Condor server (third argument is the number of worker machines mentioned in Inputs/nodelist.txt):
sh htcondor-cm-centos 38 2
10) Note that the job was forcefully vacated, so to remove it from the queue of scheduled jobs and let future jobs run, it is necessary to use the following command:
condor_rm -name htcondor-cm-centos 38

Scenario Restarting

On the machine used as a HTCondor job submitter and charmrun server (i.e. swe-centos-vm1):
1) Results/checkpoint shall now contain a checkpoint from the previous run.
2) Now you can repeatedly go through steps 1) to 10) from the previous section, each time resuming the simulation from the last checkpoint. The only difference is to append '+restart checkpoint' to charmrun command.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Sources/BootstrapArnold/Inputs/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/arnold/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Sources/BootstrapArnold/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
rm -r -f /tmp/arnold
mkdir /tmp/arnold
cp -r -f . /tmp/arnold
mkdir -p ./checkpoint
rm -r -f /tmp/arnold/checkpoint
(cd /tmp/arnold && ln -s $SCRATCH_DIR/checkpoint checkpoint)
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions Sources/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

echo "Building core libs"

cd core/libs

sh all

cd ../..

for option
case $option in
echo "Unknown target: '$option'"
exit 1

echo "Dependencies have been built successfully"

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