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2020-05-08 (GCS 2.1.3, BQ 1.1.3)

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@hongyegong hongyegong released this 08 May 23:13
· 76 commits to branch-2.1.x since this release


Cloud Storage connector:

  1. Add support for Cloud Storage objects CSEK encryption: (not set by default) (not set by default) (not set by default)
  2. Update all dependencies to latest versions.

  3. Added a new output stream type which can be used by setting:

    The FLUSHABLE_COMPOSITE output stream type behaves similarly to the
    SYNCABLE_COMPOSITE type, except it also supports hflush(), which uses
    the same implementation with hsync() in the SYNCABLE_COMPOSITE output
    stream type.

  4. Added a new output stream parameter (default: 0)

    to configure the minimum time interval (milliseconds) between consecutive
    syncs. This is to avoid getting rate limited by GCS. Default is 0 - no
    wait between syncs. hsync() when rate limited will block on waiting for
    the permits, but hflush() will simply perform nothing and return.

  5. Restore compatibility with pre-2.8 Hadoop versions.

Big Query connector:

  1. Update all dependencies to latest versions.