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gke-deploy prepare

Execute prepare phase and skip apply phase


Prepare to deploy to GKE by generating expanded Kubernetes configuration files. Skip apply.

  • Expand Kubernetes configuration files to:
    • Set the digest of images that match the [--image|-i] flag, if provided.
    • Add[--app|-a] label, if provided.
    • Add[--version|-v] label, if provided.
gke-deploy prepare [flags]


  # Prepare only.
  gke-deploy prepare -f configs -i -a my-app -v 1.0.0 -o expanded -n my-namespace

  # Execute prepare and apply, with an intermediary step in between (e.g., manually check expanded YAMLs)
  gke-deploy prepare -f configs -i -a my-app -v 1.0.0 -o expanded -n my-namespace
  cat expanded/*
  gke-deploy apply -f expanded -n my-namespace -c my-cluster -l us-east1-b  # Pass expanded directory to -f

  # Pipe output from another templating engine to gke-deploy prepare.
  kustomize build overlays/staging | gke-deploy prepare -f - -a my-app
  helm template charts/prometheus | gke-deploy prepare -f - -a prometheus


  -A, --annotation strings      Annotation(s) to add to Kubernetes configuration files (k1=v1). Annotations can be set comma-delimited or as separate flags. If two or more annotations with the same key are listed, the last one is used.
  -a, --app string              Application name of the Kubernetes deployment.
      --create-application-cr   Creates an Application CR object with the name provided by --app and connects to deployed objects using a selector that matches the label with key as '' and value specified by --app.
  -x, --expose int              Creates a Service object that connects to a deployed workload object using a selector that matches the label with key as '' and value specified by --app. The port provided will be used to expose the deployed workload object (i.e., port and targetPort will be set to the value provided in this flag).
  -f, --filename string         Local or GCS path to configuration file or directory of configuration files to use to create Kubernetes objects (file or files in directory must end in ".yml" or ".yaml"). Prefix this value with "gs://" to indicate a GCS path. If this field is not provided, a Deployment (with image provided by --image) and a HorizontalPodAutoscaler are created as suggested based configs. The application's name is inferred from the image name's suffix.
  -h, --help                    help for prepare
  -i, --image string            Image to be deployed.
  -L, --label strings           Label(s) to add to Kubernetes objects (k1=v1). Labels can be set comma-delimited or as separate flags. If two or more labels with the same key are listed, the last one is used.
      --links strings           Links(s) to add to the spec.descriptor.links field of an Application CR generated with the --create-application-cr flag or provided via the --filename flag (description=URL). Links can be set comma-delimited or as separate flags.
  -n, --namespace string        Namespace of GKE cluster to deploy to. Creates a namespace Kubernetes configuration file to reflect this and updates the namespace field of each supplied Kubernetes configuration file.
  -o, --output string           Target directory or GCS path to store suggested and expanded Kubernetes configuration files. Prefix this value with "gs://" to indicate a GCS path. Suggested files will be stored in "<output>/suggested" and expanded files will be stored in "<output>/expanded". (default "./output")
  -R, --recursive               Recursively search through the provided path in --filename for all YAML files.
  -V, --verbose                 Prints underlying commands being called to stdout.
  -v, --version string          Version of the Kubernetes deployment.


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 2-Jun-2021