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Deploy a production ready GenAI app in less than 30 minutes


Here is a jump start solution of how to build a basic chatbot API that:

  • Leverages GKE, Cloud SQL, VertexAI, and pgvector
  • Demonstrates connectivity to Cloud SQL using Private Service Connect in a VPC
  • Codifies all infrastructure including using Terraform
  • Uses Python with asyncpg and FastAPI
  • (optional) Supports cross-project setups with Cloud SQL and GKE in separate projects

This solution is an operationalized version of a previously published colab, Building AI-powered data-driven applications using pgvector, LangChain and LLMs.

Installation and Setup

To get started you will need to install:

  • gcloud (with a Google Cloud project configured)
  • kubectl (available through gcloud)
  • terraform
  • (optional but very nice) k9s

No one wants to write "terraform" on the CLI. So do this instead to save some keystrokes:

alias tf="terraform"

Ditto with kubectl:

alias k="kubectl"

Lastly, make sure you have gcloud pointing at the correct project where you want this infrastructure to live:

gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>

Overview of the jump start solution

There are a few steps:

  1. Bootstrap Terraform using the terraform-bootstrap folder.
  2. Create all infrastructure with the terraform folder
  3. Build images for three separate apps using Cloud Build
  4. Deploy the apps to GKE and see it all working together!

Bootstrapping Terraform

First change into the terraform-bootstrap directory.

Next create a file called terraform.tfvars. This is where we will keep our local configuration outside of source control. The file should provide values for the variables in For example:

google_cloud_project        = "my-cool-project"
google_cloud_default_region = "us-central1"

The project name should be an existing project. The region name should be the region you want to deploy your infrastructure in. If you don't set a region, "us-central1" will be the default. These settings are for the GCS bucket that will hold all Terraform state files.

Next, run the following to see what changes will be made. You should see a diff that includes a single storage bucket.

tf init
tf plan

Next, run:

tf apply

For the rest of this guide, we'll assume you're running tf plan before tf apply to ensure the changes match what you expect. Otherwise, we'll omit the tf plan step below.

Finally, run tf output to get the bucket name. Save this for the next step, where we will tell the main Terraform deployment where to save state. The tf output command should show something like:

storage_bucket = "2963768bbef6caf7-bucket-tfstate"

Create the infrastructure

Now with a storage bucket ready, we can move on to the terraform directory and create the all the infrastructure. First, we need to configure Terraform.

First, create a backend.conf file (updating the bucket name to your bucket):

bucket = "2963768bbef6caf7-bucket-tfstate"
prefix = "terraform/state"

Next, run:

tf init -backend-config=backend.conf

Then, create a terraform.tfvars file to configure the deployment. The contents should look something like this:

google_cloud_db_project     = "my-cool-project"
google_cloud_k8s_project    = "my-cool-project"
google_cloud_default_region = "us-central1"
create_bastion              = false

If you want to put your GKE cluster and Cloud SQL instance in separate projects, use different project names. Otherwise, by using the same value for both variables, both the GKE cluster and Cloud SQL instance will be created in one project.

Note: create_bastion if set to true will create a GCE VM in the same network as your cluster's network. It can be useful for debugging or poking around, as the cluster nodes and database won't be directly accessible from the public internet otherwise. This is entirely optional, though, as we will be creating a publicly reachable load balancer to expose our app within our private cluster.

Now, with the configuration out of the way, we're ready to create some infrastructure. Run tf apply. This will take awhile as it has to:

  • Create a VPC network with a subnet with both a primary range and two secondary ranges
  • Create a Cloud SQL database instance with IAM authentication enabled
  • Create an IAM user for running apps and authenticating to the database
  • Create a database for the app
  • Create a GKE autopilot cluster
  • Configure workload identity associated with the IAM user
  • Create an Artifact Registry for pushing images
  • When using two projects, add the IAM user as a member of the database project
  • etc.

Note: If you are running the terraform commands on Cloud Shell and see the following error ending with connect: cannot assign requested address, then please see this known issue and fix.

Now would be a good time to read through the various Terraform files.

Once the infrastructure is done, you can look in the Console to see all the various pieces.

Build some app images

There are three images we need to build:

  1. init-db: An app that connects to the database as the superuser and sets up permissions and the pgvector extension
  2. load-embeddings: An app that runs data through VertexAI and loads text embeddings into the database using pgvector
  3. chatbot-api: A simple JSON API that supports natural language queries.

To build the images, change into each directory named above and run the following command. Note for a two project setup these images should be created in the GKE cluster project (add --project=<GKE_PROJECT> below).

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --region <YOUR_CHOSEN_REGION>

Deploy to K8s and see it work!

We have three steps:

  1. Deploy the init-db job and let it run to completion (fast)
  2. Deploy the load-embeddings job and let it run to completion (takes a few minutes)
  3. Deploy the chatbot-api app (deployment + service) and interact with it.

Before we deploy anything, we need to update the Kubernetes YAML files to point to the images we built above. Right now if you look in any of the job.yaml or deployment.yaml files, you'll see the image has a __PROJECT__ and __REGION__ string in the image property. We need to change this. Fortunately, we have a script to do this for us. For two project setups, the project name should be the project that hosts the GKE cluster and where the images were built above.


# For example:

./scripts/ my-cool-project us-central1

Now let's connect kubectl to your cluster:

# Run this only if you haven't connected to a GKE cluster with gcloud before
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

# Now configure kubectl to talk to your cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod-toy-store-semantic-search \

For more details, see the docs on connecting kubectl.

Once that's done, we should be good to deploy.

First, we will deploy the init-db job that connects to the database as the Postgres user, creates the database, grants permissions to the IAM user, and creates the pgvector extension.

k apply -f init-db/k8s/job.yaml

Either monitor that job with k9s, or:

k get jobs

Once you see the job is completed, move on to the second job.

k apply -f load-embeddings/k8s/job.yaml

This job takes a few minutes. It needs to parse CSV data, generate text embeddings using VertexAI, and then load those embeddings into our database using pgvector.

When that job is done, we're ready to deploy our app:

k apply -f chatbot-api/k8s/deployment.yaml

Next, we'll create a load balancer to make the API accessible from the public internet. Skip the next two steps if you would rather just set up port-forwarding to localhost.

k apply -f chatbot-api/k8s/service.yaml

The service deployment will take a bit to provision an external IP address. View the progress with:

k get services

Look for chatbotapi-service under the EXTERNAL-IP field to find the IP.

Port Forward to localhost

Instead of using a load balancer, it's also possible to expose the deployment locally and interact with it locally.

First, you need to know the pod name where the deployment is running:

k get pods

Find the pod name from that result, and run:

k port-forward <POD_NAME> 8080:80

This will start a local listener on port 8080. For all the commands below, substitute localhost:8080 for <EXTERNAL_IP>. Once you're done, make sure to stop the port-forwarding process to close the local listener.

See it work!

Now it's time to test our wiring:

curl -i <EXTERNAL_IP>

The root endpoint will print out the Postgres version in the response. If the app is connected, you'll see the details about your Postgres server.

Next you can run a query against our pgvector data:

# To send a search do this:
curl <EXTERNAL_IP>/search --get --data-urlencode "q=indoor games"

# Or using the localhost port forwarding
curl localhost:8080/search --get --data-urlencode "q=indoor games" | jq .

That response will be a bunch of matching toy products.

And finally, we can engage our LLM chatbot like so:

curl <EXTERNAL_IP>/chatbot --get \
  --data-urlencode "q=what is a good toy for rainy days?"

# Or using the localhost port forwarding
curl localhost:8080/chatbot --get \
  --data-urlencode "q=what is a good toy for rainy days?" | jq .

That response will be from VertexAI and should be a single toy product as picked from all the possible matches.

Tear it all down

Now that you're done and want to tear all the infrastructure down, first delete the deployment:

k delete -f chatbot-api/k8s/deployment.yaml

If you created a load balancer also run:

k delete -f chatbot-api/k8s/service.yaml

Then, clean up the infrastructure. It's possible you might have to run destroy twice if you see errors.

cd terraform
tf destroy