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Recommendations to Upgrade from customized Data Foundation

TL;DR: Cortex Data Foundation helps accelerate deployments with our Data Cloud and includes a set of predefined content and templates for organizations to use, modify and discard as needed. Each organization should optimize content for its own unique needs around data quality, security, performance and costs by making adjustments as needed. We will strive to release non-breaking changes as much as technically possible to avoid disrupting customizations.


Cortex Data Foundation provides a set of predefined content and templates to accelerate value from data replicated into BigQuery. Organizations should adapt these templates, modules, SQL, Python scripts, pipelines and other content provided to fit their unique needs.

Cortex Data Foundation content is designed with a principle of openness in mind. Organizations should be able to use the tools that work best for them when working with the BigQuery data models provided The only platform on which the foundation has a tight dependency on is Google BigQuery. All other tools can be interchanged as required:

  • Data Integration: Any integration tool that has interconnectivity with BigQuery can be leveraged provided it can replicate raw tables and structures. For example, raw tables should resemble the same schema as they were created in SAP (same names, same names of fields, same data types). In addition, the integration tool should be able to provide basic transformation services such as updating target data types for BigQuery compatibility as well as adding additional fields like timestamp or operations flag for highlighting new and changed records.
  • Data Processing: The change data capture (CDC) processing scripts provided work with Cloud Composer (or Apache Airflow) are optional, and the implementation of this submodule may be ignored completely if another tool is achieving this goal. Conversely, the SQL statements are produced separately from the Airflow-specific files where possible, so that customers can make use of the separate SQL files in another tool as needed.
  • Data Visualization: While Looker dashboarding templates are provided and contain visualizations and minimum logic, the core logic remains available in the data foundation within BigQuery by design so it’s easy for organizations to create visualizations with their reporting tool of choice.

Submodules and scripts are built with interchangeability in mind. SQL views are built with markers for organizations to implement, expand or discard logic depending on their configurations and business needs. No two organizations are the same, and that means that their data modeling may also divert from the standard. Organizations will need to and are encouraged to make these accelerators their own, customize them and, if applicable, contribute back to the community with their learnings.

The same applies to optimizations for cost and performance. Some companies may have higher throughput, some companies may have higher historical volume. This means partitioning, data quality checks, clusters and materialization strategy will be different. The business' needs for updated information will also influence this.

With this in mind, the Cortex Framework development team will strive to keep changes as non-breaking as possible. For example, SQL views may gain new fields, but not lose them from their output or change their level of aggregation. We recommend keeping the Release Notes in mind and watching for major verison changes as these indicate how big a new release can be. As of the date of publishing, Release v3.0 is by far the biggest change we have ever released at once in terms of upgrade efforts. We hope this is an exception.

The following instructions illustrate one of the many ways in which developers can keep their code up-to-date with the Cortex Data Foundation repository while retaining their customizations. Use of the pre-delivered deployment scripts in CI/CD pipelines is also included in this example. Organizations may also opt to use other tools to create artifacts and pipelines, such as Dataform, or automation tools provided by the different Git hosts, such as GitHub actions.

Fork from github merge into Company's Cloud repo

Setup your repositories

There are multiple paths to do this. This illustrates only one of them.

We strongly recommend you are familiar with Git's innero workings and commands before tackling these steps.

  1. One option is to fork the repositories. Some organizations may opt for having their own clone with an upstream branch as described in step 3. In this example, we will start with a fork to keep that repository receiving updates from the Google Cloud repository, and a separate repository for the Company's main. For the data foundation, we assume you are using the deployment included there and all the submodules (e.g., CDC, SAP Reporting, ML Models) that you intend to deploy and customize.
NOTE: If you are forking the Data foundation parent repository and not using one of the submodules and choose not to fork it, you can remove it from the submodules list after forking. However, to avoid adjusting this structure each time, it may be more convenient to just keep it.
  1. After you have forked the three repositories, clone them into a new folder.

Clone Git forks

  1. In this example, we are establishing Cloud Source as the host for our company’s repository. The aim of this step is to show an example of a different tool being used as a customer’s main repository where developers collaborate to create and adjust models. This tool can be any Git host of choice. We will refer to the repositories created in Cloud Source as the company’s repositories.

Cloud Source repository creation

NOTE: Creating the repositories with the same names will make the submodule update process easier. If choosing different names, you can choose to adjust the submodules and paths accordingly.
  1. Copy the code from the fork into the new repositories. Add the new repositories as an upstream remote repository and verify the remote has been added.
git remote add google <<remote URL>>
git remote -v
git push --all google

You should see the two remotes, origin and the one you added after git remote -v:


After repeating these steps for each repository, the new company’s Data Foundation repository should contain the cloned code, the history and the references to submodules:

Source repositories listing submodules

You now have a set of repositories, the company’s repositories, where developers can submit their changes. Developers can now clone and work in branches in the new repositories.

Merge Your Changes with a New Cortex Release

This section will illustrate the process of merging changes from the company’s repositories and changes coming from the Google Cloud repositories.

  1. Update your forks for all parent and submodule repositories with the changes from the Google Cloud repository.

sync fork

  1. In this example, we made the following changes to the Company’s repository:

    1. Created and incorporated the use of a new view in SQL
    2. Modified existing views
    3. Replaced a script entirely with our own logic

    There have also been some changes in the Data Foundation repository owned by Google Cloud in a new release.

    Start with the submodules you want to update from. The following sample sequence adds the fork repository as an upstream remote repository to pull the updated release from as github and checks out its main branch as github-main. Then, this example checks out the main branch from the Company’s repository in Google Cloud Source and creates a branch for merging called merging_br.

git remote add github <<github fork>>
git fetch github main
git checkout -b github-main github/main
git checkout  main
git checkout -b merging_br


NOTE: There are multiple ways to build this flow. The merging process could also happen in the fork in GitHub, be replaced by a rebase instead of a merge, and the merging branch could also be sent as a merge request. These variations of the process will depend on current organizational policies, depth of changes and convenience.

With this setup in place, you can easily compare the incoming changes to your local changes. We recommend using a tool in a graphic IDE of choice for this.

For example, this is what a deleted submodule in Company’s repository looks like with git diff --word-diff=color .

Diff tool

In our experience, the easiest way to see the changes and choose what gets merged is using a visual tool. In this example, we are using Visual Studio:


We recommend flagging customizations using comments that stand out visually, to make the diff process easier.


  1. Start the merge process

In the previous step, you created a branch called merging_br. You will use this branch to converge all changes and discard files. When ready, you can merge this branch back into the main or another branch for your Company's repository to create a merge request.

From that merging branch that was checked out from your Company's repository's main (git checkout merging_br), merge the incoming changes from the remote fork.

## git branch -a 
## The command above shows github-main which was created from the GitHub fork
## You are currently in merging_br
git merge github-main

## If you do not want a list of the commits coming form GitHub in your history, use --squash

This should generate a list of conflicts:

Conflicts in the console from merge

We recommend using the graphical comparison to understand the changes and choose between Current, Incoming and both. This is where having a comment in the code around customizations becomes handy.

Conflicts in the console from merge

Here you can choose to discard changes altogether, delete files that you do not want to merge at all and ignore changes to views or scripts that you have already customized.

After you have decided on the changes to apply, check the summary and commit them:

git status
## If something does not look right, you can use git rm or git restore accordingly
git add --all #Or . or individual files
git commit -m "Your commit message"
PANIC? Here is a useful resource: Git - Basic Undoing things

So far you are only merging into a "temporary" branch. We recommend running a test deployment from the cloudbuild*.yaml scripts at this point to make sure everything is executing as expected. Automated testing can help streamline this process.

Once this merging branch looks good, you can checkout your main target branch and merge the merging_br branch into it, starting from the submodules.

In the case of submodules, you can keep your own .gitmodules file pointing to your directory structure. We recommend keeping this structure the same for the Cortex-delivered submodules to simplify this process. This is what the current submodules file looks like as of Release v3.0:

[submodule "src/SAP/SAP_REPORTING"]
	url = ../cortex-reporting
	branch = main
[submodule "src/SAP/SAP_ML_MODELS"]
	path = src/SAP/SAP_ML_MODELS
	url = ../cortex-ml-models
	branch = main
[submodule "src/SAP/SAP_CDC"]
	path = src/SAP/SAP_CDC
	url = ../cortex-dag-generator
	branch = main

After you have made changes to the submodules and if they are stable enough that the Data Foundation can be updated, you can run git submodule update (you may need to add the flag --remote depending on the scenario). You can also test a specific commit or branch of a specific submodule. Find more information about this in the Git documentation.

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