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google-cloud v0.42.2

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@callmehiphop callmehiphop released this 18 Oct 03:06


$ npm install google-cloud

Hello, Promises!

Issue: #551
PR: #1714

It's been a long time coming, but we're finally here. We've shipped promise support in the Google Cloud!

Do I have to use promises?

Nope, carry on. (But keep reading if you use streams)

How do I use promises?

Don't pass a callback:

var gcloud = require('google-cloud')();
var gcs =;

  .then(function(data) {
    var buckets = data[0];
  .catch(function(err) {});
Why do promises return an array?

I'm glad you asked! A promise can only be resolved with a single value, which presented a problem for us since many of our methods return multiple values. The choice to use an array was made to benefit users who are using third-party Promise modules or running Node >= 6.

Node >= 6 users can use destructuring:

    autoPaginate: false
  .then(([buckets, nextQuery, apiResponse]) => {
    // Destructuring to the rescue!
  .catch(function(err) {});

Bluebird and Q users can use the spread method:

    autoPaginate: false
  .spread(function(buckets, nextQuery, apiResponse) {
    // spread to the rescue!
  .catch(function(err) {};
How do I use a third-party promise module with google-cloud?

You can specify an ES6-compatible Promise module via the promise option.

// Bluebird will be used throughout the entire API.
var gcloud = require('google-cloud')({
  promise: require('bluebird')

// Bluebird will be used for just the Storage API.
var gcloud = require('google-cloud')();
var gcs ={
  promise: require('bluebird')
⚠️ What happened to the streaming functionality?

In previous releases of google-cloud, some methods returned a stream if a callback was omitted. In order to have streams and promises live together, all streaming functionality has moved to their own methods.

Here's a list of release notes for affected modules.


  • ⚠️ Datastore (#1682) - Allow using a Symbol to retrieve a key from an Entity.
  • ⚠️ Logging (#1666) - Change resource argument to metadata object. (Thanks @zbjornson!)
  • ⚠️ PubSub (#1662) - Allow simple publishing.
  • Bigtable (#1567) - Add support for emulator via BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable.
  • Translate (#1674) - Add support for GOOGLE_CLOUD_TRANSLATE_ENDPOINT environment variable.
  • Translate (#1647) - Add support for translating HTML. (Thanks @innovative1!)


  • BigQuery (#1648) - Convert nested objects to their native types. (Thanks @c0b!)